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Last active September 7, 2022 21:39
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open Format
type term =
| Var of int
| Lamb of term
| App of term * term
let rec shift i depth = function
| Var x when x < depth -> Var x
| Var x -> Var (x + i)
| App (e1, e2) -> App (shift i depth e1, shift i depth e2)
| Lamb body -> Lamb (shift i (depth + 1) body)
let rec subst x replacement depth = function
| Var y when x = y -> replacement
| Var y -> Var y
| App (e1, e2) ->
App (subst x replacement depth e1, subst x replacement depth e2)
| Lamb body ->
let replacement = shift 1 (depth + 1) replacement in
let body = subst (x + 1) replacement (depth + 1) body in
Lamb body
let rec pp_term f = function
| Var i -> fprintf f "%d" i
| App (e1, e2) -> fprintf f "(%a %a)" pp_term e1 pp_term e2
| Lamb body -> fprintf f "λ%a" pp_term body
let rec hnf depth = function
| Var x -> Var x
| Lamb body -> Lamb body
| App (App (_, _) as f, arg) ->
hnf depth (App (hnf depth f, arg))
| App (Lamb body, arg) ->
let body = shift (-1) (depth + 1) body in
let body = subst 0 arg (depth + 1) body in
hnf depth body
| App (_, _) as term ->
failwith (asprintf "bad application %a" pp_term term)
let rec is_redex = function
| Var x -> false
| Lamb body -> is_redex body
| App (Lamb _, _) -> true
| App (e1, e2) -> is_redex e1 || is_redex e2
let rec norm depth = function
| Var x -> Var x
| Lamb body -> Lamb (norm (depth + 1) body)
| App (Lamb body, arg) ->
let arg = norm depth arg in
let body = shift (-1) (depth + 1) body in
let body = subst 0 arg (depth + 1) body in
if is_redex body
then norm depth body
else body
| App (e1, e2) ->
let e1 = norm depth e1 in
let e2 = norm depth e2 in
let app = App (e1, e2) in
if is_redex app
then norm depth app
else app
let p msg term =
printf "%s: %a\n" msg pp_term term
let () =
let f_true = Lamb (Lamb (Var 1)) in
let f_false = Lamb (Lamb (Var 0)) in
let f_and = Lamb (Lamb (App (App (Var 1, Var 0), Var 1))) in
let f_or = Lamb (Lamb (App (App (Var 1, Var 1), Var 0))) in
let zero = Lamb (Lamb (Var 0)) in
let succ = Lamb (Lamb (Lamb (App (Var 1, App (App (Var 2, Var 1), Var 0))))) in
let plus = Lamb (Lamb (Lamb (Lamb (App (App (Var 3, Var 1), App (App (Var 2, Var 1), Var 0)))))) in
p "true" f_true;
p "false" f_false;
p "and true true" (hnf 0 (App (App (f_and, f_true), f_true)));
p "and true false" (hnf 0 (App (App (f_and, f_true), f_false)));
p "and false true" (hnf 0 (App (App (f_and, f_false), f_true)));
p "and false false" (hnf 0 (App (App (f_and, f_false), f_false)));
p "or true true" (hnf 0 (App (App (f_or, f_true), f_true)));
p "or true false" (hnf 0 (App (App (f_or, f_true), f_false)));
p "or false true" (hnf 0 (App (App (f_or, f_false), f_true)));
p "or false false" (hnf 0 (App (App (f_or, f_false), f_false)));
p "zero" (hnf 0 zero);
p "1" (norm 0 (App (succ, zero)));
let two = norm 0 (App (succ, App (succ, zero))) in
p "2" two;
p "4" (norm 0 (App (App (plus, two), two)));
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