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Last active June 12, 2023 12:23
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A function to send an email from a gmail account in matlab
function recipient = matlabmail(recipient, message, subject, sender, psswd)
% MATLABMAIL Send an email from a predefined gmail account.
% MATLABMAIL( recipient, message, subject )
% sends the character string stored in 'message' with subjectline 'subject'
% to the address in 'recipient'.
% This requires that the sending address is a GMAIL email account.
% MATLABMAIL( recipient, message, subject, sender, passwd )
% avoids using the stored credentials.
% Note: Authentication failed when my gmail account had 2-step verification enabled.
% Example:
% There's no example because we don't know your email address!
% Try to adapt the following:
% pause(60*(1+randi(5))); matlabmail('[email protected]', 'done pausing', 'command complete');
% See also SENDMAIL
if nargin<4
sender = '[email protected]';
psswd = 'password_of_dummy_address';
props = java.lang.System.getProperties;
props.setProperty('mail.smtp.socketFactory.class', ...
sendmail(recipient, subject, message);
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With Ubuntu running MATLAB Version: (R2016a)
Error using sendmail (line 171)
Exception reading response;
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Empty key

However, this works on my MacOS with R2012a proving it can work in principle (and I do have my google settings allowing less secure apps). Does one need to create some kind of encryption key?

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TWRogers commented Aug 2, 2017


I had a similar problem and it was because I was using OpenJDK (Ubuntu 16.04, Matlab 2017a).

I had to use OpenJDK to avoid a display bug in Matlab's default JVM. But once I fixed that bug and went back to
the default JVM, the sendmail() worked correctly.

Would be nice to know how to fix sendmail for OpenJDK though

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good working code.In sender, Gmail account setting will be changed.

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whatever i do. the port is not changing to 465 as it should be
Error using sendmail (line 175)
Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25;
Connection refused: connect

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