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Created April 28, 2023 05:16
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import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
data Point = Point Int Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
parsePoint :: String -> Point
parsePoint as = Point x y
[x, y] = map read $ words as
neighbors :: Point -> [Point]
neighbors (Point x y) =
[ Point (x - 1) (y - 1)
, Point x (y - 1)
, Point (x + 1) (y - 1)
, Point (x - 1) y
, Point (x + 1) y
, Point (x - 1) (y + 1)
, Point x (y + 1)
, Point (x + 1) (y + 1)
data State
deriving (Eq)
instance Show State where
show DEAD = "_"
show ALIVE = "*"
type Game = [(Point, State)]
showGame :: Game -> String
showGame game = unlines $ map (intercalate "" . map (\p -> show $ fromMaybe DEAD $ lookup p game)) [[Point x y | x <- [minx .. maxx]] | y <- [miny .. maxy]]
ps = map fst game
xs = map (\(Point x _) -> x) ps
ys = map (\(Point _ y) -> y) ps
minx = minimum xs
maxx = maximum xs
miny = minimum ys
maxy = maximum ys
inside :: Point -> Game -> Bool
inside p game = any ((== p) . fst) game
parseGame :: [Point] -> Game
parseGame = map (,ALIVE)
-- Include outer dead neighbors for processing
expandGame :: Game -> Game
expandGame game = game ++ dng
ps = map fst $ filter (\(_, s) -> s == ALIVE) game
dng = map (,DEAD) $ filter (\p -> not (inside p game)) $ flatten $ map neighbors ps
nextState :: Point -> State -> Int -> (Point, State)
nextState p ALIVE 2 = (p, ALIVE)
nextState p _ 3 = (p, ALIVE)
nextState p _ _ = (p, DEAD)
flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
flatten [] = []
flatten (x : xs) = x ++ flatten xs
countAliveNeighbors :: Game -> Point -> Int
countAliveNeighbors game = length . filter (== ALIVE) . map (\p -> fromMaybe DEAD $ lookup p game) . neighbors
nextGeneration :: Game -> Game
nextGeneration game = map (\(p, s) -> nextState p s (countAliveNeighbors game p)) $ expandGame game
nextGenerations :: Int -> Game -> Game
nextGenerations 1 g = g
nextGenerations n g = nextGenerations (n - 1) ng
ng = nextGeneration (trace (showGame g) g)
main :: IO ()
main = interact $ showGame . nextGenerations 10 . parseGame . map parsePoint . lines
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