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Last active April 3, 2019 12:18
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import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
data Exp = NullOp Integer | UnOp Integer Exp | BinOp Integer Exp Exp | Var Integer deriving Eq
data ExpEq = VE Integer Exp | VV Integer Integer deriving Eq
data SubstitutionSet = SS [Exp] [ExpEq] deriving Eq
data Relation = R Exp Exp deriving Eq
instance Show ExpEq where
show (VE n exp) = "v" ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show exp
show (VV n1 n2) = "v" ++ show n1 ++ " = " ++ "v" ++ show n2
instance Show Exp where
show (NullOp id) = "f" ++ show id
show (UnOp id exp) = "f" ++ show id ++ show exp
show (BinOp id expl expr) = "f" ++ show id ++ show expl ++ show expr
show (Var id) = "v" ++ show id
instance Show SubstitutionSet where
show (SS free eqs) = "k = " ++ show (length free) ++ ", " ++ show eqs
instance Show Relation where
show (R lambda rho) = show lambda ++ " -> " ++ show rho
subs :: Exp -> Exp -> [ExpEq] -> Maybe [ExpEq]
subs exp1 exp2 assertions =
case exp1 of NullOp idl -> case exp2 of NullOp idr -> if idl == idr
then Just assertions
else Nothing
Var n -> Just (assertions ++ [VE n exp1])
_ -> Nothing
UnOp idl expl -> case exp2 of UnOp idr expr -> if idl == idr
then subs expl expr assertions
else Nothing
Var n -> Just (assertions ++ [VE n exp1])
_ -> Nothing
BinOp idl exp1l exp1r -> case exp2 of BinOp idr exp2l exp2r -> if idl == idr
then case subs exp1l exp2l assertions of Just newassertions -> subs exp1r exp2r newassertions
Nothing -> Nothing
else Nothing
Var n -> Just (assertions ++ [VE n exp1])
_ -> Nothing
Var nl -> case exp2 of Var nr -> Just (assertions ++ [VV nl nr])
_ -> Just (assertions ++ [VE nl exp2])
solve :: [ExpEq] -> [ExpEq]
solve (eq:eqs) =
let neweqs = newequations eq (eq:eqs) in
neweqs ++ solve (eqs ++ neweqs)
where newequations eq (h:t) = (case eq of VE n exp -> if eq == h
then newequations eq t
else (case h of VE n2 exp2 -> if n == n2
then case subs exp exp2 [] of Just assertions -> assertions
Nothing -> []
else []
VV n2 n3 -> if n == n2 && ((VE n3 exp) `notElem` eq:eqs)
then [VE n3 exp]
else if n == n3 && ((VE n2 exp) `notElem` eq:eqs)
then [VE n2 exp]
else [])
VV n1 n2 -> if eq == h
then newequations eq t
else (case h of VE n exp -> if n1 == n && ((VE n2 exp) `notElem` eq:eqs)
then [VE n2 exp]
else []
_ -> [])) ++ (if t == []
then []
else newequations eq (tail t))
newequations _ [] = []
solve [] = []
solveall :: [ExpEq] -> [ExpEq]
solveall eqs =
let solved = union eqs (solve eqs) in
if length solved > length eqs -- equations were added
then solveall solved
else solved
freevar :: [ExpEq] -> Exp -> Bool
freevar (eq:eqs) (Var n) =
case eq of VE n1 exp -> if (n /= n1) && freevar eqs (Var n)
then True
else False
VV n1 n2 -> if (n /= n1) && freevar eqs (Var n)
then True
else False
freevar [] v = True
freevars eqs (v:vars) =
(if freevar eqs v
then [v]
else []) ++ freevars eqs vars
freevars eqs [] = []
uniqlefts eqs =
realuniqlefts eqs []
where realuniqlefts (eq:eqs) rep =
let n = (\(VE n e) -> n) eq in
if n `elem` rep
then (realuniqlefts eqs rep)
else ([eq] ++ realuniqlefts eqs (n:rep))
realuniqlefts _ _ = []
solution solved free =
let filtered = filter (\eq -> case eq of VV _ _ -> False
_ -> True) solved in
substituted (uniqlefts filtered) filtered free
where substituted list filtered free =
case list of [] -> []
_ -> [(\(VE n exp) -> (VE n (replace exp filtered free))) (head list)] ++ substituted (tail list) filtered free
replace (NullOp id) filtered free =
(NullOp id)
replace (UnOp id exp) filtered free =
(UnOp id (replace exp filtered free))
replace (BinOp id expl expr) filtered free =
(BinOp id (replace expl filtered free) (replace expr filtered free))
replace (Var n) filtered free =
if (Var n) `elem` free
then (Var n)
else replace (findfirst (Var n) filtered) filtered free
findfirst (Var n) (eq:eqs) =
case ((\(VE n1 exp) -> if n1 == n
then Just exp
else Nothing) eq) of Just exp -> exp
Nothing -> findfirst (Var n) eqs
createsubstitutionset alpha beta vars =
(SS free substitutions)
where eqs = case subs alpha beta [] of Just assertions -> assertions
Nothing -> []
all = solveall eqs
free = freevars all vars
substitutions = solution all free
makesubstitutions (SS _ eqs) term =
if eqs == []
then Just term
else let eq = head eqs in
let var = (\(VE v _) -> (Var v)) eq
exp = (\(VE _ e) -> e) eq in
case (makesubstitution term var exp) of Just newterm -> makesubstitutions (SS [] (tail eqs)) newterm
Nothing -> Nothing
-- substitute beta with beta' in term, if possible
makesubstitution :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Maybe Exp
makesubstitution term beta beta' =
if term == beta
then Just beta'
else case term of (UnOp id exp) -> case (makesubstitution exp beta beta') of Just newexp -> Just (UnOp id newexp)
Nothing -> Nothing
(BinOp id expl expr) -> let newexpl = makesubstitution expl beta beta'
newexpr = makesubstitution expr beta beta' in
case newexpl of Nothing -> case newexpr of Nothing -> Nothing
Just r -> Just (BinOp id expl r)
Just l -> case newexpr of Nothing -> Just (BinOp id l expr)
Just r -> Just (BinOp id l r)
_ -> Nothing
-- get the list of variables contained in an expression
getvars :: Exp -> [Exp]
getvars (NullOp id) = []
getvars (UnOp id exp) = (getvars exp)
getvars (BinOp id expl expr) = union (getvars expl) (getvars expr)
getvars (Var n) = [(Var n)]
-- get the list of non-trivial subwords contained in an expression
subwords :: Exp -> [Exp]
subwords (NullOp id) = [(NullOp id)]
subwords (UnOp id exp) = [(UnOp id exp)] ++ (subwords exp)
subwords (BinOp id expl expr) = [(BinOp id expl expr)] ++ (subwords expl) ++ (subwords expr)
subwords (Var n) = []
-- reduce a term until it cannot be reduced anymore
findirreducible :: Exp -> [Relation] -> Exp
findirreducible term relations =
case reduce term relations of Just reducedterm -> reducedterm
Nothing -> term
where reduce term (relation:relations) =
let lambda = (\(R l r) -> l) relation
rho = (\(R l r) -> r) relation
betas = subwords term in
case realreduce term lambda rho betas of Nothing -> reduce term relations
Just result -> Just result
reduce term [] = Nothing
realreduce term lambda rho (beta:betas) =
let set = createsubstitutionset lambda beta (union (getvars beta) (getvars lambda)) in
case set of (SS _ []) -> realreduce term lambda rho betas -- try the next beta
_ -> makesubstitutions set beta -- found reduction
realreduce _ _ _ [] = Nothing
left = BinOp 2 (UnOp 1 (BinOp 2 (UnOp 1 (Var 4)) (BinOp 2 (Var 3) (UnOp 1 (BinOp 2 (Var 2) (Var 2)))))) (BinOp 2 (Var 1) (BinOp 2 (Var 3) (UnOp 1 (Var 1))))
right = BinOp 2 (UnOp 1 (BinOp 2 (Var 5) (BinOp 2 (Var 5) (Var 6)))) (BinOp 2 (Var 7) (BinOp 2 (UnOp 1 (Var 6)) (UnOp 1 (BinOp 2 (Var 5) (Var 6)))))
lambda = BinOp 2 (BinOp 2 (Var 1) (Var 2)) (Var 3)
--left = BinOp 2 (BinOp 2 (Var 1) (Var 2)) (Var 3)
--right = BinOp 2 (Var 1) (Var 2)
main = do
--putStrLn ( show ( createsubstitutionset left right (union (getvars left) (getvars right))))
--putStrLn (show (subwords left))
putStrLn (show (subwords lambda))
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