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Last active September 29, 2023 10:54
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// Constants for settings labels
const SETTINGS_API_KEY_LABEL = 'Stripe API Key';
const SETTINGS_DEFAULT_TRIAL_PERIOD_LABEL = 'Default Trial Period (Days)';
const MAIN_SHEET_NAME = 'Subscription Data';
const CURRENCY = 'EUR';
// Initialize settings and Stripe client
let settings = new Settings();
let stripeApiKey = settings.getSetting(SETTINGS_API_KEY_LABEL);
let stripeClient = new StripeApiClient(stripeApiKey);
* Sets the API key in the script properties.
function setApiKeyToScriptProperties() {
let apiKey = settings.getSetting(SETTINGS_API_KEY_LABEL);
if (!apiKey) {
//notify user that the API key is not set
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('API Key not set');
settings.setSettingInScriptProperties(SETTINGS_API_KEY_LABEL, apiKey);
function onOpen() {
let ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem("Create Subscriptions", 'subscribeCustomers')
* Fetches customer data from the active Google Sheet.
* @returns {Array} List of customer objects.
function fetchCustomersFromSheet() {
let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
let lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
// Assuming the data starts from the second row (considering the first row has headers)
let dataRange = sheet.getRange(2, 1, lastRow - 1, 10);
let customers = dataRange.getValues();
let customerList = [];
for (const element of customers) {
let customer = {
"name": element[0],
"email": element[1],
"address": element[2],
"country": element[3],
"city": element[4],
"postalCode": element[5],
"months": element[6],
"trialPeriod": element[7],
"amount": element[8],
"subscriptionStatus": element[8]
return customerList;
* Fetches or creates a price for a product in Stripe.
* @param {number} unit_amount - Amount for the product.
* @param {string} product - Stripe product ID.
* @param {string} currency - Currency code (e.g., 'EUR').
* @returns {string|null} Stripe price ID or null if not found.
function getPrice(unit_amount, product, currency) {
let prices = stripeClient.fetchProductPrices(product);
for (const element of {
if (element.unit_amount == unit_amount && element.currency.toLowerCase() == currency.toLowerCase()) {
// If a price with the specified unit_amount exists, return its ID
return null;
* Sets a specific field in the Google Sheet based on the provided email.
* @param {string} email - Customer's email.
* @param {number} column - Column number to set the value.
* @param {string} value - Value to set in the specified column.
function setField(email, column, value) {
let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(MAIN_SHEET_NAME);
let lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
// The data starts from the second row (considering the first row has headers)
let emailRange = sheet.getRange(2, 2, lastRow - 1, 1);
let emails = emailRange.getValues();
for (let i = 0; i < emails.length; i++) {
if (emails[i][0] === email) {
sheet.getRange(i + 2, column).setValue(value);
* Main function to initiate the subscription process for customers.
function subscribeCustomers() {
try {
// Start by checking if the required settings exist and notify the user if they don't
let apiKey = settings.getSettingFromScriptProperties(SETTINGS_API_KEY_LABEL);
let selectedProductId = settings.getSetting(SETTINGS_SELECTED_PRODUCT_LABEL);
let defaultTrialPeriod = settings.getSetting(SETTINGS_DEFAULT_TRIAL_PERIOD_LABEL);
if (!apiKey) {
throw new Error('API Key not found in script properties.');
if (!selectedProductId) {
throw new Error('Selected Product not found in settings.');
if (defaultTrialPeriod == null) {
throw new Error('Default Trial Period not found in settings.');
// Get Customers from sheet
let sheetCustomers = fetchCustomersFromSheet();
for (const element of sheetCustomers) {
let fc = element;
if (fc.subscriptionStatus != 'Subscribed') {
subscribeCustomer(fc, selectedProductId, defaultTrialPeriod);
} catch (error) {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert(`Error: ${error.message}`);
* Handles the subscription process for a single customer.
* @param {Object} fc - Customer object.
* @param {string} productId - Stripe product ID.
* @param {number} defaultTrialPeriod - Default trial period in days.
function subscribeCustomer(fc, productId, defaultTrialPeriod) {
try {
// Create Customer
let newStripeCustomer = stripeClient.createCustomer(,, fc.address,,, fc.postalCode);
if (!newStripeCustomer) {
throw new Error('Failed to create a new Stripe customer.');
let amount = fc.amount * 100;
let product = stripeClient.fetchProduct(productId);
if (product == null) {
throw new Error('Product not found in Stripe.');
// Check if the price exists, if not create it
let priceId = getPrice(amount,, CURRENCY);
if (priceId == null) {
throw new Error('Price not found for the selected product in Stripe.');
let trialPeriod = (fc.trialPeriod != null && fc.trialPeriod != "") ? parseInt(fc.trialPeriod) : defaultTrialPeriod;
let subs = stripeClient.createSubscription(, priceId, fc.months, trialPeriod);
if (!subs) {
throw new Error('Failed to create a subscription in Stripe.');
let session = stripeClient.createCheckoutSession(priceId,, "card", "");
if (!session) {
throw new Error('Failed to create a checkout session in Stripe.');
sendCheckoutLink(newStripeCustomer, session);
setField(, 10, 'CREATED');
setField(, 11,;
} catch (error) {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert(`Error for customer ${}: ${error.message}`);
* Sends a checkout link to the customer via email.
* @param {Object} customer - Stripe customer object.
* @param {Object} session - Stripe checkout session object.
function sendCheckoutLink(customer, session) {
let checkoutUrl = session.url;
// Send an email to the customer with the checkout URL
let subject = "Complete Your Subscription Setup";
let body = `
Dear ${},<br><br>
Please complete your subscription setup by <a href="${checkoutUrl}">clicking here</a>.<br><br>
Your Company Name
subject: subject,
body: "",
htmlBody: body
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