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Created February 11, 2022 19:39
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Algorand transaction
* @resource
export async function pureTransaction() {
const regExp = new RegExp(/\,/, 'g')
const mnemonic = 'final, equal, social, attack, chimney, spend, swear, civil, sad, jungle, dumb, assault, metal, feature, monitor, marriage, fly, depart, ill, shed, burger, census, swift, absent, garlic'.replace(
const recoveredAccount = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(mnemonic)
// Construct the transaction
const client = new algosdk.Algodv2(token, ALGO_CLIENT_SERVER, port)
let params = await client.getTransactionParams().do()
// comment out the next two lines to use suggested fee
// params.fee = 1000
// params.flatFee = true
const enc = new TextEncoder()
const note = enc.encode('Algorand transaction')
let amount = 1000000 // equals 1 ALGO
let sender = recoveredAccount.addr
let txn = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParams(
let signedTxn = txn.signTxn(
let txId = txn.txID().toString()
console.log('Signed transaction with txID: %s', txId)
// Submit the transaction
await client.sendRawTransaction(signedTxn).do()
// Wait for confirmation
let confirmedTxn = await waitForConfirmation(client, txId, 4)
//Get the completed Transaction
'Transaction ' +
txId +
' confirmed in round ' +
var string = new TextDecoder().decode(confirmedTxn.txn.txn.note)
console.log('Note field: ', string)
const accountInfo = await client
console.log('Transaction Amount: %d microAlgos', confirmedTxn.txn.txn.amt)
console.log('Transaction Fee: %d microAlgos', confirmedTxn.txn.txn.fee)
console.log('Account balance: %d microAlgos', accountInfo.amount)
* Wait until the transaction is confirmed or rejected, or until 'timeout'
* number of rounds have passed.
* @param {algosdk.Algodv2} algodClient the Algod V2 client
* @param {string} txId the transaction ID to wait for
* @param {number} timeout maximum number of rounds to wait
* @return {Promise<*>} pending transaction information
* @throws Throws an error if the transaction is not confirmed or rejected in the next timeout rounds
const waitForConfirmation = async function (
algodClient: any,
txId: string,
timeout: number,
) {
if (algodClient == null || txId == null || timeout < 0) {
throw new Error('Bad arguments')
const status = await algodClient.status().do()
if (status === undefined) {
throw new Error('Unable to get node status')
const startround = status['last-round'] + 1
let currentround = startround
while (currentround < startround + timeout) {
const pendingInfo = await algodClient
if (pendingInfo !== undefined) {
if (
pendingInfo['confirmed-round'] !== null &&
pendingInfo['confirmed-round'] > 0
) {
//Got the completed Transaction
return pendingInfo
} else {
if (
pendingInfo['pool-error'] != null &&
pendingInfo['pool-error'].length > 0
) {
// If there was a pool error, then the transaction has been rejected!
throw new Error(
'Transaction ' +
txId +
' rejected - pool error: ' +
await algodClient.statusAfterBlock(currentround).do()
throw new Error(
'Transaction ' + txId + ' not confirmed after ' + timeout + ' rounds!',
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