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Dian Ariyanto dianariyanto

On Progress
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#!/usr/bin/env lua
local socket = require("socket")
local use_ssl, ssl = pcall(require, "ssl")
local Blynk = require("blynk.socket")
local Timer = require("timer")
local http = require("socket.http")
assert(#arg >= 1, "Please specify Auth Token")
dianariyanto /
Created November 15, 2020 23:25 — forked from tanaikech/
Enhanced makeCopy() using Google Apps Script

Enhanced makeCopy() using Google Apps Script


This is sample scripts for copying files to a specific folder in Google Drive using Google Apps Script (GAS).


When the files in Google Drive are copied to a specific folder using GAS, most users will use makeCopy(destination). When the files are copied using makeCopy(), you might have already noticed that only the standalone projects cannot be copied to the specific folder. They are copied to the root folder (My Drive). Also this situation can be also seen even when "copy" of Drive API v2 and v3 is used. I think that this might be a bug. So I would like to introduce 2 sample scripts as the workaround. In the workaround, it uses Drive API.

Sample script 1

This sample is very simple.

dianariyanto /
Created July 24, 2020 00:02 — forked from hasanbayatme/
Easy to use Bash Script to Install LAMP stack on Ubuntu.



Run the below command in terminal:

wget --no-cache -O - | bash
* This is a quick way to turn a simple text file
* with a very long list of urls in a text file (sitemap-urls.txt)
* Where "very long" is an expected url number greater than 10,000
* If loaded without a valid query parameter "page" it will load a
* Site Index site map, otherwise load the individual XML site map
* 10,000 urls into a valid XML Sitemap:
dianariyanto / sitemap.xml.php
Created January 27, 2017 15:34 — forked from artlung/sitemap.xml.php
Generate XML sitemap from list of urls
* This is a quick way to turn a simple text file
* with a list of urls in a text file (sitemap-urls.txt)
* into a valid XML Sitemap:
* Put this file sitemap.xml.php and sitemap-urls.txt at
* the webroot