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Created July 28, 2010 22:22
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use v5.10;
use JSON;
use JSON::PP();
use Data::MessagePack;
use MongoDB (); # For MongoDB::BSON, which needs the whole driver it seems.
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use Benchmark qw(cmpthese);
my $fat = {
bar => [1..500],
baz => { "foo" => "fooooooooooo", "ooooooooooooooooiaodi" => "ifdsoi" },
b1z => { "foo" => "fooooooooooo", "ooooooooooooooooiaodi" => "ifdsoi" },
b2z => { "foo" => "fooooooooooo", "ooooooooooooooooiaodi" => "ifdsoi" },
b3z => { "foo" => "fooooooooooo", "ooooooooooooooooiaodi" => ("ifdsoi" x 50) },
b4z => { "foo" => "fooooooooooo", "ooooooooooooooooiaodi" => "ifdsoi" },
c5z => { "foo" => "fooooooooooo", "ooooooooooooooooiaodi" => "ifdsoi" },
me => "alrighty then!",
say "Encode";
cmpthese(-1, {
jsonpp => sub { JSON::PP::encode_json $fat },
json => sub { to_json $fat },
storable => sub { freeze $fat },
msgpack => sub { Data::MessagePack->pack($fat) },
bson => sub { MongoDB::BSON::encode_bson($fat) },
say "Decode";
$json = to_json $fat;
$storable = freeze $fat;
$msgpack = Data::MessagePack->pack($fat);
$bson = MongoDB::BSON::encode_bson($fat);
cmpthese(-1, {
jsonpp => sub { JSON::PP::decode_json $json },
json => sub { from_json $json },
storable => sub { thaw $storable },
msgpack => sub { Data::MessagePack->unpack($msgpack) },
bson => sub { MongoDB::BSON::decode_bson($bson) },
say "Both";
cmpthese(-1, {
jsonpp => sub { JSON::PP::decode_json JSON::PP::encode_json $fat },
json => sub { from_json to_json $fat },
storable => sub { thaw freeze $fat },
msgpack => sub { Data::MessagePack->unpack(Data::MessagePack->pack($fat)) },
bson => sub { MongoDB::BSON::decode_bson(MongoDB::BSON::encode_bson($fat)) },
Rate jsonpp bson storable json msgpack
jsonpp 550/s -- -75% -98% -98% -99%
bson 2241/s 308% -- -90% -94% -96%
storable 23209/s 4123% 936% -- -34% -64%
json 34909/s 6252% 1458% 50% -- -45%
msgpack 63621/s 11477% 2739% 174% 82% --
Rate jsonpp bson json storable msgpack
jsonpp 182/s -- -97% -99% -99% -99%
bson 5338/s 2826% -- -69% -73% -75%
json 17230/s 9346% 223% -- -13% -20%
storable 19911/s 10816% 273% 16% -- -8%
msgpack 21557/s 11718% 304% 25% 8% --
Rate jsonpp bson storable json msgpack
jsonpp 139/s -- -91% -99% -99% -99%
bson 1569/s 1025% -- -85% -86% -90%
storable 10361/s 7330% 560% -- -7% -35%
json 11164/s 7906% 611% 8% -- -30%
msgpack 15905/s 11305% 914% 54% 42% --
(On OS X 10.7.2, Apple's system Perl, Core i7 1.8GHz)
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