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Created September 8, 2018 12:21
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using com.ootii.Messages;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace DK.InGameEditor.Utils
public class MyMonoBehaviour : SerializedMonoBehaviour
private static readonly BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public;
private static readonly BindingFlags bindingFlagsStatic = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;
protected BoxCollider _boxCollider;
protected MeshRenderer _meshRenderer;
protected Rigidbody _rigidbody;
protected bool _wasAwake;
protected bool _wasStart;
protected bool _wasStartOnNextFrame;
private static bool _isStaticSingletonsLoaded;
//game specific singletons
protected static z_InputManager z_InputManager;
protected static z_GameManager z_GameManager;
protected static z_CanvasGameplay z_CanvasGameplay;
protected static z_CanvasBase z_CanvasBase;
protected static z_WorldController z_WorldController;
protected static z_BaseManager z_BaseManager;
protected static z_FlyingTextManager z_FlyingTextManager;
protected static z_SceneTransition z_SceneTransition;
protected static z_LootManager z_LootManager;
protected static z_ObjectPool z_ObjectPool;
protected static z_PurchaseInfo z_PurchaseInfo;
protected static z_Settings z_Settings;
protected static z_CameraBase z_CameraBase;
protected static z_AudioManager z_AudioManager;
//@todo fix it!!!!
//@todo it's logical error - helicopter is not need to be singleton
protected static z_Helicopter z_Helicopter;
protected void Awake()
if (!_isStaticSingletonsLoaded)
_isStaticSingletonsLoaded = true;
_wasAwake = true;
protected void Start()
// AutoLoadValues();
_wasStart = true;
private IEnumerator StartOnNextFrameCoroutine()
yield return null;
_wasStartOnNextFrame = true;
protected void AutoLoadStaticSingletons()
var fields = GetType().GetFields(bindingFlagsStatic);
foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
var value = fieldInfo.GetValue(this);
if (value != null)
Debug.Log("Static value " + fieldInfo.Name + " is not empty");
var singleton = fieldInfo.FieldType.IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(Singleton<>));
if (singleton)
Debug.Log($"Load static singleton value {fieldInfo.FieldType}");
var propertyInfo = fieldInfo.FieldType.GetProperty("InstanceWithoutCreating", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
var propertyValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(null, null);
fieldInfo.SetValue(this, propertyValue);
Debug.Log($"Skip - load static - it's not a singleton {fieldInfo.FieldType}");
//check gameobject components and singletons
protected void AutoLoadValuesSimple()
var fields = GetType().GetFields(bindingFlags);
foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
var nested = fieldInfo.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component))
|| fieldInfo.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Graphic))
|| fieldInfo.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Camera))
if (!nested)
var value = fieldInfo.GetValue(this);
if (value != null && !ReferenceEquals(value, null) && (((object) value) != null) && value != "null")
var singleton = fieldInfo.FieldType.IsSubClassOfGeneric(typeof(Singleton<>));
if (singleton)
Debug.Log($"Load singleton value {fieldInfo.FieldType}");
var propertyInfo = fieldInfo.FieldType.GetProperty("Instance", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
var propertyValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(null, null);
fieldInfo.SetValue(this, propertyValue);
var comp = GetComponent(fieldInfo.FieldType);
if (comp)
fieldInfo.SetValue(this, comp);
private Dictionary<string, MessageHandler> listenMethods;
protected void InitMessageDispatcher()
var methods = GetType().GetMethods(bindingFlags)
.Where(m => m.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ListenAttribute), true) != null)
if (methods.Length == 0)
listenMethods = new Dictionary<string, MessageHandler>(methods.Length);
foreach (var methodInfo in methods)
//validate method signature
var methodParameters = methodInfo.GetParameters();
if (methodParameters.Length == 0 || methodParameters[0].ParameterType != typeof(IMessage))
Debug.LogError($"Listen attribute - SKIP - validation failed on - {methodInfo.DeclaringType}.{methodInfo.Name}");
var attribute = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute<ListenAttribute>();
listenMethods.Add(attribute.rType, message => methodInfo.Invoke(this, new object[] {message}));
// Debug.Log($"Detected listen method {methodInfo.Name} in {}");
private void AddMessageListeners()
foreach (var listenMethod in listenMethods)
// D($"Start listen {listenMethod.Key}");
MessageDispatcher.AddListener(listenMethod.Key, listenMethod.Value);
private void RemoveMessageListeners()
foreach (var listenMethod in listenMethods)
// D($"Stop listen {listenMethod.Key}");
MessageDispatcher.RemoveListener(listenMethod.Key, listenMethod.Value);
protected void OnEnable()
if (listenMethods != null)
protected void OnDisable()
if (listenMethods != null)
protected void AutoLoadValues()
var fields = GetType().GetFields(bindingFlags);
foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
var value = fieldInfo.GetValue(this);
if (value != null)
// Debug.LogFormat("Search for {0} of type: {1} skipped because values is not null and equals {2}", fieldInfo.Name, fieldInfo.FieldType, value);
var nested = fieldInfo.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component));
if (nested)
// Debug.LogFormat("Searching for {0} of type: {1}", fieldInfo.Name, fieldInfo.FieldType.ToString());
// comp = (Component) FindObjectOfType(fieldInfo.FieldType);
// if (comp)
// {
// fieldInfo.SetValue(this, comp);
// }
// Debug.LogFormat("Search for {0} of type: {1} skipped because of it's not nested from unity", fieldInfo.Name, fieldInfo.FieldType);
protected virtual void AfterAwake()
protected virtual void StartOnNextFrame()
protected virtual void AfterStart()
protected virtual void AfterOnEnable()
protected virtual void AfterOnDisable()
public void D(object message)
protected bool HasRigidbody()
return _rigidbody != null;
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