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Created September 13, 2018 17:35
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Haskell: chunk a list of key-value pairs on N-sized chunks, in fair order.
module OrderedFairChunks where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function(on)
-- Useful type aliases
type Cons a = (a, [a])
type Slice k v = (k, [v])
--- Phase 1: mark every pair with its position/
zipWithIndex :: [(a,b)] -> [(a,b,Int)]
zipWithIndex = zipWith (flip app3) [0..]
--- Phase 2: split the list into the list of slices, by their keys
sliceByKeys :: Eq a => [(a,b,c)] -> [Slice a (b,c)]
sliceByKeys = unfoldr (onCons sliceOne sliceRest)
sliceOne :: Eq a => Cons (a,b,c) -> Slice a (b,c)
sliceOne (head, tail) = (hk, dfst3 head : rest) where
hk = fst3 head
rest = (map dfst3) . filter ( (hk ==) . fst3 ) $ tail
sliceRest :: Eq a => Cons (a,b,c) -> [(a,b,c)]
sliceRest (head, tail) = filter ( not . (hk ==) . fst3) tail where
hk = fst3 head
--- Phase 3: cut each group into batches of size n
chopSlices :: Int -> [Slice a (b, c)] -> [Slice a [(b, c)] ]
chopSlices n = map (mapSnd (chopSlice n))
chopSlice :: Int -> [t] -> [[t]]
chopSlice n = unfoldr (onCons chopOne chopRest) where
chopOne (p,ps) = p : take (n-1) ps
chopRest (_,ps) = drop (n-1) ps
-- Phase 4: merge the existing groups
merge :: Ord c => [Slice a [(b, c)] ] -> [Slice a b]
merge = unfoldr (onCons merge1 merge2)
merge1 :: Cons (Slice a [(b,c)] ) -> Slice a b
merge1 (headChop,_) = mapSnd (map fst . head) headChop
merge2 :: Ord c => Cons (Slice a [(b,c)]) -> [Slice a [(b, c)]]
merge2 (head_slice, tail_slices) =
if null chops then tail_slices else insertBy leqSlice cuthead tail_slices where
(key, _: chops) = head_slice
cuthead = (key, chops)
leqSlice :: Ord c => Slice a [(b, c)] -> Slice a [(b,c)] -> Ordering
leqSlice = compare `on` firstChopNumber where
firstChopNumber :: Slice a [(b, c)] -> c
firstChopNumber = snd . head . head . snd
onCons :: (Cons a -> b) -> (Cons a -> [a]) -> [a] -> Maybe (b,[a])
onCons _ _ [] = Nothing
onCons f g (x:xs) = Just (f (x,xs), g (x,xs) )
toCons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
toCons [] = Nothing
toCons (x:xs) = Just (x,xs)
-- Tuple functions:
fst3 :: (a,b,c) -> a
fst3 (x,_,_) = x
dfst3 :: (a,b,c) -> (b,c)
dfst3 (_,y,z) = (y,z)
app3 :: (a,b) -> c -> (a,b,c)
app3 (x,y) i = (x,y,i)
mapSnd :: (b -> c) -> (a,b) -> (a,c)
mapSnd f (x,y) = (x, f y)
-- combine all elements
fullFunction :: Eq a => Int -> [(a, b)] -> [Slice a b]
fullFunction n = merge . chopSlices n . sliceByKeys . zipWithIndex
choppedFunction :: Eq a => Int -> [(a, b)] -> [Slice a [(b,Int)]]
choppedFunction n = chopSlices n . sliceByKeys . zipWithIndex
testInput :: [(Char, Int)]
testInput = [('b',4), ('a',5), ('c',3), ('c',5), ('c',4),
('a',2), ('b',2), ('a',4), ('c',1), ('a',1),
('a',3), ('b',1), ('b',5), ('b',3), ('c',2) ]
testExpected :: [(Char, [Int])]
testExpected = [ ('b',[4,2,1]), ('a',[5,2,4]),
('c',[3,5,4]), ('c',[1,2]),
('a',[1,3]), ('b',[5,3]) ]
cyclic :: [(Char, Int) ]
cyclic = zip (cycle ['a' .. 'z']) (cycle [1..10])
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn ""
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