- Asays
- India's mom is in the hospital for unknown reasons and Dad died recently.
- East Julia Husband's heart stopped and he has a brain injury from it. Unknown cause.
- Prayer and Praise for the Genesis 3 discipline method in Mallory's day to day. - Mallory
- Rest and Energy. Having trouble sleeping - Alex
- Fillers
- Praise as they are both better. Praise that parents didn't get it.
- Hollingers
- Teachings from the Sermon on the mount, specifically the call to be peacemakers, continues to take hold - Dave
- Prayer for peace in the current situation/Social Media fast. Be more present. - Jackie
- Nathan Prayer in the job search.
- Cobbs
- Be open, communicate, and be humble - Jasmine
- Perseverence - Travis
- Harveys Rest
- Jackie Worship Bonfire and Trunk or Treat safety.
- Dave Grace, Compassion, Humility when interacting with others.
- Mallory Rest
- Alex Focus on Jesus
- Nathan Peace in the chaos of uncertainty
- David Harvey Patience and calm for God's timing
- Alex Harvey That things go well. Peace and calm
- Jasmine Humility, Compassion, soft heart. Reacting more than responding.
- Travis Peace.
- Fillers Healing.
- Asay Parents coming to visit. Safety,
- Alex Harvey Job stuff. Faith and security.
- Dave H Family conflict issues between Jackie's Dad and Dave.
- Cobbs Marriage/Relationship
- David Harvey Bosses little one - continuing to improve, but slowly.
- Asay Continued prayers for grace and patience.
- Cobbs Continued prayers for marriage, communication, grace
- Nathan For comfort, understanding, etc for family after death of aunt.
- David Harvey Little Theodore and his recovery
- Joe Filler Prayer for reliance and dependence on God.
- Cara Filler Stress relief
- Alex Harvey Stress and worry related to the future of work. General uncertainty about future of work.
- David Hollinger Wisdom to know when to step away when stressed. Reliance/Dependece on God to help me give grace to those around/that annoy me.
- Travis & Jamine Pray for them & marriage. Anniversary on Apr 15.
- Jasmine Release Negative thoughts to God. Surrender and Trust God.
- Jackie Worry, Fear, and Guilt relating to the crisis and quarantine
- D-Ho Grace and Patience with the kids
- Mallory Patience and Grace for Ben and herself. Patience to implement what she has learned.
- D-Ha Theo Hyde still hasn't woken up post surgery
- Jasmine: Drained by end of week from work. Have Grace for those that aren't quarantining at home.
- Jackie Ho: Panic Attacks/Anxiety. Guilt for not being able to help directly.
- David Ha: The Hyde Family and their 8 month old son’s surgery. (D-Ha's Boss)
- Mük: living with mom in isolation
- Travis: patience, bringing work home, taking on others’ stress, peace
- Alex Ha: emotional support hotline
- David Ho: anxiety/anger toward people not quarantining. Give them Grace.
- Nathan: Grandma in assisted living in Michigan. Aunt and Uncle.
- General Prayer: peace