August 7, 2013 02:33
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This add-on bridge the particle system and Rigid Bodies system in blender: creates real rigid body object based on the original settings of the object instantiated by the particle system Instructions: · Create an emitter and an object/group that will be emitted
· Assign a rigid body to the obj · Optionally create a field, like a force field, tha…
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bl_info = { | |
"name": "Copy Particles to Rigid Bodies", | |
"version": (0, 0, 8), | |
"blender": (2, 6, 8), | |
"location": "View3D > Tool Shelf", | |
"description": "Transfers dupliobjects from a PS to a Rigid Bodies simulation", | |
"author": "Liero (on blenderartist), Eli Spizzichino", | |
"category": "Animation", | |
} | |
import bpy, random | |
from mathutils import *; from math import * | |
def generic_copy(source, target, skip_props = ("bl_rna", "name", "rna_type", "type")): | |
""" copy attributes from source to target """ | |
for attr in dir(source): | |
if attr.startswith("_") or attr in skip_props: | |
continue | |
setattr(target, attr, getattr(source, attr)) | |
return | |
# code modified from modifierTools tears of steel | |
def copy_animation (source, target, offset=0): | |
if source.animation_data and source.animation_data.action: | |
action = source.animation_data.action | |
for fcu in action.fcurves: | |
# create new animation data if needed | |
if not target.animation_data: | |
target.animation_data_create() | |
# if there's no action assigned to selected object | |
# create new one | |
if not target.animation_data.action: | |
action_name = + "Action" | | | |
action2 =[action_name] | |
target.animation_data.action = action2 | |
else: | |
action2 = target.animation_data.action | |
# delete existing curve if present | |
for fcu2 in action2.fcurves: | |
if fcu2.data_path == fcu.data_path: | |
action2.fcurves.remove(fcu2) | |
break | |
# create new fcurve | |
fcu2 =, | |
index=fcu.array_index) | |
fcu2.color = fcu.color | |
# create keyframes | |
fcu2.keyframe_points.add(len(fcu.keyframe_points)) | |
# copy keyframe settings | |
for x in range(len(fcu.keyframe_points)): | |
point = fcu.keyframe_points[x] | |
point2 = fcu2.keyframe_points[x] | | = + Vector([offset, 0]) | |
point2.handle_left = point.handle_left + Vector([offset, 0]) | |
point2.handle_left_type = point.handle_left_type | |
point2.handle_right = point.handle_right + Vector([offset, 0]) | |
point2.handle_right_type = point.handle_right_type | |
return {'FINISHED'} | |
class Particles_to_Sim(bpy.types.Operator): | |
bl_idname = 'object.particles_to_simulation' | |
bl_label = 'Copy Particles' | |
bl_description = 'Transfers dupliobjects from a PS to a Rigid Bodies simulation' | |
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} | |
@classmethod | |
def poll(cls, context): | |
obj = bpy.context.object | |
return(obj and obj.particle_systems) | |
def execute(self, context): | |
wm = bpy.context.window_manager | |
scn = bpy.context.scene | |
fps = scn.render.fps | |
obj = bpy.context.object | |
set = obj.particle_systems[0].settings | |
par = obj.particle_systems[0].particles | |
txt = 'Set Particle System dupliobject to a Rigid Body object / group' | |
# disable simulation | |
scn.rigidbody_world.enabled = False | |
# to avoid PS cache troubles | |
obj.particle_systems[0].seed += 1 | |
# get dupliobject from particles system | |
if set.render_type == 'OBJECT': | |
duplist = [set.dupli_object] | |
elif set.render_type == 'GROUP': | |
duplist = set.dupli_group.objects[:] | |
else: | |{'ERROR'}, txt) | |
return{'FINISHED'} | |
# check if dupliobjects are valid | |
for d in duplist: | |
if not d.rigid_body: | |{'ERROR'}, txt) | |
return{'FINISHED'} | |
# an Empty as parent allows to move / rotate later | |
bpy.ops.object.add(type='EMPTY') | | = 'Bullet Particles' | |
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') | |
root = | |
delta = obj.location * wm.use_loc | |
root.location = delta | |
for i, p in enumerate(par): | |
print("%i off %i particles" % (i, len(par)) ) | |
dup = random.choice(duplist) | |
born_time = round(p.birth_time, 2) | |
die_time = round(p.die_time, 2) | |
scn.frame_set(born_time) | |
phy ='particle.000', | | | | = phy #..? | | = True | |
phy.rotation_euler = p.rotation.to_euler() | |
bpy.ops.rigidbody.objects_add(type='ACTIVE') | |
scn.frame_set(scn.frame_current) #..? | |
phy.parent = root | |
#copy sub particle system | | = True | | = dup | |
fake_context = bpy.context.copy() | |
fake_context["object"] = phy | |
bpy.ops.object.particle_system_add(fake_context) | |
psys = phy.particle_systems[-1] | |
psys.settings = dup.particle_systems[-1].settings.copy() | |
#bpy.ops.object.make_links_data(type='MODIFIERS') | |
#bpy.ops.object.copy_obj_mod() | | = False | |
# copy rigid body settings | |
generic_copy(dup.rigid_body, phy.rigid_body) | |
# keyframe unborn particle | |
phy.scale = [p.size] * 3 | |
phy.location = p.location - delta | |
phy.rigid_body.kinematic = True | |
phy.keyframe_insert('location', frame = born_time) | |
phy.rigid_body.keyframe_insert('kinematic', frame = born_time) | |
# keyframe particle pop up | |
if not set.show_unborn: | |
phy.scale = [0] * 3 | |
phy.keyframe_insert('scale', frame = born_time - wm.pre_frames) | |
phy.scale = [p.size] * 3 | |
phy.keyframe_insert('scale', frame = born_time) | |
# keyframe alive particle | |
phy.location += p.velocity / fps * wm.vel_mult | |
phy.keyframe_insert('location', frame = born_time + 1) | |
phy.rigid_body.kinematic = False | |
phy.rigid_body.keyframe_insert('kinematic', frame = born_time + 2) | |
if wm.use_field: | |
### offset subparticle start, end and emitter visibility | |
psys_set = psys.settings | |
random_offset = random.randrange(0,100) * wm.field_offset_rand | |
field_offset = wm.field_offset + random_offset | |
if wm.field_offset_born: | |
field_offset += born_time -1 | |
elif wm.field_offset_die: | |
field_offset += born_time + die_time -2 | |
psys_set.frame_end += field_offset | |
psys_set.frame_start += field_offset | |
### subparticle emitter visibility | |
psys_set.use_render_emitter = True | |
psys_set.keyframe_insert('use_render_emitter', frame = field_offset - wm.pre_frames) | |
psys_set.use_render_emitter = False | |
psys_set.keyframe_insert('use_render_emitter', frame = field_offset) | |
### create field copy | |
if not wm.field_obj: | |
continue | |
field_obj =[wm.field_obj] | |
if field_obj.field.type is not 'NONE': | |
origin = Vector([0]*3) | |
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') | | = True | |
#bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"linked":False}) | |
bpy.ops.object.effector_add(type=field_obj.field.type, location=origin, rotation=phy.rotation_euler) | |
new_field = bpy.context.active_object # | |
generic_copy(field_obj.field, new_field.field) | |
copy_animation(field_obj, new_field, field_offset) | |
if wm.field_follows: | |
new_field.parent = phy | |
new_field.location += Vector([random.choice([random.random(), - random.random()])]*3) * wm.field_rand_loc | |
else: | |
new_field.parent = root | |
new_field.location += phy.location | |
else: | |{'ERROR'}, "selected object is not a field type") | |
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') | |
# hide emmitter | |
obj.hide = obj.hide_render = True | |
scn.frame_set(scn.frame_start) | |
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') | | = root | | = True | |
# enable simulation | |
scn.rigidbody_world.enabled = True | |
return{'FINISHED'} | |
class PanelP2RB(bpy.types.Panel): | |
bl_label = '...Particles to Simulation' | |
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' | |
bl_region_type = 'TOOLS' | |
@classmethod | |
def poll(cls, context): | |
obj = bpy.context.object | |
return(obj and obj.particle_systems) | |
def draw(self, context): | |
wm = bpy.context.window_manager | |
scn = bpy.context.scene | |
obj = bpy.context.object | |
set = obj.particle_systems[0].settings | |
layout = self.layout | |
layout.operator('object.particles_to_simulation') | |
layout.prop(wm, 'use_loc') | |
column = layout.column(align=True) | |
column.prop(wm, 'vel_mult') | |
if not set.show_unborn: | |
column.prop(wm, 'pre_frames') | |
column.separator() | |
column.prop(scn.rigidbody_world, "use_split_impulse") | |
column.separator() | |
box = | |
box.prop(wm, 'use_field', text = "Use force field") | |
subbox = | |
subbox.enabled = wm.use_field | |
column = subbox.column(align=True) | |
column.label("Force field to duplicate") | |
column.prop_search(wm, "field_obj", scn, "objects", text = '', icon = 'FORCE_FORCE') | |
row = subbox.row() | |
column.label(text = "Random position the force field") | |
column.prop(wm, 'field_rand_loc') | |
subbox = | |
column = subbox.column() | |
column.label(text = "Offset all the animation") | |
col_b = subbox.column() | |
col_b.prop(wm, 'field_offset_born') | |
col_b.enabled = not wm.field_offset_die | |
col_d = subbox.column() | |
col_d.prop(wm, 'field_offset_die') | |
col_d.enabled = not wm.field_offset_born | |
col_offset = subbox.column() | |
col_offset.prop(wm, 'field_offset') | |
col_offset.prop(wm, 'field_offset_rand') | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.vel_mult=bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Speed', | |
min=0.01, max=50, default=1, description='Particle speed multiplier') | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.use_loc=bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Origin at emiter', | |
default=True, description='Place simulation root object at emiter start position ' | |
', maybe disable for animated emitters') | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.pre_frames=bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Grow time', | |
min=1, max=50, default=1, description='Frames to scale particles before simulating') | |
#row.prop(part, "factor_random") | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.use_field = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Use Force', | |
default=True, description='Add a force field to each copy of the particle') | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.field_obj=bpy.props.StringProperty() | |
#bpy.types.WindowManager.field_obj=bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Random', | |
# min=0, max=1, default=0, description='Particle speed multiplier') | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.field_follows = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Field follow particle', | |
default=False, description='Parent the new force field to the new created particle') | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.field_rand_loc = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Random Loc', | |
min=0, max=100, default=0, description='Random location multiplier for the field') | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.field_offset = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Offset", | |
description="Offset of the animations in frames", default = 10.0, soft_max=100.0, soft_min=-100.0, step=100) | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.field_offset_born = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='On born offset', | |
default=False, description='Offset the animation when particle Born for sub partcles and fields') | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.field_offset_die = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='On die offset', | |
default=True, description='Offset the animation when particle Die for sub partcles and fields') | |
bpy.types.WindowManager.field_offset_rand = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Random', | |
soft_min=-10, soft_max=10, default=0, step=1, description='Random offset of the animation') | |
def register(): | |
bpy.utils.register_class(Particles_to_Sim) | |
bpy.utils.register_class(PanelP2RB) | |
def unregister(): | |
bpy.utils.unregister_class(Particles_to_Sim) | |
bpy.utils.unregister_class(PanelP2RB) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
register() |
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thanks @omar432om I wish you the best with your project, you can credit me as Eli Spizzichino