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dhl / Native Solana security issues
Created November 25, 2024 15:22 — forked from zigtur/Native Solana security issues
Solana - Security for Builders
# Native Solana security issues
This gist shows 3 vulnerable code examples in Native Rust Solana programs.
dhl /
Created October 31, 2018 02:41 — forked from sveitser/
Installs nixos on encrypted root from live CD.
#!usr/bin/env bash
# Installs nixos with full disk encrypted root partition.
# - Prompts for password initially, after that no interaction should
# be required.
# - At the end it will prompt for a root password, could not make
# echo-ing it into nixos-install work.
# - Reserves 550MB for boot partition, rest for the root volume.
# - After booting, log in as root user and set password for normal user.
$f = $ARGV[0];
$pagestart = 0;
$charstart = 0;
$kernstart = 0;
$s = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<font>\n";
open(F, $f);