With VSCode version 1.94, the APC extension broke and there is no fix yet.
So, for those having issues with APC after the VSCode update, I recommend downloading the previous version of VSCode for now (https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_93) and setting updates to manual by adding this to the editor's configuration:
"update.mode": "manual",
Pessoal meu vscode ficou sem os icons de pasta saberiam informar qual comando causou isso?
Edit: Encontrei a causa, por alguma razão o "Apc Customize UI++" alterou as configs de "File Icon Theme " caso alguem encontre o mesmo problema, segue a solução!
Só selecionar "Symbols" nas opções!
Adicionar dentro do User Settings (JSON): "workbench.iconTheme": "symbols",