- Navigation
Ctrl + B : Jump to Definition
Ctrl + Alt + B : Jump to or show all implementations
Ctrl + Shift + Space : smart code completion
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + I : quick source code lookup
Ctrl + Q : Quick JavaDoc Popup
Ctrl/Cmd + W : select word, block, etc
Cmd + E : search in recently (edited) files
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Arrow : Up/Down - move line up/down
Cmd + P : show parameters
Alt + F7 : find usages
Alt + {Number} : toggle show/hide palletes (1: project, 2: favorrites(bookmarks, breakpoints), 3: find, 4: Run, etc)
- Action/Refactoring
Ctrl + Y : delete a line
Ctrl + D : duplicate a line
Shift + F6 : rename, twice for full options
- Code View
Ctrl + Shift + F7 : highlight Usages
Ctrl + (Shift) + - : collapse block, shift for all
Ctrl + (Shift) + = : expand block, shift for all
Ctrl + Shift + F12 : toggle full screen mode (custom)
- Not used usually
Ctrl + Shift + ENTER : complete Statement
Select Project Python Interpreter
Cmd K + Cmd S : show all keybindings
Cmd + Shift + P : command palette
Cmd + P : quick open
(to set file keep open, double click on title)
Cmd + K + Z : toggle zen mode coding
Shift + Cmd + V : preview mode
Ctrl/Cmd + B : toggle sidebar
Cmd + Shift + E : toggle explorer
Cmd + T : search in current tabs
Ctrl + Tab : previous tab
Cmd + Shift + m : show status bar (ESLint errors, warnings)
F8, Shift + F8 : cycle through errors
Ctrl + ` : toggle terminal
Cmd + W : close current file
F12 : go to definition
Shift + F12 : find usages
Cmd + Shift + C : open termial at current project
Cmd + \ : split editor
Cmd + 1, 2, 3 : Switch editors
Cmd + G : go to next current word
Ctrl + G : go to line no
Ctrl + - : navigate back to cursor position
Ctrl + Shift + - : navigate forward to cursor position
vscode config keybinding.json
, use these shortcuts to navigate beetween views
"key": "ctrl+h",
"command": "workbench.action.navigateLeft"
"key": "ctrl+l",
"command": "workbench.action.navigateRight"
"key": "ctrl+k",
"command": "workbench.action.navigateUp"
"key": "ctrl+j",
"command": "workbench.action.navigateDown"
Cmd + Shift + Space : show parameter hints
F2 : rename
Cmd + / : toggle comment code
Cmd + d : select word, n times for n words
Cmd + U : soft undo (back to previous location)
Ctrl + X : cut whole line
Alt/Option + Up/down : move line up/down
Cmd + Shift + K : delete line
Cmd + Shift + Enter : insert line above
Cmd + I : select line
Cmd + K + Cmd F : format code
To run vscode from cmd line $code .
⇧⌘P > type ‘shell command’ > select ‘Install’