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Last active December 19, 2019 03:50
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gamechat, damage, killfeed, event messages
import os
import sys
import time
import requests
def gamechat(id_msg=0):
url_gamechat = "http://localhost:8111/gamechat?lastId={}"
url_gamechat = url_gamechat.format(id_msg)
req_gamechat = requests.get(url_gamechat, timeout=0.02)
return req_gamechat.json()
def hudmsg(id_evt=0, id_dmg=0):
url_hudmsg = "http://localhost:8111/hudmsg?lastEvt={}&lastDmg={}"
url_hudmsg = url_hudmsg.format(id_evt, id_dmg)
req_hudmsg = requests.get(url_hudmsg, timeout=0.02)
return req_hudmsg.json()
def run_once(statement, check):
if not checks[check]:
checks[check] = True
last_id_msg = 0
last_id_evt = 0
last_id_dmg = 0
keep_looping = True
while keep_looping:
req_gamechat = gamechat(last_id_msg)
req_hudmsg = hudmsg(last_id_evt, last_id_dmg)
list_msglog = req_gamechat
list_evtlog = req_hudmsg['events']
list_dmglog = req_hudmsg['damage']
if list_msglog:
for items in list_msglog:
print("MSG:", items)
list_last_msglog = list_msglog
last_id_msg = list_last_msglog[-1]['id']
if list_evtlog:
for items in list_evtlog:
print("EVT:", items)
list_last_evtlog = list_evtlog
last_id_evt = list_last_evtlog[-1]['id']
if list_dmglog:
for items in list_dmglog:
print("DMG:", items)
list_last_dmglog = list_dmglog
last_id_dmg = list_last_dmglog[-1]['id']
keep_looping = True
except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as e:
# print(e)
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