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Created May 27, 2015 11:47
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Save dirkjanfaber/fd5bb7447593bda3d977 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script for updating the save folder of a Scansnap manager preference. This ought to be run from cron.
# This script takes care of changing the Scansnap Manager
# save folder every month. This script ought to be run from
# cron.
# Dirk-Jan Faber
SAVEDIR="${ROOTSAVE}/$(date +'%Y/%m')"
# Name is first argument, fall back to "Batch scan"
NAME=${1:-Batch scan}
# Search for the preferences entry that matches $NAME; we need to count the entries
# in order to change the correct one.
CNT=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print 'Scanning Settings:'" ${PLIST} |\
awk -F' = ' -v name="${NAME}" '
BEGIN { c=0; found=0 };
/Setting Name/ { if ( $2 == name ) { found=1; exit }; c++; };
END { if ( found == 1 ) { print c } else { print "" }; }; ')
# Exit if we did not find a match on ${NAME}
[ -z ${CNT} ] && ( echo "No match on [${NAME}] found in ${PLIST}" ; exit 1 )
# Create the save folder if it does not exist yet
[ ! -d ${SAVEDIR} ] && mkdir -p ${SAVEDIR}
# Update the Save folder
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "set 'Scanning Settings:'${CNT}':Save Folder' ${SAVEDIR}" ${PLIST}
# Prevent OSX's cache to use the cached settings (and update the plist after us)
defaults read ${PLIST} > /dev/null
# Print the current setting
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'print "Scanning Settings:'${CNT}':Save Folder"' ${PLIST}
exit 0
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