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Created May 15, 2024 10:10
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Mars Rover
Mars Rover
A simple program in Python that takes in commands and moves one or more robots around Mars.
- The world should be modelled as a grid with size m x n
- Your program should read the input, update the robots, and print out the final states
of the robots
- Each robot has a position (x, y), and an orientation (N, E, S, W)
- Each robot can move forward one space (F), rotate left by 90 degrees (L), or rotate
right by 90 degrees (R)
- If a robot moves off the grid, it is marked as ‘lost’ and its last valid grid position and
orientation is recorded
- Going from x -> x + 1 is in the easterly direction, and y -> y + 1 is in the northerly
direction. i.e. (0, 0) represents the south-west corner of the grid
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple, Union
import unittest
Grid = namedtuple('Grid', ['x', 'y'])
class Direction(IntEnum):
N = 0
E = 1
S = 2
W = 3
class Location(NamedTuple):
x: int
y: int
direction: Direction
def __str__(self):
return f'({self.x}, {self.y}, {})'
# TODO: not desirable, but makes the output pretty
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
class Robot:
def __init__(self, x, y, direction):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.direction = Direction[direction]
def L(self):
"""Rotate left by 90 degrees."""
new_direction_value = (self.direction.value - 1) % 4
self.direction = Direction(new_direction_value)
def R(self):
"""Rotate right by 90 degrees."""
new_direction_value = (self.direction.value + 1) % 4
self.direction = Direction(new_direction_value)
def F(self):
Move forward one space.
Going from x -> x + 1 is in the easterly direction, and
y -> y + 1 is in the northerly direction.
if self.direction == Direction.E:
self.x += 1
elif self.direction == Direction.W:
self.x -= 1
elif self.direction == Direction.N:
self.y += 1
elif self.direction == Direction.S:
self.y -= 1
def get_location(self):
"""Returns the current location of the robot."""
return Location(self.x, self.y, self.direction)
def move_robot(grid: Grid, robot: Robot, instructions: str) -> Tuple[Location, Union[None, str]]:
Moves the robot based on the instructions within the grid.
Returns a tuple containing the final location of the robot and the status (None if not lost, 'LOST' if lost).
for instruction in instructions:
if instruction not in 'LRF':
raise ValueError(f'{repr(instruction)} is an invalid instruction. Must be on of: L, R or F.')
loc = robot.get_location()
getattr(robot, instruction)()
if robot.x < 0 or robot.x > grid.x or robot.y < 0 or robot.y > grid.y:
return loc, 'LOST'
return robot.get_location(), None
class TestRobotProgram(unittest.TestCase):
def test_move_robot_within_grid(self):
grid = Grid(4, 8)
robot = Robot(2, 3, 'E')
instructions = 'LFRFF'
final_location, status = move_robot(grid, robot, instructions)
expected_location = Location(4, 4, Direction.E)
self.assertEqual(final_location, expected_location)
def test_move_robot_outside_grid(self):
grid = Grid(4, 8)
robot = Robot(0, 2, 'N')
instructions = 'FFLFRFF'
final_location, status = move_robot(grid, robot, instructions)
expected_location = Location(0, 4, Direction.W)
self.assertEqual(final_location, expected_location)
self.assertEqual('LOST', status)
def test_invalid_instructions(self):
grid = Grid(4, 8)
robot = Robot(2, 3, 'E')
invalid_instructions = 'XYZ'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "'X' is an invalid instruction. Must be on of: L, R or F."):
move_robot(grid, robot, invalid_instructions)
def run_tests():
def run_examples():
grid = Grid(4, 8)
print(move_robot(grid, Robot(2, 3, 'N'), 'FLLFR'))
print(move_robot(grid, Robot(1, 0, 'S'), 'FFRLF'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# run_tests()
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