Note: It's probably easier to run a local installation of pursuit.
If pulp docs --with-dependencies
or psc-docs
isn't working for you, this one-liner may be helpful to generate
documentation. Run the following command in your project root, and you should get a set of .md
files in the
directory along with a single index.html
file (You'll need to install pandoc).
bash doccommand=$(echo -n "psc-docs 'bower_components/**/.purs' "; find bower_components/. -name ".purs" -exec sed -n '/-- |/d;/-- |/d;/^$/d;1p' {} ; | tr -d '\r' | awk '/module/ {print "--docgen " $2 ":docs/" $2 ".md"}' | sort -u) && eval $doccommand && pandoc "docs/*.md" -o docs/index.html
The index.html file isn't particularly pretty, but it does work.
The command basically parses all the .purs
files in bower_components and builds a command for psc-docs like this...
psc-docs 'bower_components/**/*.purs' --docgen Control.Alt:docs/ --docgen Control.Alternative:docs/ --docgen Control.Applicative:docs/ --docgen Control.Applicative.Free:docs/ --docgen Control.Apply:docs/ --docgen Control.Biapplicative:docs/ --docgen Control.Biapply:docs/ --docgen Control.Bind:docs/ --docgen Control.Category:docs/ --docgen Control.Comonad:docs/ --docgen Control.Extend:docs/ --docgen Control.Lazy:docs/ --docgen Control.Monad:docs/ --docgen Control.Monad.Eff.Class:docs/ --docgen Control.Monad.Eff.Console:docs/ --docgen Control.Monad.Eff:docs/ --docgen Control.Monad.Eff.Exception.Unsafe:docs/ --docgen Control.Monad.Eff.Unsafe:docs/ --docgen Control.MonadPlus:docs/ --docgen Control.Monad.Rec.Class:docs/ --docgen Control.Monad.ST:docs/ --docgen Control.MonadZero:docs/ --docgen Control.Plus:docs/ --docgen Control.Semigroupoid:docs/
"Can't mix module names and module name/file path pairs in the same invocation."
Run the following commands (assumes you have Haskell's cabal and stack installed)
git clone --branch v0.4.13
cd pursuit
cabal install alex happy
stack build
git clone data/verified
cd data/verified; git checkout 0403dcf7cac90295a5cb27fca826cd0230ba6180
cd ../..
stack exec pursuit
It should then be running on http://localhost:3000/.
To ease startup, I have a desktop script to start the server.
cd /home/dom/pursuit
stack exec pursuit