Projected topojson example of a choropleth of Mexican municipalities and states with tooltips and each municipality colored by the number of people who live there
First download the shapefiles of Mexico (AGEBs, Manzanas, Municipios, Estados, etc) 1.4GB from
Then convert the files 'shps/national/national_municipal.shp' and 'shps/national/national_estatal.shp' to topojson with
topojson \
--width 960 \
--height 800 \
--margin 0 \
-s .25 \
--projection 'd3.geo.mercator()' \
-o national.json \
--id-property=+CVE_ENT,+CVE_MUN \
counties=national_municipal.shp \
Based on Mike Bostock's Projected TopoJSON example