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Last active January 27, 2022 12:21
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Global helper functions
import { Constants } from '../CommonConfig';
import moment from 'moment';
* Return random number between inclusive and exclusive
* @param {Number} length - exclusive length for randome number
* @param {Boolean} countOne - add plus 1 count
const getRandomNumber = (exclusiveLength = 1, countOne = false) => {
if (countOne) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * exclusiveLength + 1);
} else {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * exclusiveLength);
* Return a random UUID identifier (always generates random UUID )
const getUUID = () => {
var dt = new Date().getTime();
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(
function (c) {
var r = (dt + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
dt = Math.floor(dt / 16);
return (c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8).toString(16);
return uuid;
* Return a trimmed string by removing extra spaces
* @param {String} text - message to be trimmed
const trimString = (text) => {
if (typeof text == 'string') {
return text.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
return text;
* Returns an array with arrays of the given size
* @param {Array} myArray - data array to split
* @param {Number} chunkSize - size of every group
const chunkArray = (myArray, chunkSize) => {
var index = 0;
var arrayLength = myArray.length;
var tempArray = [];
for (index = 0; index < arrayLength; index += chunkSize) {
// Do something if you want with the group
tempArray.push(myArray.slice(index, index + chunkSize));
return tempArray;
const getHitSlop = (hitSlop = 5) => {
return {
top: hitSlop,
bottom: hitSlop,
right: hitSlop,
left: hitSlop,
* Format the given time into 00:00
* @param {Number} seconds - value to test
const formatTime = (secs) => {
let minutes = Math.floor(secs / 60);
let seconds = Math.ceil(secs - minutes * 60);
if (seconds < 10) seconds = `0${seconds}`;
return `${minutes}:${seconds}`;
* Return formatted timestamp string for event
* @param {String} startTimestamp
* @param {String} endTimestamp
* @param {Object} options
const getEventTimestamp = (
{ type = 'event', checkSameDay = false, checkDayType = true } = {},
) => {
const getday = (date) => {
return checkDayType
? moment(date).calendar(null, {
lastDay: '[Yesterday]',
sameDay: '[Today]',
nextDay: '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek: 'ddd, DD MMM',
nextWeek: 'ddd, DD MMM',
sameElse: 'ddd, DD MMM',
: moment(date).format('ddd, DD MMM');
if (type == 'post') {
return moment(startTimestamp)
.format('MMM DD, h:mma')
.concat(' - ')
.concat(moment(endTimestamp).format('MMM DD, h:mma [UTC]Z'));
var x = moment(startTimestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
var y = moment(endTimestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
var isTimeSame = x == y;
let formattedDate = '';
if (startTimestamp) {
const time = moment(startTimestamp).format(
`[at] hh:mm a${!endTimestamp ? ' [UTC]Z' : ''}`,
const day = getday(startTimestamp);
formattedDate = day + ' ' + time;
if (endTimestamp) {
var time = '';
if (checkSameDay && isTimeSame) {
time = moment(endTimestamp).format('hh:mm a [UTC]Z');
formattedDate += ' - ' + time;
} else {
time = moment(endTimestamp).format('[at] hh:mm a [UTC]Z');
const day = getday(endTimestamp);
formattedDate += ' - ' + day + ' ' + time;
return formattedDate;
* Return formatted string for long numbers
* @param {Number} n - Long number
const formatLongNumbers = (n) => {
if (n < 1e3) return String(n).length > 1 ? n : n.pad(2);
if (n >= 1e3 && n < 1e6) return +(n / 1e3).toFixed(1) + 'K';
if (n >= 1e6 && n < 1e9) return +(n / 1e6).toFixed(1) + 'M';
if (n >= 1e9 && n < 1e12) return +(n / 1e9).toFixed(1) + 'B';
if (n >= 1e12) return +(n / 1e12).toFixed(1) + 'T';
* Return formatted amount value with $ sign
* @param {String} n - amount value
const formatPrice = (amount) => {
return '$ '.concat(amount.toFixed(0).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,'));
const isVideo = (mediaObjUrl) => {
return (
['flv', 'mp4', 'm3u8', 'ts', '3gp', 'mov', 'avi', 'wmv'].indexOf(
mediaObjUrl?.split('.')?.pop() ?? '',
) > -1
const videoExt = () => {
return ['flv', 'mp4', 'm3u8', 'ts', '3gp', 'mov', 'avi', 'wmv'];
const isMusic = (mediaObjUrl) => {
return (
].indexOf(mediaObjUrl?.split('.')?.pop() ?? '') > -1
const formatBytes = (bytes) => {
return bytes / (1024 * 1024);
const fromNow = (date) => {
var now = moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss');
var then = moment(date).format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss');
var ms = moment.utc(
moment(now, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss').diff(
moment(then, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss'),
var d = moment.duration(ms);
if (d?._data?.days > 7 || d?._data?.months >= 1 || d?._data?.years >= 1) {
return moment(date).format('DD MMMM YYYY');
} else if (d?._data?.days >= 1 && d?._data?.days <= 7) {
return d?._data?.days + ` ${d?._data?.days > 1 ? 'days' : 'day'} ago`;
} else if (d?._data?.hours >= 1 && d?._data?.hours <= 23) {
return (
d?._data?.hours + ` ${d?._data?.hours > 1 ? 'hours' : 'hour'} ago`
} else if (d?._data?.minutes >= 1 && d?._data?.minutes <= 59) {
return (
d?._data?.minutes +
` ${d?._data?.minutes > 1 ? 'minutes' : 'minute'} ago`
} else if (d?._data?.seconds >= 1 && d?._data?.seconds <= 59) {
return (
d?._data?.seconds +
` ${d?._data?.seconds > 1 ? 'seconds' : 'second'} ago`
} else {
return moment(date).format('DD MMMM YYYY');
const isUrlValid = (url) => {
var res = url.match(
if (res == null) return false;
else return true;
const createSocialLink = (userName, type) => {
switch (type) {
case 1: // facebook
return `${userName ?? ''}`;
case 2: // twitter
return `${userName ?? ''}`;
case 3: // youtube
return `${userName ?? ''}`;
case 4: // instagram
return `${userName ?? ''}`;
* From list of elements of an array to new postions
* @param {Array} arr
* @param {Array} fromIndex
* @param {Array} toIndex
* @returns
const moveElements = (arr = [], fromIndex = [], toIndex = []) => {
const temp = Array.from(arr);
fromIndex.forEach((val, index) => {
var element = temp[val];
temp.splice(val, 1);
temp.splice(toIndex[index], 0, element);
return temp;
* Find the all index position of element in array which satify the condition
* @param {Array} arr
* @param {function} condition
* @returns
const findPositions = (
arr = [],
predicate = (value, index) => false,
skipFirst = false,
) => {
const temp = [];
arr.forEach((value, index) => {
if (predicate(value, index) && !(skipFirst && index == 0)) {
return temp;
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