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Created January 30, 2025 19:15
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import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import { jwtDecode } from 'jwt-decode'
import { NextResponse, URLPattern } from 'next/server'
import type { MiddlewareConfig, NextRequest } from 'next/server'
import { env } from './env'
const baseURL = env.NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB_URL
* When `whenAuthenticated` is `redirect`, the user is redirected to event page when
* visiting public URLs while authenticated, otherwise the `whenAuthenticated` next will
* let the user visit the public page even if authenticated.
const publicRoutesPatterns = [
pattern: new URLPattern('/event/:slug/sign-in', baseURL),
whenAuthenticated: 'redirect',
pattern: new URLPattern('/event/:slug/sign-in/code', baseURL),
whenAuthenticated: 'redirect',
pattern: new URLPattern('/event/:slug/authenticate', baseURL),
whenAuthenticated: 'next',
pattern: new URLPattern('/event/:slug/share/:postId', baseURL),
whenAuthenticated: 'next',
pattern: new URLPattern('/event/:slug/referral-link', baseURL),
whenAuthenticated: 'next',
pattern: new URLPattern(
whenAuthenticated: 'next',
pattern: new URLPattern('/event/:slug/sign-out', baseURL),
whenAuthenticated: 'next',
pattern: new URLPattern('/images/referral-opengraph', baseURL),
whenAuthenticated: 'next',
] as const
function getIsPublicUrl(url: string) {
const [input] = url.split('?')
for (const { pattern, whenAuthenticated } of publicRoutesPatterns) {
if (pattern.test(input)) {
return { isPublicUrl: true, whenAuthenticated }
return { isPublicUrl: false, whenAuthenticated: null }
function getUrlParams<T extends Record<string, string>>(
url: string,
pattern: URLPattern
) {
const [input] = url.split('?')
const result = pattern.exec(input)
if (result !== null) {
return result.pathname.groups as T
throw new Error('Path not properly handled by Next.js middleware')
export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
try {
const { isPublicUrl, whenAuthenticated } = getIsPublicUrl(request.url)
const { slug } = getUrlParams<{ slug: string }>(
new URLPattern('/event/:slug/:path*', baseURL)
const authenticationToken = request.cookies.get('token')
* If token is not present and the URL is public, continue...
if (!authenticationToken && isPublicUrl) {
* If token is not present but the URL is private, redirect to sign in
if (!authenticationToken && !isPublicUrl) {
const signInUrl = new URL(`/event/${slug}/sign-in`, baseURL)
return NextResponse.redirect(signInUrl)
* If token is present and the URL is private, we might redirect to event
if (
authenticationToken &&
isPublicUrl &&
whenAuthenticated === 'redirect'
) {
const eventUrl = new URL(`/event/${slug}`, baseURL)
return NextResponse.redirect(eventUrl)
if (authenticationToken && !isPublicUrl) {
let isTokenMalformedOrAlmostExpired = false
try {
const decoded = jwtDecode<{ sub: string; exp: number }>(
const expiryDate = new Date(decoded.exp * 1000)
isTokenMalformedOrAlmostExpired =
dayjs(expiryDate).diff(new Date(), 'minutes') < 15
} catch {
isTokenMalformedOrAlmostExpired = true
* If token is present but almost malformed or almost expired, redirect to sign in
if (isTokenMalformedOrAlmostExpired) {
const signOutUrl = new URL(
signOutUrl.searchParams.set('code', 'jwt-expired')
return NextResponse.redirect(signOutUrl)
} catch {
export const config: MiddlewareConfig = {
matcher: '/event/:slug/:path*',
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