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Dhi Aurrahman dio

  • Bandung, Indonesia
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diff --git a/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c b/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
index f41ae6e13..789e3e6b1 100644
--- a/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
+++ b/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c
@@ -998,6 +998,9 @@ static int check_cert(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
static int check_crl_time(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509_CRL *crl, int notify)
+ if (ctx->param->flags & X509_V_FLAG_NO_CHECK_TIME) {
+ return 1;
dio /
Last active August 7, 2024 03:32


The following scrape.ts scrapes (essential) PPIU data from:

To run the script, you need to have deno running on your machine.

Since it needs to access network and writing file to accomplish the task, you need to run the script as follows:

deno run --allow-net --allow-write scrape.ts
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
[{"no":"1","name":"PT ALHIDAYAH WISATA UTAMA","link":"","nomorSk":"26082100094440001\t\t\t\tTGL SK: 13-12-2022\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tDIREKTUR: Hj ANI PREMINI","kontakAlamat":"JALAN CENDRAWASIH II NO.48 RT-RW : 002-012 KELURAHAN CIBODASARI, KECAMATAN CIBODAS, KOTA TANGERANG, PROVINSI BANTEN. TELEPON : 081381796272 EMAIL : [email protected]","cabang":"0","detailLink":""},{"no":"2","name":"PT. ALFATIH NUR HAROMAIN","link":"","nomorSk":"NOMOR U.180 TAHUN 2020\t\t\t\tTGL SK: 13-07-2020\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tDIREKTUR: ARIFYANTO","kontakAlamat":"JL. DR RATULANGI NO. 204 RT 001 RW 002 KEL PARANG KEC MAMAJANG KOTA MAKASSAR, PROVINSI SULAWESI SELATAN TELP. 04118912372 EMAIL: [email protected]","cabang":"0","detailLink":""},{"no":"3","name":"PT. ALKAUTSAR GLOBAL PLUS","link":"","nomorSk":"NOMOR U
dio /
Created February 29, 2024 04:12


# Copyright Istio Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
const statusURL = document.querySelector(`video[src*='blob:']`).getAttribute('src'); const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = statusURL; = `${statusURL.split('.com/')[1]}.mp4`; document.body.appendChild(link);; document.body.removeChild(link);
dio / a.js
Created December 12, 2022 04:00
// TODO(dio): Include the core logic of docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs to @extensions/plugin-service-bridge-api-docs.
// Prerequisite: you need to run `generate-service-bridge-api-docs` first.
// To generate: `yarn workspace @products/service-bridge docusaurus gen-api-docs serviceBridgeApi`
// Note: You might want to: `yarn workspace @products/service-bridge docusaurus clean-api-docs serviceBridgeApi` first.
id: 'openapi',
docsPluginId: 'classic',
// TODO(dio): Ideally, this should consume the same "revisions" object as well.
➤ YN0002: │ @docsearch/react@npm:3.3.0 [cc6fa] doesn't provide @algolia/client-search (p397ae), requested by @algolia/autocomplete-preset-algolia
➤ YN0002: │ @lerna/version@npm:6.1.0 doesn't provide nx (pc0314), requested by @nrwl/devkit
➤ YN0002: │ @nrwl/devkit@npm:15.3.0 [acc39] doesn't provide typescript (p7d07c), requested by @phenomnomnominal/tsquery
➤ YN0002: │ @nrwl/devkit@npm:15.3.0 [bd3f7] doesn't provide typescript (p9fedc), requested by @phenomnomnominal/tsquery
➤ YN0002: │ docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs@npm:1.4.7 [2242d] doesn't provide react-dom (p94d04), requested by @docusaurus/mdx-loader
➤ YN0002: │ docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs@npm:1.4.7 [2242d] doesn't provide react-dom (p53f40), requested by @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs
➤ YN0002: │ docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs@patch:docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs@npm%3A1.4.7#./.yarn/patches/docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs-npm-1.4.7-8f8dc4d1c9.patch::version=1.4.7&hash=1b5ffc&locator=root%40workspace%3A. [e44d2] doesn't provide redux (pea304), requested by

To infer "version" on a Github Actions workflow run:

    - name: "Set current version"
      id: current-version
      # When 'github.ref' starts with "refs/tags" it is a tag. Then we can infer the current
      # version from it. For example, given 'github.ref=refs/tags/1.6.0', the current version is 1.6.0.
      run: echo "version=${{ fromJSON('{"true":"${GITHUB_REF#refs/*/}"}')[startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')] || 'next' }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT