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Created March 17, 2021 23:18
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# Name of the section displayed in the editor UI
# (only if keep_name is set to true)
name: "Texte + image"
# By default, the first text type setting will be used as
# the name of the section in the editor UI.
# To keep the name of the section instead, uncomment the following line.
# keep_name: true
# Icon of the section in the editor UI
# Values: header, default, slide, text, image_text, list, footer
icon: image_text
# By default, the first image_picker type setting will be used
# as the icon of the section in the editor UI.
# To keep the icon of the section instead, uncomment the following line.
# keep_icon: true
# Definition of the settings:
# A setting type can be one of the following values: text, image_picker, checkbox, radio, select, url, hint, content_type.
# Please visit: for more explanation.
- label: "Titre"
id: title
type: text
# html: true
# line_break: true
- label: "Sous-Titre"
id: sub_title
type: text
# html: true
# line_break: true
- label: "Texte"
id: body
type: text
html: true
# line_break: true
- label: "Image"
id: image
type: image_picker
- label: "Image en plein largeur ?"
id: full_width_image
type: checkbox
default: false
- label: "Légende Image"
id: legend
type: text
# html: true
# line_break: true
- label: "Disposition de l'image"
id: layout
type: select
- label: Centre
value: center
- label: Gauche
value: left
- label: Droite
value: right
- label: "Fond gris ?"
id: has_dark_background
type: checkbox
default: false
- label: "Caché ?"
id: is_hidden
type: checkbox
default: false
# Definition of the blocks.
# You can define as many types of blocks as you want.
blocks: []
# By default, in the editor UI, blocks will be listed below the "Content" title.
# The title can be changed with the following property:
# blocks_label: "My list of items"
# Presets can be seen as different versions of a same section.
# Useless if the section is not aimed to be used along with section_dropzone liquid tag
- name: "Texte + image"
category: "Contenu"
title: "Titre"
image: "/samples/images/default.svg"
legend: "Légende"
blocks: []
<div id="{{ section.anchor_id }}" class="section image-text-section {% if section.settings.has_dark_background %}section--dark{% endif %}{% if section.settings.is_hidden %}is-hidden{% endif %}" {{ section.locomotive_attributes }}>
<div class="container">
{% capture 'text_html' %}
<h2 class="section-title">{{ section.settings.title }}</h2>
<span class="is-hidden">{{ section.settings.sub_title }}</span>
<h3 class="section-sub-title mt-2">{{ section.settings.sub_title }}</h3>
<div class="section-text-body mt-6">
{{ section.settings.body }}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture 'image_html' %}
<div class="image-text-image mt-6">
<figure class="image {% if section.settings.full_width_image %}image--full-width{% endif %}">
<img src="{{ section.settings.image | resize: '1024x>' }}" />
<div class="image-text-legend">{{ section.settings.legend }}</div>
{% endcapture %}
{% assign layout = section.settings.layout | default: 'center' %}
{% case layout %}
{% when 'center' %}
{{ text_html }}
{{ image_html }}
{% when 'left' %}
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-half">
{{ image_html }}
<div class="column has-text-left">
{{ text_html }}
{% when 'right' %}
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-half has-text-left">
{{ text_html }}
<div class="column">
{{ image_html }}
{% endcase %}
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