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Forked from vly/
Created December 22, 2013 13:45
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import time
import uuid
import jwt
import requests
import re
# config
TOPIC_ID = 'YOURTOPICID' # the id for "question or feature suggestion, found in the frontend e.g. 200001701
ENDPOINT = 'https://' + SUB + ''
def encode_jwt(content):
blob = {
"iat" : int(time.time()),
"jti" : str(uuid.uuid1()),
"name" : content['name'],
"email" : content['email']
return jwt.encode(blob, SHARED)
def get_token(name, email):
Get session data for authenticated user
output = encode_jwt({'name' : name, 'email' : email})
cookies = dict(cookies_are='working')
conn = requests.get(ENDPOINT + output + '&return_to=https://' + SUB + '', cookies=cookies)
token = re.compile(r'<meta content="(.*)" name="csrf-token"').search(conn.text).group(1)
if token:
return {'token':token,'cookie':conn.cookies}
def create_question(user_data, content):
Create a new Help Centre question
endpoint = 'https://' + SUB + ''
data = {'utf8': '✓',
'authenticity_token': user_data['token'],
'question[title]' : content['title'],
'question[details]' : content['details'],
'question[topic_ids]' : TOPIC_ID
conn =, data=data, headers=header, cookies=user_data['cookie'])
out = re.compile(r'question-title"><a href="(.*)">').search(conn.text).group(1)
return out
def add_comment(user_data, content, official=0):
Add a new comment to a HC question
endpoint = 'https://' + SUB + '' + content['question'] + '/answers'
data = {'utf8': '✓',
'authenticity_token': user_data['token'],
'answer[body]' : content['message'],
'question[official]' : official
conn =, data=data, headers=header, cookies=user_data['cookie'])
return conn
if __name__ == "__main__":
content = {'title' : 'Testing automated post',
'details' : 'This is a test, seems to be working'}
a = get_token('User 1', '[email protected]')
b = create_question(a, content)
c = get_token('User 2', '[email protected]')
d = add_comment(c, {'message' : 'Yeah, it does seem to work', 'question' : b})
e = get_token('Staff 1', '[email protected]')
f = add_comment(c, {'message' : 'This is the official answer, yes.', 'question' : b}, 1)
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