Tested with Tails 3.8 LiveCD
(no persistent storage needed, you have to install it after every reboot) and Electrum-LTC
- updated to
Tails 3.8
- updated to
- updated to
Tails 3.6.2
- some installation details added
- initial version of this document
Tails 3.6.1
Ensure to set admin password when Tails initially boots. When Tails Greeter appears, click on the
+ Expand
button ->Administration Password
and boot Tails OS -
Wait until TOR is connected
In terminal execute commands:
. torsocks on
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-pyqt5 python3-pip python3-dev libssl-dev build-essential
pip3 install scrypt
pip3 install https://electrum-ltc.org/download/Electrum-LTC-
# Now is the time to disconnect from Internet if you wish
cd ~/.local/bin
- Enjoy
Im a bit confused as to how this works since you aren't copying it into the persistant folder