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// Start of Selection
// Initialize the arguments for the WP query to fetch various post types
$args = array(
'post_type' => ['post', 'session', 'resource', 'video'], // Define post types to query
'posts_per_page' => -1, // Set to '-1' to fetch all posts. Replace with a specific number if needed
'order' => 'DESC', // Order by descending to get the most recent or viewed first
// You can add more arguments here as per your query requirements
// Retrieve the most viewed posts using a function provided by the Post Views Counter plugin
$most_viewed_posts = pvc_get_most_viewed_posts($args);
// Map the retrieved posts to an array of their IDs for further use
$post_ids = array_map(function($post) {
return $post->ID; // Return the ID of each post
}, $most_viewed_posts);
// Construct the arguments for the Bricks query loop
// This will ensure that only the most viewed posts are included in the loop
// and that they are ordered by the number of views they have received
return array(
'post_type' => ['post', 'session', 'resource', 'video'], // Specify the same post types as above
'posts_per_page' => 9, // Limit the number of posts to display. Adjust as needed
'post__in' => $post_ids, // Include only the posts that are most viewed
'orderby' => 'post__in', // Maintain the order based on the most viewed posts
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You did a very fantastic job 😊
Keep up the good work. I wish you all the best.

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