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Created November 20, 2018 14:37
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Brew stuff I use to install in my computer
brew cask list
0xed etcher meshlab soulseek transmission
appcleaner firefox midi-monitor stremio unpkg
blender handbrake plotdevice sublime-text vlc
disk-inventory-x inkscape sequel-pro torbrowser xquartz
brew list
apr httpd openssl
apr-util icu4c [email protected]
argon2 imagemagick opus
asciidoc imap-uw p11-kit
aspell jansson pango
atk jemalloc pcre
autoconf john-jumbo php
automake jpeg php72
bash lame pixman
boost libcroco pkg-config
brotli libev poppler
c-ares libevent pup
cairo libffi python
cask libidn2 python@2
cmake libogg readline
composer libpng rename
czmq libpq rsync
distcc librsvg rust
docbook libsodium sdl2
docbook-xsl libspiro shared-mime-info
emacs libssh2 snappy
ffmpeg libtasn1 socat
fontconfig libtiff source-highlight
fontforge libtool sqlite
freetds libunistring testdisk
freetype libvorbis theora
fribidi libvpx tidy-html5
gdbm libxml2 transmission
gdk-pixbuf libzip unixodbc
gettext little-cms2 unrar
giflib makedepend
glfw mariadb webp
glib nasm wget
glslviewer nettle x264
gmp nghttp2 x265
gnutls ninja xvid
gobject-introspection nmap xz
graphite2 node youtube-dl
gstreamer nspr zeromq
gtk+ nss zlib
harfbuzz nvm
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