#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# ~/.ssh/gcp-start-iap-tunnel-ssh-proxy-magic.sh |
# a script to be used as SSH ProxyCommand to allow fully functional SSH access to any Google Cloud Compute Engine VMs allowing IAP access |
# |
# Author: Jaeho Shin <[email protected]> |
# Created: 2022-10-31 |
# See also: |
# - https://gist.github.com/netj/df4f9de1fefd254ab11979be7035b5d0/#readme |
# - https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/using-tcp-forwarding |
# |
# Instructions: |
# |
# 1. Copy this script to `~/.ssh/gcp-start-iap-tunnel-ssh-proxy-magic.sh` |
# |
# 2. Add the following lines to `~/.ssh/config`: |
# |
# # Google Cloud Compute Engine full SSH via using `gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel` as ProxyCommand |
# # (consider using this alongside `gcloud compute config-ssh`) |
# Host *.*-*-*.* |
# ProxyCommand sh ~/.ssh/gcp-start-iap-tunnel-ssh-proxy-magic.sh gce_instance=%n sshuser=%r sshport=%p |
# |
# 3. Use the `gcloud compute config-ssh --project=...` command to configure ssh host aliases for Compute Engine instances. |
# |
# 4. Enjoy SSH (esp. scp, rsync) for any instances allowed for SSM with no extra effort. |
# |
# |
# Synopsis: |
# |
# $ scp myhost.us-west1-a.my-gcp-project:remote/path local/path |
# $ rsync -av myhost.us-west1-a.my-gcp-project:remote/ local/ |
# |
# $ ssh myhost.us-west1-a.my-gcp-project |
# |
## |
set -eu |
{ |
{ |
type gcloud |
type nc |
} >/dev/null |
declare -- "$@" |
: ${gce_instance:?} ${sshuser:=} ${sshport:=22} |
iap_port=$(printf 22%03d $(($RANDOM % 1000))) |
# parse the $instance.$zone.$project host alias format used by `gcloud compute config-ssh` |
# TODO support $instance w/o $zone or $project |
# TODO support $instance.$zone w/o $project |
# TODO support $instance.$zone.c.$project.internal format names |
instance_name=${gce_instance%%.*} |
project=${gce_instance##*.} |
zone=${gce_instance#*.}; zone=${zone%.*} |
DATE_CMD=date |
if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then |
DATE_CMD=gdate |
fi |
# ensure gcloud compute ssh command has worked recently, i.e., key is registered for project |
[[ $(${DATE_CMD} -r ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine."ssh-worked.$sshuser@$project" +%s 2>/dev/null || echo -1) -gt $(${DATE_CMD} -d "last week" +%s) ]] || ( |
# support registering ssh key for $sshuser (cf. https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/metadata?tab=sshkeys) |
set -x |
exec &>/dev/tty || true |
# no need to waste time doing an extra test; it's not any faster than the actual ssh |
#gcloud compute project-info describe --format="value(commonInstanceMetadata[items][ssh-keys])" --project="$project" | grep -f ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine.pub || |
gcloud compute ssh --project="$project" "$sshuser"@"$instance_name" --zone="$zone" --tunnel-through-iap -- -T -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -- : ensuring ssh key for "$sshuser@$project" || |
false "To bypass this step (e.g., when you have the ssh-key manually set up for the instance), retry after running: touch ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine.ssh-worked.$sshuser@$project" |
touch ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine."ssh-worked.$sshuser@$project" |
) |
# start the IAP tunnel (ensuring it is stopped at the end) |
gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel --quiet >/dev/null --iap-tunnel-disable-connection-check \ |
--project="$project" "$instance_name" --zone="$zone" $sshport --local-host-port=localhost:$iap_port & |
trap "kill $!" EXIT |
# wait until it comes up |
until nc -z localhost $iap_port; do sleep 0.$RANDOM; done &>/dev/null |
} </dev/null >&2 |
# then hook up the IAP port to STDIO |
nc localhost $iap_port |