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Created March 31, 2009 09:12
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Feature: Background
In for background to work properly
As a user
I want it to run transactionally and only once when I call an individual scenario
Given plop
Scenario: Barping
When I barp
Scenario: Wibbling
When I wibble
Given /^plop$/ do
puts 'plop'
When /^I barp$/ do
puts 'barp'
When /^I wibble$/ do
puts 'wibble'
# Result of running
# cucumber back.feature:13
Feature: Background
In for background to work properly
As a user
I want it to run transactionally and only once when I call an individual scenario
Background: # back.feature:6
Given plop # back.steps.rb:1
Scenario: Wibbling # back.feature:13
When I wibble # back.steps.rb:9
1 scenario
3 passed steps
# Result of running
# cucumber back.feature
Feature: Background
In for background to work properly
As a user
I want it to run transactionally and only once when I call an individual scenario
Background: # back.feature:6
Given plop # back.steps.rb:1
Scenario: Barping # back.feature:9
When I barp # back.steps.rb:5
Scenario: Wibbling # back.feature:13
When I wibble # back.steps.rb:9
2 scenarios
4 passed steps
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