Wouldn't it be nice to copy out your Trello board as plain text or markdown to be able to put it in a weekly memo, shipping notice or release notes? Now you can!
Copy this line of JS and paste it into the CONSOLE in your browser. The results will be saved to your clipboard.
This will copy your columns + cards as markdown right to left
var s = []; s.push("# " + jQuery(".board-canvas").children()[0].innerText); jQuery.fn.reverse = [].reverse; jQuery(".list:has(.list-header-name)").reverse().each(function() {s.push("\n## " + jQuery(this).find(".list-header-name-assist")[0].innerText + "\n"); jQuery(this).find(".list-card-title").each(function() {s.push("* " + this.innerText); }); }); copy(s.join("\n"));