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Head / tails 1.0 - R script
rm(list = ls())
initrun <- Sys.time()
#Implementation of head/tails 1.0
#1. Characterization of heavy-tail distributions----
#Pareto distribution a=2 b=6 n=1000
sample_par <- 2 / (1 - runif(1000)) ^ (1 / 6)
cols <- adjustcolor("grey80", alpha.f = 0.8)
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(2, 2, 3, 1))
lty = 3,
axes = FALSE,
ylab = "",
xlab = "",
main = "sample_par"
col = cols,
border = NA,
main = "Pareto",
freq = FALSE,
axes = FALSE,
add = TRUE
#2. Step by step example----
sample_par <- 2 / (1 - runif(1000)) ^ (1 / 6)
var <- sample_par
thr <- 0.35 #Cherry-picked thresold for the example
mu0 <- mean(var)
#The breaks are the means of the head
breaks <- c(mu0)
n0 <- length(var)
head0 <- var[var > mu0]
prop0 <- length(head0) / n0
lty = 3,
ylab = "",
xlab = "",
main = "Iter1"
abline(v = mu0, col = "red")
text(x = 6,
y = 1,
labels = paste0("PropHead: ", round(prop0, 4)))
prop0 <= thr &
n0 > 1 #Additional control to stop if no more breaks are possible
#The process is iterative through the head, i.e, now var <- head0
var <- head0
mu1 <- mean(var)
#Add the break
breaks <- c(breaks, mu1)
n1 <- length(var)
head1 <- var[var > mu1]
prop1 <- length(head1) / n1
lty = 3,
ylab = "",
xlab = "",
main = "Iter2"
abline(v = mu1, col = "red")
text(x = 6,
y = 1,
labels = paste0("PropHead: ", round(prop1, 4)))
prop1 <= thr & n1 > 1
# End given that condition is FALSE
summiter <- data.frame(
iter = c(1, 2),
n = c(n0, n1),
nhead = c(length(head0), length(head1)),
mu = c(mu0, mu1),
prophead = c(prop0, prop1)
summiter$breaks <- breaks
knitr::kable(summiter, format = "markdown")
#3. Standalone function----
# Default thresold = 0.4 as per Jiang et al. (2013)
ht_index <- function(var, style = "headtails", ...) {
if (style == "headtails") {
# Contributed Diego Hernangomez
dots <- list(...)
thr = ifelse(is.null(dots$thr),
thr <- min(1,max(0, thr))
head <- var
breaks <- NULL #Init on null
#Safe-check loop to set a maximum of iterations
#Option to set a WHILE loop and set an additional par to stop the loop
for (i in 1:100) {
mu <- mean(head, na.rm = TRUE)
breaks <- c(breaks, mu)
ntot <- length(head)
#Switch head
head <- head[head > mu]
prop <- length(head) / ntot
keepiter <- prop <= thr & length(head) > 1
print(paste0("prop:", prop, " nhead:", length(head)))
if (isFALSE(keepiter)) {
#Just for checking the execution
# to remove on implementation
print(paste("Breaks found: ", i, ", Intervals:", i+1))
#Add min and max to complete intervals
breaks <- sort(unique(c(
min(var, na.rm = TRUE),
max(var, na.rm = TRUE)
#Remove on implementation
lty = 3,
axes = FALSE,
ylab = "",
xlab = "",
main = "sample_par: breaks"
abline(v = ht_index(sample_par, thr = 0.35), col = "green")
v = ht_index(sample_par, thr = 0.4),
col = "orange",
lty = 3,
lwd = 0.5
legend = c("thresold .35", "thresold .4"),
col = c("green", "orange"),
lty = c(1, 3),
cex = 0.8
#4. Test and stress----
#Init table on default
testresults <- data.frame(
Title = NA,
nsample = NA,
thresold = NA,
nbreaks = NA,
time_secs = NA
benchmarkdist <-
thr = 0.4,
title = "",
plot = TRUE) {
dist = c(na.omit(dist))
init <- Sys.time()
br <- ht_index(dist, thr = thr)
a <- Sys.time() - init
test <- data.frame(
Title = title,
nsample = format(length(dist), scientific = FALSE, big.mark = ","),
thresold = thr,
nbreaks = length(br) - 1,
time_secs = as.character(a)
testresults <- unique(rbind(testresults, test))
if (plot) {
col = "black",
main = paste0(title, ", thr =", thr, ", nbreaks = ", length(br)-1))
abline(v = br,
col = "green",
lty = 3)
#Scalability: 5 millions
#Pareto distributions a=7 b=14
paretodist <- 7 / (1 - runif(5000000)) ^ (1 / 14)
#Exponential dist
expdist <- rexp(5000000)
lognormdist <- rlnorm(5000000)
weibulldist <- rweibull(5000000, 1, scale = 5)
#Normal dist
normdist <- rnorm(5000000)
#Left-tailed distr
leftnorm <- rep(normdist[normdist < mean(normdist)], 2)
#LogCauchy "super-heavy tail"
logcauchdist <- exp(rcauchy(5000000, 2, 4))
#Remove Inf - this check is already implemented on classIntervals
logcauchdist <- logcauchdist[logcauchdist < Inf]
testresults <- benchmarkdist(paretodist, title = "Pareto Dist")
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(paretodist, 0, title = "Pareto Dist", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(paretodist, 1, title = "Pareto Dist", plot = FALSE)
testresults <- benchmarkdist(expdist, title = "ExpDist")
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(expdist, 0, title = "ExpDist", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(expdist, 1, title = "ExpDist", plot = FALSE)
testresults <- benchmarkdist(lognormdist, 0.75, title = "LogNorm")
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(lognormdist, 0, title = "LogNorm", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(lognormdist, 1, title = "LogNorm", plot = FALSE)
testresults <- benchmarkdist(weibulldist, 0.25, title = "Weibull")
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(weibulldist, 0, title = "Weibull", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(weibulldist, 1, title = "Weibull", plot = FALSE)
testresults <- benchmarkdist(normdist, 0.8, title = "Normal")
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(normdist, 0, title = "Normal", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(normdist, 1, title = "Normal", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(leftnorm, 0.6, title = "Left. Trunc. Normal")
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(leftnorm, 0, title = "Left. Trunc. Normal", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(leftnorm, 1, title = "Left. Trunc. Normal", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(leftnorm, 200, title = "Left. Trunc. Normal", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(leftnorm, -100, title = "Left. Trunc. Normal", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(logcauchdist, 0.7896, title = "LogCauchy", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(logcauchdist, 0, title = "LogCauchy", plot = FALSE)
testresults <-
benchmarkdist(logcauchdist, 1, title = "LogCauchy", plot = FALSE)
# On non skewed or left tails thresold should be stressed beyond 50%,
# otherwise just the first iter (i.e. min, mean, max) is returned.
knitr::kable(testresults[-1, ], format = "markdown", row.names = FALSE)
# 5. Case study: Population----
nuts3 <- st_as_sf(nuts3.spdf)
nuts3 <- merge(nuts3, nuts3.df)
nuts3$var <- nuts3$pop2008 / 1000 #Thousands
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(3, 2.5, 2, 1))
main = "NUTS3 Pop2008 (thousands)",
ylab = "",
xlab = "")
init <- Sys.time()
brks_ht <- ht_index(nuts3$var)
Sys.time() - init
init <- Sys.time()
brks_fisher <-
classIntervals(nuts3$var, style = "fisher", n = 7)$brks
Sys.time() - init
init <- Sys.time()
brks_kmeans <-
classIntervals(nuts3$var, style = "kmeans", n = 7)$brks
Sys.time() - init
cols <- c(carto.pal("harmo.pal", 7))
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
var = "var",
breaks = brks_ht,
legend.title.txt = "HT-index",
col = cols,
border = NA,
legend.pos = "right"
var = "var",
breaks = brks_fisher,
legend.title.txt = "Fisher",
col = cols,
border = NA,
legend.pos = "right"
var = "var",
breaks = brks_kmeans,
legend.title.txt = "Kmeans",
col = cols,
border = NA,
legend.pos = "right"
paste0("Full running time:", Sys.time() - initrun)
#6. References----
# Jiang, Bin (2013). "Head/tail breaks:
# A new classification scheme for data with a heavy-tailed distribution",
# The Professional Geographer, 65 (3), 482 – 494.
# Jiang, Bin, Liu, Xintao and Jia, Tao (2013).
# "Scaling of geographic space as a universal rule for map generalization",
# Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(4), 844 – 855.
#Jiang, B. (2019).
# "A recursive definition of goodness of space for bridging the
# concepts of space and place for sustainability".
# Sustainability, 11(15), 4091.
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