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Last active December 18, 2015 07:39
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#define INRANGE(i, a, b) (i >= a && i < b)
using namespace std;
class SlidingBlock
vector < int > disc;
int n;
int cost;
int empty_slot;
vector< string > record_move;
SlidingBlock( int );
SlidingBlock( vector < int >, vector < string > );
vector < string > getMove();
void makeMove( const string move = string() );
bool solved();
vector < SlidingBlock > branches();
void setCost();
void print();
void readBlock();
bool operator< ( const SlidingBlock& ) const;
bool operator> ( const SlidingBlock& ) const;
SlidingBlock( 3 );
SlidingBlock::SlidingBlock( int size )
n = size;
void SlidingBlock::readBlock()
int temp;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ )
cin >> temp;
disc.push_back( temp );
int pos = std::abs( std::distance( find( disc.begin(), disc.end(), 0 ), disc.begin()) );
empty_slot = pos;
SlidingBlock::SlidingBlock( vector < int > node, vector < string > moves )
n = ( int )sqrt( node.size() );
for( int i = 0; i < ( int )node.size(); ++i )
disc.push_back( node[ i ] );
if( node[ i ] == 0 )
empty_slot = i;
for( int i = 0; i < moves.size(); i++ )
record_move.push_back( moves[ i ] );
void SlidingBlock::setCost()
int h1 = 0 , h2 = 0;
//setting heuristic 1 => number of misplaced blocks
//setting heuristic 2 => distance of the node to its block
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ )
int val = disc[ n * i + j ];
if( val != n * i + j && val != 0 )
h1 += 1;
int exp_pos_x = ( val ) / n;
int exp_pos_y = ( val ) % n;
h2 += abs( i - exp_pos_x ) + abs( j - exp_pos_y );
cost = max( h1, h2) + this->record_move.size();
vector < string > SlidingBlock::getMove()
vector < string > movements;
if( empty_slot/n > 0 )
movements.push_back( "UP" );
if( empty_slot%n > 0 )
movements.push_back( "LEFT" );
if( empty_slot/n < n - 1 )
movements.push_back( "DOWN" );
if( empty_slot%n < n - 1 )
movements.push_back( "RIGHT" );
return movements;
void SlidingBlock::makeMove( string move )
if( move.empty() )
vector < string > moves = getMove();
int rand_point_index = rand() % moves.size();
makeMove( moves[ rand_point_index ] );
record_move.push_back( move );
int temp = empty_slot;
if("UP") == 0 )
empty_slot -= n;
if("DOWN") == 0 )
empty_slot += n;
if("LEFT") == 0 )
empty_slot -= 1;
if("RIGHT") == 0 )
empty_slot += 1;
swap( disc[ temp ], disc[ empty_slot ] );
bool SlidingBlock::solved()
bool answer = true;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ )
answer &= disc[ n * i + j ] == ( n * i + j );
return answer;
vector < SlidingBlock > SlidingBlock::branches()
vector < string > moves = getMove();
vector < SlidingBlock > valid_branches;
for( int i = 0; i < ( int )moves.size(); ++i )
valid_branches.push_back( SlidingBlock( disc , record_move ) );
valid_branches[ i ].makeMove( moves[ i ] );
return valid_branches;
void SlidingBlock::print()
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ )
cout << disc[ n*i + j ] << " ";
cout << endl;
bool SlidingBlock::operator< ( const SlidingBlock& node ) const
for( int i = 0; i < ( int )node.disc.size(); i++ )
if( node.disc[ i ] < this->disc[ i ] )
return true;
else if( node.disc[ i ] > this->disc[ i ] )
return false;
return false;
bool SlidingBlock::operator> ( const SlidingBlock& node ) const
for( int i = 0; i < ( int )node.disc.size(); i++ )
if( node.disc[ i ] > this->disc[ i ] )
return true;
else if( node.disc[ i ] < this->disc[ i ] )
return false;
return false;
struct OrderByCost
bool operator() ( const SlidingBlock &a, const SlidingBlock &b ) const
return a.cost >= b.cost;
class Search
SlidingBlock start;
priority_queue< SlidingBlock, vector < SlidingBlock >, OrderByCost > pq;
set< SlidingBlock > explored;
vector < SlidingBlock > expanded;
Search( int n )
start = SlidingBlock( n );
void searchAndPrint()
pushNode( start );
SlidingBlock node = SlidingBlock( start.disc, start.record_move );
setExplored( node );
while( !node.solved() )
node = getNextNode();
expanded.push_back( node );
vector < SlidingBlock > valid_branches = node.branches();
//Iterate over neighbors
for( int i = 0; i < ( int ) valid_branches.size(); i++ )
if( !isExplored( valid_branches[ i ] ) )
pushNode( valid_branches[ i ] );
setExplored( node );
cout << node.record_move.size() << endl;
for( auto i = node.record_move.begin(); i != node.record_move.end(); ++i )
cout << *i << endl;
void pushNode( SlidingBlock node )
pq.push( node );
void setExplored( SlidingBlock node )
explored.insert( node );
bool isExplored( SlidingBlock node )
return explored.count( node ) > 0;
SlidingBlock getNextNode()
SlidingBlock node =;
return node;
int main()
set< SlidingBlock > explored;
int n;
cin >> n;
Search *game = new Search( n );
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