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Created April 1, 2019 22:44
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jQuery(function() {
getServiceBodies(function(serviceBodiesData) {
serviceBodies = serviceBodiesData;
getFormats(function(formatsData) {
formats = formatsData;
jQuery("#language").change(function() {
var baseURL;
var searchEndpoint = "/client_interface/jsonp/?switcher=";
var myTZ = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset();
var bmltClientInit = function(host) {
this.baseURL = host;
var getServiceBodyById = function(id) {
for (item of serviceBodies) {
if ( == id) {
return item;
var getFormatsFullname = function(formatsAbbreviations) {
formatsAbbreviationsArray = formatsAbbreviations.split(",");
formatsFullnameArray = [];
for (format_key_string of formatsAbbreviationsArray) {
for (item of formats) {
if (item.key_string == format_key_string) {
return formatsFullnameArray.join(" / ");
var getMyTimezone = function() {
return myTZ;
var getDayOfWeek = function(dayint) {
return ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"][dayint];
var getTodayDayOfWeek = function() {
return (new Date()).getDay() + 1;
var militaryToStandard = function(value) {
if (value !== null && value !== undefined){ //If value is passed in
if(value.indexOf('AM') > -1 || value.indexOf('PM') > -1){ //If time is already in standard time then don't format.
return value;
else {
if(value.length == 8){ //If value is the expected length for military time then process to standard time.
var hour = value.substring ( 0,2 ); //Extract hour
var minutes = value.substring ( 3,5 ); //Extract minutes
var identifier = 'AM'; //Initialize AM PM identifier
if(hour == 12){ //If hour is 12 then should set AM PM identifier to PM
identifier = 'PM';
if(hour == 0){ //If hour is 0 then set to 12 for standard time 12 AM
if(hour > 12){ //If hour is greater than 12 then convert to standard 12 hour format and set the AM PM identifier to PM
hour = hour - 12;
return hour + ':' + minutes + ' ' + identifier; //Return the constructed standard time
else { //If value is not the expected length than just return the value as is
return value;
var getUTCDate = function() {
var date = new Date();
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1; // getMonth() is zero-indexed
var day = date.getUTCDate();
month = (month < 10) ? '0' + month : month;
day = (day < 10) ? '0' + day : day;
return {
"year" : year, "month" : month, "day" : day
var formatTime = function(time) {
timearr = time.split(":")
return timearr[0].length == 1
? "0" + timearr[0] + ":" + timearr[1]
: timearr[0] + ":" + timearr[1]
var parseTime = function(d) {
var hours = d.getHours();
var minutes = d.getMinutes();
if (minutes == '59') {
minutes = 0;
hours = (hours < 10) ? '0' + hours : hours;
minutes = (minutes < 10) ? '0' + minutes : minutes;
return hours + ':' + minutes;
var getMeetingsByCity = function(city, callback) {
getJSON(baseURL + searchEndpoint + "GetSearchResults&meeting_key=location_municipality&meeting_key_value=" + city + "&callback=?", callback);
var getMeetingsByServiceBodyId = function(serviceBodyId, callback) {
getJSON(baseURL + searchEndpoint + "GetSearchResults" + getArrayQueryString(serviceBodyId, "services") + "&callback=?", callback);
var getMeetingsByServiceBodyIdAndWeekdayId = function(serviceBodyId, weekdayId, callback) {
getJSON(baseURL + searchEndpoint + "GetSearchResults" + getArrayQueryString(serviceBodyId, "services") + "&weekdays=" + weekdayId + "&callback=?", callback);
var getMeetingsByServiceBodyIdAndCity = function(serviceBodyId, city, callback) {
getJSON(baseURL + searchEndpoint + "GetSearchResults" + getArrayQueryString(serviceBodyId, "services") + "&meeting_key=location_municipality&meeting_key_value=" + city + "&callback=?", callback);
var getMeetingsByFormatAndDay = function(formatId, weekdayId, callback) {
getJSON(baseURL + searchEndpoint + "GetSearchResults" + getArrayQueryString(formatId, "formats") + "&weekdays=" + weekdayId + "&callback=?", callback);
var getServiceBodies = function(callback) {
getJSON(baseURL + searchEndpoint + "GetServiceBodies&callback=?", callback);
var getFormats = function(callback) {
getJSON(baseURL + searchEndpoint + "GetFormats&callback=?", callback);
var getArrayQueryString = function(ids, arrayType) {
var idString = "";
if (Array.isArray(ids)) {
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
idString += "&" + arrayType + "[]=" + ids[i];
} else {
idString = "&" + arrayType + "=" + ids;
return idString;
var getJSON = function(url, callback) {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999);
var callbackFunctionName = "cb_" + random
url = url.replace("callback=?", "callback=" + callbackFunctionName);
window[callbackFunctionName] = function(data) {
var scriptItem = document.createElement('script');
scriptItem.setAttribute('src', url);
// TODO: There is a bug in that if the date crosses over to tomorrow it displays under the original UTC day. We should query back one day + also check to see if anything that doesn't match today's day is excluded.
function selectDay(day) {
jQuery("[id^=Day]").css("font-weight", "")
jQuery("#Day" + day).css("font-weight", "bold")
getMeetingsByFormatAndDay(jQuery("#language").val(), day, function(data) {
var results = "<h3>Meetings in " + jQuery("#language option:selected").text() + " (Times Are Always Shown In Your Local Time Zone)</h3>"
var utcDate = getUTCDate();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
utcDate = getUTCDate();
currentDate = new Date();
meetingTime = utcDate.year + "-" + utcDate.month + "-" + + "T" + formatTime(data[i].start_time) + ":00Z";
localDate = new Date(meetingTime);
localTime = parseTime(localDate);
sooner = > localDate.getDate();
later = < localDate.getDate();
day = data[i].weekday_tinyint - 1;
if (sooner) {
} else if (later) {
if (day > 6) day = 0;
if (day < 0) day = 6;
results += "<div id='meeting_name'><b>" + data[i].meeting_name + "</b></div>";
//results += "<div id='service_body'>" + getServiceBodyById(data[i].service_body_bigint)['name'] + "</div>";
results += "<div id='day_and_time'>" + getDayOfWeek(day) + " " + militaryToStandard(localTime) + "</div>";
results += "<div id='formats'>" + getFormatsFullname(data[i].formats) + "</div>";
results += "<div id='info'>" + infoLinkFormat(data[i].location_info, data[i].formats) + "</div>";
results += "<div id='comments'>Connection Details: <a target='_blank' href='" + data[i].comments + "'>" + data[i].comments + "</a></div>";
results += "<p/>";
function infoLinkFormat(data, dataType) {
if (dataType.indexOf("PHONE") >= 0) {
return "<a href='tel:" + data + "'>" + data + "</a>";
} else if (dataType.indexOf("WEB") >= 0) {
return "<a href='" + data + "' target='_blank'>" + data + "</a>";
} else if (dataType.indexOf("SKYPE") >= 0) {
return "<a href='skype:" + data + "' target='_blank'>skype:" + data + "</a>";
} else {
return data;
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