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Created December 18, 2021 19:41
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My solution to Day 18 of Advent of Code 2021
# Add a value to the leftmost position in a binary tree
add_leftmost <- function(x, value) {
if (!is.list(x)) x + value
else list(add_leftmost(x[[1]], value), x[[2]])
# Add a value to the rightmost position in a binary tree
add_rightmost <- function(x, value) {
if (!is.list(x)) x + value
else list(x[[1]], add_rightmost(x[[2]], value))
# Take the leftmost pair and "explode" it
explode_leftmost <- function(x, depth = 0) {
if (!is.list(x)) {
return(list(result = x, left = NULL, right = NULL, has_exploded = FALSE))
if (depth >= 4 && is.numeric(x[[1]]) && is.numeric(x[[2]])) {
# Explode
return(list(result = 0,
left = x[[1]],
right = x[[2]],
has_exploded = TRUE))
left <- explode_leftmost(x[[1]], depth = depth + 1)
if (!is.null(left$right)) {
# left "owes" an exploded number to the right
right_result <- add_leftmost(x[[2]], left$right)
right <- list(result = right_result, left = NULL, right = NULL, has_exploded = FALSE)
left$right <- NULL
} else if (left$has_exploded) {
# Right side is good as it is
right <- list(result = x[[2]], left = NULL, right = NULL, has_exploded = FALSE)
} else {
# Right side needs to explode
right <- explode_leftmost(x[[2]], depth = depth + 1)
if (!is.null(right$left)) {
left$result <- add_rightmost(left$result, right$left)
right$left <- NULL
list(result = list(left$result, right$result),
left = left$left,
right = right$right,
has_exploded = left$has_exploded || right$has_exploded)
# Take the leftmost number >= 10 and split it into a pair
split_leftmost <- function(x) {
if (!is.list(x)) {
if (x >= 10) {
return(list(result = list(floor(x / 2), ceiling(x / 2)),
has_split = TRUE))
} else {
return(list(result = x,
has_split = FALSE))
left <- split_leftmost(x[[1]])
if (left$has_split) {
# Don't need any further splitting
return(list(result = list(left$result, x[[2]]),
has_split = TRUE))
} else {
right <- split_leftmost(x[[2]])
return(list(result = list(left$result, right$result),
has_split = left$has_split || right$has_split))
# Apply the explode + split rules repeatedly until it reaches a reduced form
reduce_snailfish <- function(x) {
# The output of each function is wrapped in a list, so start it that way
x <- list(result = x)
while (TRUE) {
x <- explode_leftmost(x$result)
if (!x$has_exploded) {
x <- split_leftmost(x$result)
if (!x$has_split) {
# Combine two expressions and reduce them
add_and_reduce <- function(x1, x2) {
reduce_snailfish(list(x1, x2))
magnitude <- function(x) {
if (!is.list(x)) {
} else {
3 * magnitude(x[[1]]) + 2 * magnitude(x[[2]])
# Now we get to the solution
# Parse a [] string into a nested list
parse_pairs <- function(x) {
x %>%
str_replace_all("\\[", "list(") %>%
str_replace_all("\\]", ")") %>%
parse(text = .) %>%
parsed <- advent_input(18, 2021) %>%
mutate(expr = map(x, parse_pairs))
# Part 1
parsed$expr %>%
reduce(add_and_reduce) %>%
# Part 2
parsed %>%
crossing(parsed %>% select(-x) %>% rename(expr2 = expr)) %>%
mutate(combined = map2(expr, expr2, add_and_reduce),
magnitude = map_dbl(combined, magnitude)) %>%
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