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Dhairya Gabhawala dhairyagabha

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dhairyagabha /
Last active March 25, 2024 23:09
Rails & Trix: Add Underline, Superscript, and Subscript

Rails & Trix: Add Underline, Superscript, and Subscript

This guide will walk you through adding some extra features such as the ability to underline your text, or enhance your content by adding superscripts or subscripts for annotations or Math equations.

Prerequisites: Instruction guide assumes that you have created a Rails application and installed ActionText.

What will you learn:

dhairyagabha /
Last active October 11, 2022 01:51
Rails Application with Devise and Two-Factor Authentication

Rails Application with Devise and Two-Factor Authentication

Prerequisites: Ruby, Rails, Active Record CRUD and Javascript

When you start learning web-development with rails, you start by understanding the fundamentals of an MVC Framework. Once through the basics, blog is the first application for most of us. But we evolve quickly into more complex applications, thanks to DHH and the Rails Community. Any application you build would require authentication and perhaps the ability for two-factor authentication for your users.

In this guide, we will start with a brand new rails application, will add devise and add two factor authentication to the application.

What will you learn: