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Last active February 19, 2021 18:36
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  • Save dilumdesilva/7bb549c2b45a2e20b5cecbd4f374c1cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dilumdesilva/7bb549c2b45a2e20b5cecbd4f374c1cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This gist contains steps to make fresh macOS developer environment.

personal aliases

  • alias openzsh="open -e /Users/dilumdesilva/.zshrc"
  • alias openzsh="open -e ~/.zshrc"
  • alias reloadzsh="source ~/.zshrc"
  • alias open="open ."

git aliases

  • alias add="git add"
  • alias commit="git commit"
  • alias check="git checkout"
  • alias status="git status"
  • alias checkdev="git checkout develop"
  • alias rebdev="git reabase develop"
  • alias pull="git pull"
  • alias push="git push"
  • alias stash="git stash"
  • alias spop="git stash pop"
  • alias sapply="git stash apply"
  1. cmd+r to reinstall macOS on startup (Note: signout from apple ID and Find my mac brefore reinstall OS)
  2. Install command line tools by checkting git --version on terminal.
  3. Install zsh to make terminal commands easier.
  4. Install Homebrew package manager.
  5. Install cask with Homebrew by runing brew install cask.
  6. Install multiple Java versions (1.8 and the latest) using jenv.
  7. Install node version manage - nvm to manage maultiple node versions by runing curl -o- | sh.
  8. Setup a default .gitignore file for your workspace or the home.
  9. Install tldr for more info on terminal commands.
  10. Install maven.
  11. Generate SSH keys setup git global configs.
  12. Install mysql server and workbench GUI.
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