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Last active August 23, 2017 14:48
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  • Save dgg/9ae1b698c42043bac0f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dgg/9ae1b698c42043bac0f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gulp.task('build', gulpsync.sync(['unlock', 'compress']), function () {
var endpoint = '/apps/' + config.phoneGap.appId;
var env = config.ensure.environment(argv.env, argv.debugmode);
pgBuild.auth({ token: config.phoneGap.authToken }, function (e, api) {
gulp.src('tmp/*.zip').pipe(tap(function (file, t) {
var options = {
form: {
data: {
debug: config.phoneGap.debug[env],
keys: config.phoneGap.keys[env]
file: file.path
api.put(endpoint, options, buildCallBack);
return t;
> gulp build --env=stage
> gulp deploy --env=stage --platform=ios
gulp.task('compress', gulpsync.sync(['clean', 'mirror', 'config', 'services']), function () {
var env = config.ensure.environment(argv.env, argv.debugmode);
var timestamp = moment().format('YYYYMMDDhhmmss');
var archiveName = config.cordova[env].appNamespace + '_' + timestamp + '.zip';
return gulp.src(['tmp/www/**', 'tmp/res/**'], { base: 'tmp' })
gulp.task('config', function (done) {
var env = config.ensure.environment(argv.env, argv.debugmode);
var timestamp = moment().format('YYYYMMDDhhmmss');
.pipe(replace('%APP_NAMESPACE%', config.cordova[env].appNamespace))
.pipe(replace('%APP_VERSION%', config.appVersion(timestamp)))
.on('end', done);
// If you add new require/dependencies to this file, be sure that you have installed the node package etc. on our build server first.
// Else will the build server break.
var fs = require('fs');
module.exports = function () {
var config = {
build: 1
// read major/minor version of services
config.appVersion = function (timestamp) {
var info = fs.readFileSync('../WebApplication/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs').toString();
var majorMinor = /AssemblyVersion\("(\d\.\d)/.exec(info)[1].trim();
var appVersion = majorMinor + "." + timestamp;
return appVersion;
config.apiUrl = {
dev: 'http://...',
stage: 'https://...',
prod: 'https://...'
// PhoneGap build configuration
config.phoneGap = {
appId: 'theAppId',
authToken: 'theAuthToken',
debug: {
dev: true,
stage: true,
prod: false
keys: {
dev: { ios: 1, android: 1 },
stage: { ios: 2, android: 2 },
prod: { ios: 3, android: 3 }
unlockData: {
ios: { form: { data: { password: 'aPassword' } } },
android: { form: { data: { key_pw: 'aPassword', keystore_pw: 'anotherPassword' } } }
config.hockeyApp = {
token: 'theToken',
ids: {
dev: {
ios: '',
android: ''
stage: {
ios: '',
android: ''
prod: {
ios: '',
android: ''
config.cordova = {
dev: { appNamespace: 'dev.namespace' },
stage: { appNamespace: 'stage.namespace' },
prod: { appNamespace: 'prod.namespace' }
config.notifications = {
dev: { appId: '' },
stage: { appId: '' },
prod: { appId: '' },
config.tracking = {
dev: { trackerId: '' },
stage: { trackerId: '' },
prod: { trackerId: '' },
config.ensure = {
environment: function (env, debugmode) {
if (debugmode) return 'dev';
if (env !== null && env !== undefined) return env.toLowerCase();
else return 'dev';
platform: function (platform) {
if (platform !== undefined && platform !== null) {
platform = platform.toLowerCase();
} else {
throw 'a platform must be supplied with --platform=ios/android';
return platform;
services : function(svc, env) {
var servicesEnvironment = env;
if (svc) {
servicesEnvironment = svc.toLowerCase();
return servicesEnvironment;
config.extension = function (platform) {
var extension = '.zip';
if (platform === 'android') {
extension = '.apk';
else if (platform === 'ios') {
extension = '.ipa';
return extension;
return config;
gulp.task('deploy', function (done) {
var platform = config.ensure.platform(argv.platform);
var env = config.ensure.environment(argv.env, argv.debugmode);
if (env === 'prod' && platform === 'ios') {
throw 'ios applications cannot be distributed via HockeyApp';
var endpoint = '/apps/' + config.phoneGap.appId;
pgBuild.auth({ token: config.phoneGap.authToken }, function (e, api) {
api.get(endpoint, function (ee, data) {
var status = (!ee && data) ? data.status[platform] : null;
if (status === 'complete') {
var filePath = 'tmp/' + data.package + '.' + data.version + config.extension(platform);
var write = api.get(endpoint + '/' + platform).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filePath));
write.on('finish', function () {
var form = {
ipa: fs.createReadStream(filePath),
status: 2
var header = {
'X-HockeyAppToken': config.hockeyApp.token
endpoint = '' + config.hockeyApp.ids[env][platform] + '/app_versions/upload';{ url: endpoint, formData: form, headers: header }, function (err, httpResponse, body) {
requestCallBack(err, httpResponse, body);
} else {
console.log('Cannnot download application'),
gutil.colors.white('\n plaform: ' + platform) +
gutil.colors.white('\n status: ' + status));
$ ls
├── bower.json // bower dependencies
├── config.xml // cordova configuration
├── gulpfile.js // gulp tasks
├── hooks // custom cordova hooks to execute on specific commands
├── ionic.project // ionic configuration
├── package.json // node dependencies
├── platforms // iOS/Android specific builds will reside here
├── plugins // where your cordova/ionic plugins will be installed
├── scss // scss code, which will output to www/css/
└── www // application - JS code and libs, CSS, images, etc.
gulp.task('mirror', function (done) {
var files = ['res/**',
gulp.src(files, { base: "." })
.on('end', done);
gulp.task('unlock', function () {
var env = config.ensure.environment(argv.env, argv.debugmode);
pgBuild.auth({ token: config.phoneGap.authToken }, function (e, api) {
var key = config.phoneGap.keys[env];
for (var platform in key) {
var endpoint = '/keys/' + platform + '/' + key[platform];
api.put(endpoint, config.phoneGap.unlockData[platform], buildCallBack);
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qz2rg4 commented Nov 13, 2015

Thanks for the example. Excuse my ignorance but how do you include the configure.js in jour gulp file

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