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Created May 29, 2021 11:06
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import { Resolver as GraphCacheResolver, UpdateResolver as GraphCacheUpdateResolver, OptimisticMutationResolver as GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver } from '@urql/exchange-graphcache';
export type Maybe<T> = T | null;
export type Exact<T extends { [key: string]: unknown }> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] };
export type MakeOptional<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe<T[SubKey]> };
export type MakeMaybe<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe<T[SubKey]> };
/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */
export type Scalars = {
ID: string;
String: string;
Boolean: boolean;
Int: number;
Float: number;
/** Autogenerated input type of AcceptInvite */
export type AcceptInviteInput = {
/** The UUID of the invitation that the user is accepting */
inviteId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of AcceptInvite */
export type AcceptInvitePayload = {
__typename?: 'AcceptInvitePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** Autogenerated input type of AccuseVillager */
export type AccuseVillagerInput = {
/** The uuid of the game object being wrapping the GameRole being accused */
gameObjectId: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of AccuseVillager */
export type AccuseVillagerPayload = {
__typename?: 'AccuseVillagerPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** An acronym for use in Office Jargon games */
export type Acronym = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & PlatformGameObjectable & PlatformCoverable & {
__typename?: 'Acronym';
/** The possible expansions for this acronym */
expansions: Array<Expansion>;
/** The ID of the acronym */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this acronym */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A guess made at what the corect expansion of an acronym is */
export type AcronymGuess = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'AcronymGuess';
/** Whether or not the correct expansion was guessed */
correct: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The expansion the user believes is corect for the acronym */
expansion: Expansion;
/** The game membership who made the guess */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The game object being guessed at */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
/** The ID of the acronym guess */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for this acronym */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Autogenerated input type of ActivateGameMembership */
export type ActivateGameMembershipInput = {
/** The ID of the game membership that the user is activating */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of ActivateGameMembership */
export type ActivateGameMembershipPayload = {
__typename?: 'ActivateGameMembershipPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** An answer to a question */
export type Answer = {
__typename?: 'Answer';
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The text for the answer */
text: Scalars['String'];
/** Autogenerated input type of AssignAvatar */
export type AssignAvatarInput = {
/** The ID of the Avatar being assigned */
avatarId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of AssignAvatar */
export type AssignAvatarPayload = {
__typename?: 'AssignAvatarPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
user?: Maybe<User>;
/** Autogenerated input type of AssignDoppel */
export type AssignDoppelInput = {
/** The ID of the game membership the Doppel is being assigned to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The ID of the Doppel being assigned */
doppelId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of AssignDoppel */
export type AssignDoppelPayload = {
__typename?: 'AssignDoppelPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of AssignItem */
export type AssignItemInput = {
/** The ID of the game membership the Item is being assigned to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The ID of the Item being assigned */
itemId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of AssignItem */
export type AssignItemPayload = {
__typename?: 'AssignItemPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** The result of finding a user's email via auth code */
export type AuthCodeResult = {
__typename?: 'AuthCodeResult';
/** The email of the user the auth code is for, or nil */
email?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
/** An avatar for users */
export type Avatar = PlatformDisplayable & {
__typename?: 'Avatar';
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Boolean indicating if this is the selected avatar for the current user */
isSelected: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this avatar */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Autogenerated input type of BiteVillager */
export type BiteVillagerInput = {
/** The ID for the game object being wrapping the GameRole being bitten */
gameObjectId: Scalars['String'];
/** The clue left behind for the villager */
clue: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of BiteVillager */
export type BiteVillagerPayload = {
__typename?: 'BiteVillagerPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** A company registered with Doppelganger, with a unique email domain */
export type Company = {
__typename?: 'Company';
/** The creator of the company */
creator: User;
/** The unique email domain for this company */
domain: Scalars['String'];
/** Whether the company has at least one game */
hasGames: Scalars['Boolean'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The company's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The comapany's status in the system */
status: CompanyStatus;
/** The users registered under this company */
users: Array<CompanyUser>;
/** A unique identifier for the company */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum CompanyStatus {
Deleted = 'DELETED',
Pending = 'PENDING',
Active = 'ACTIVE'
/** A user registered under a company, who is not the current user */
export type CompanyUser = Person & {
__typename?: 'CompanyUser';
/** The person's avatar */
avatar?: Maybe<Avatar>;
/** The user's email address */
email: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The user's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The tracking id for the person */
trackingId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A unique identifier for the user */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Autogenerated input type of ConfirmUser */
export type ConfirmUserInput = {
/** The user's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The user's company name if they are creator of one */
companyName?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The user's mobile device info */
mobileDevice?: Maybe<MobileDeviceInput>;
/** The user's tracking_id */
trackingId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of ConfirmUser */
export type ConfirmUserPayload = Person & GameObjectSource & {
__typename?: 'ConfirmUserPayload';
/** The user's avatar */
avatar?: Maybe<Avatar>;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The company the user is registered under */
company: Company;
/** Boolean flag indicating if the user has completed the how it works onboarding flow */
completedOnboarding: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The user's email address */
email: Scalars['String'];
errors?: Maybe<Array<DisplayError>>;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The game memberships for this user */
memberships: Array<GameMembership>;
/** The mobile device info for the user */
mobileDevice?: Maybe<MobileDevice>;
/** The user's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The status of this user */
status: UserStatus;
/** The tracking ID for the user */
trackingId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
user?: Maybe<User>;
/** A unique identifier for the user */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Fields all types that provide user copy must provide */
export type Copy = {
/** The promopt text copy */
prompt?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The body text copy */
text?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The title text copy */
title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateAcronymGuess */
export type CreateAcronymGuessInput = {
/** The ID for the game object wrapping the acronym being guessed at */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The ID for the expansion that the user is guessing the acronym means */
expansionId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateAcronymGuess */
export type CreateAcronymGuessPayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateAcronymGuessPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateChallengeResponse */
export type CreateChallengeResponseInput = {
/** The UUID for the GameObject wrapping the FactionChallenge being responded to */
gameObjectId: Scalars['String'];
/** The response to the challenge */
response: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateChallengeResponse */
export type CreateChallengeResponsePayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateChallengeResponsePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Defines the input format for creating dance recordings */
export type CreateDanceRecordingData = {
/** The name of the dance being recorded */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The content type of this recording */
contentType: Scalars['String'];
/** The status of the recording. Defaults to PENDING when not provided */
status?: Maybe<MediaStatus>;
/** The width of the recording. Defaults to 0 when not provided */
width?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The height of the recording. Defaults to 0 when not provided */
height?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The duration of the recording. Defaults to 0 when not provided */
duration?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateDanceRecording */
export type CreateDanceRecordingInput = {
/** The ID of the game membership the dance recording is being added to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The attributes for the dance recording itself */
danceRecordingData: CreateDanceRecordingData;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateDanceRecording */
export type CreateDanceRecordingPayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateDanceRecordingPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateDanceVote */
export type CreateDanceVoteInput = {
/** The ID for the game object being voted for */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateDanceVote */
export type CreateDanceVotePayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateDanceVotePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateFact */
export type CreateFactInput = {
/** The ID of the game membership the Fact is being added to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The attributes for the Fact itself */
factData: FactInputObject;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateFact */
export type CreateFactPayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateFactPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateFactionNomination */
export type CreateFactionNominationInput = {
/** The ID for the game object wrapping the FactionRole being nominated */
gameObjectId: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateFactionNomination */
export type CreateFactionNominationPayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateFactionNominationPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateGame */
export type CreateGameInput = {
/** The name of the game, will be generated automatically if not specified */
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The ID for the game type */
gameTypeId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>;
/** The timezone the game is being played in */
timezone?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateGame */
export type CreateGamePayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateGamePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
game?: Maybe<Game>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateGuess */
export type CreateGuessInput = {
/** The UUID of the game that this guess is being made for */
gameId: Scalars['String'];
/** The ID for the game object being guessed at */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The ID of the object being guessed at as the game objects source */
gameObjectSourceId: Scalars['ID'];
/** Flag indicating if this guess is for a sample game. Defaults to false if not provided */
isSampleGame?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateGuess */
export type CreateGuessPayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateGuessPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateInvites */
export type CreateInvitesInput = {
/** The UUID of the game that the invitation is for */
gameId: Scalars['String'];
/** The email addresses of the recipient */
recipients: Array<InviteRecipientInputObject>;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateInvites */
export type CreateInvitesPayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateInvitesPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
invites?: Maybe<Array<Invite>>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateLeaderAccusation */
export type CreateLeaderAccusationInput = {
/** The uuid of the game object wrapping the FactionRole being accused */
gameObjectId: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateLeaderAccusation */
export type CreateLeaderAccusationPayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateLeaderAccusationPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateSceneMove */
export type CreateSceneMoveInput = {
/** The ID for the GameElement wrapping the GameScene being acted on */
gameElementId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of move being made - can be Item or PuzzleAnswer */
moveType: Scalars['String'];
/** The ID of the move object */
moveId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateSceneMove */
export type CreateSceneMovePayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateSceneMovePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
sceneOutcome?: Maybe<SceneOutcome>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateStoryContribution */
export type CreateStoryContributionInput = {
/** The ID of the game membership the StoryContribution is being added to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The text of the StoryContribution */
contributionText: Scalars['String'];
/** Boolean flag indicating if this is the final contribution, ending the story */
finalContribution?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateStoryContributionLike */
export type CreateStoryContributionLikeInput = {
/** The ID for the game object being liked */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateStoryContributionLike */
export type CreateStoryContributionLikePayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateStoryContributionLikePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
totalLikes?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateStoryContribution */
export type CreateStoryContributionPayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateStoryContributionPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Defines the input format for creating talent recordings */
export type CreateTalentRecordingData = {
/** The name of the talent being recorded */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The content type of this recording */
contentType: Scalars['String'];
/** The status of the recording. Defaults to PENDING when not provided */
status?: Maybe<MediaStatus>;
/** The width of the recording. Defaults to 0 when not provided */
width?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The height of the recording. Defaults to 0 when not provided */
height?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The duration of the recording. Defaults to 0 when not provided */
duration?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateTalentRecording */
export type CreateTalentRecordingInput = {
/** The ID of the game membership the talent recording is being added to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The attributes for the talent recording itself */
talentRecordingData: CreateTalentRecordingData;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateTalentRecording */
export type CreateTalentRecordingPayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateTalentRecordingPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of CreateTalentVote */
export type CreateTalentVoteInput = {
/** The ID for the game object being voted for */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of CreateTalentVote */
export type CreateTalentVotePayload = {
__typename?: 'CreateTalentVotePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
/** A dance to be copied */
export type Dance = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & PlatformCoverable & {
__typename?: 'Dance';
/** A description of this dance */
description: Scalars['String'];
/** The difficulty rating for this dance */
difficulty: DanceDifficulty;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The media image for this dance */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The media that holds the practice video for this dance */
practiceVideo: Media;
/** The song to accompany the video for the dance */
song: Media;
/** The UiStyle for this dance */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this dance */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum DanceDifficulty {
Easy = 'EASY',
Medium = 'MEDIUM',
Hard = 'HARD'
/** A recording of a dance created for a game */
export type DanceRecording = PlatformGameObjectable & PlatformDisplayable & {
__typename?: 'DanceRecording';
/** The type of dance that this recording is of */
dance: Dance;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The actual video media for this recording */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The status of the recording */
status: MediaStatus;
/** The UiStyle for this recording */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this dance recording */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** The number of votes this dance recording has received */
votes: Scalars['Int'];
/** A vote made for a dance recording */
export type DanceVote = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'DanceVote';
/** The game membership who made the vote */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The game object being voted for */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for this dance vote */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A default game cover to display for a GameType */
export type DefaultGameCover = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & PlatformCoverable & {
__typename?: 'DefaultGameCover';
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this default game cover */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Autogenerated input type of DeleteDanceVote */
export type DeleteDanceVoteInput = {
/** The ID of the GameAction wrapping the DanceVote being deleted */
gameActionId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of DeleteDanceVote */
export type DeleteDanceVotePayload = {
__typename?: 'DeleteDanceVotePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
/** Autogenerated input type of DeleteFact */
export type DeleteFactInput = {
/** The ID of the GameObject wrapping the Fact being deleted */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of DeleteFact */
export type DeleteFactPayload = {
__typename?: 'DeleteFactPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
/** Autogenerated input type of DeleteStoryContribution */
export type DeleteStoryContributionInput = {
/** The ID of the GameObject wrapping the StoryContribution being deleted */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated input type of DeleteStoryContributionLike */
export type DeleteStoryContributionLikeInput = {
/** The ID of the GameAction wrapping the StoryContributionLike being deleted */
gameActionId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of DeleteStoryContributionLike */
export type DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload = {
__typename?: 'DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
totalLikes?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of DeleteStoryContribution */
export type DeleteStoryContributionPayload = {
__typename?: 'DeleteStoryContributionPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
/** Autogenerated input type of DeleteTalentVote */
export type DeleteTalentVoteInput = {
/** The ID of the GameAction wrapping the TalentVote being deleted */
gameActionId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of DeleteTalentVote */
export type DeleteTalentVotePayload = {
__typename?: 'DeleteTalentVotePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
/** A user-readable error */
export type DisplayError = {
__typename?: 'DisplayError';
/** Which input value this error came from */
attribute?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A description of the error which will be displayed to the user */
message: Scalars['String'];
/** A doppel created for a game */
export type Doppel = PlatformGameObjectable & PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & PlatformCoverable & {
__typename?: 'Doppel';
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The avatar image for this doppel */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The UiStyle for this doppel */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** An EmailThread used in a game of Vampire Village */
export type EmailThread = PlatformGameElementable & {
__typename?: 'EmailThread';
/** The category of this EmailThread */
category: EmailThreadCategory;
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The ID of the EmailThread */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The name of the object */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The subject for the EmailThread */
subject: Scalars['String'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this EmailThread */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum EmailThreadCategory {
Everyone = 'EVERYONE',
Vampires = 'VAMPIRES',
Heroes = 'HEROES',
Faction = 'FACTION'
/** An expansion of an acronym for use in Office Jargon games */
export type Expansion = {
__typename?: 'Expansion';
/** Field indicating if this is the correct expansion for the acronym */
correct: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The ID of the expansion */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The actual text for this expansion */
text: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for this expansion */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A fact created for a users Doppel in a game */
export type Fact = PlatformGameObjectable & PlatformFact & {
__typename?: 'Fact';
/** The stock answer selected for this fact */
answer?: Maybe<Answer>;
/** The custom answer provided for this fact */
customAnswer?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The ID of the fact */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target object’s name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The question for this fact */
question: Question;
/** Defines the input format for Fact mutations */
export type FactInputObject = {
/** The ID of the question being answered */
questionId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>;
/** The ID of the answer for the question */
answerId?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>;
/** A custom answer for the question */
customAnswer?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A faction instance in a game of Faction */
export type Faction = PlatformGameElementable & {
__typename?: 'Faction';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The ID of the Faction */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Boolean indicating if this is the insurgent faction for the game */
insurgent: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The name of this faction */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this Faction */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A challenge/question & response in a game of Faction */
export type FactionChallenge = PlatformGameObjectable & {
__typename?: 'FactionChallenge';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The question for this challenge */
factionChallengeQuestion: FactionChallengeQuestion;
/** The associated faction nomination, if there is one */
factionNomination?: Maybe<FactionNomination>;
/** The ID of the faction challenge */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target object’s name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this faction challenge */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A question for a user to answer in a game of Faction */
export type FactionChallengeQuestion = PlatformGameConstantable & {
__typename?: 'FactionChallengeQuestion';
/** The category this question falls under */
category: FactionChallengeQuestionCategory;
/** The display text for the question */
displayText: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The prompt subtext for this question */
inputSubtext: Scalars['String'];
/** The prompt text for this question */
inputText: Scalars['String'];
/** The name of the question */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The notification text for this question */
notificationText: Scalars['String'];
/** The prompt field placeholder text for this question */
placeholderText: Scalars['String'];
export enum FactionChallengeQuestionCategory {
General = 'GENERAL',
Personal = 'PERSONAL',
Entertainment = 'ENTERTAINMENT',
Food = 'FOOD',
Fun = 'FUN',
Hobby = 'HOBBY',
Shopping = 'SHOPPING',
Sports = 'SPORTS',
Travel = 'TRAVEL',
Work = 'WORK'
/** A response to a FactionChallenge in a game of Faction */
export type FactionChallengeResponse = PlatformGameObjectable & {
__typename?: 'FactionChallengeResponse';
/** The associated FactionChallenge for this response */
factionChallenge: FactionChallenge;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target object’s name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The user supplied response to the challenge question */
response: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for this FactionChallengeResponse */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A nomination made for a user to join a faction */
export type FactionNomination = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'FactionNomination';
/** The game membership who made the nomination */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The id of the game membership who made the nomination */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The game object being nominated */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for this nomination */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A FactionRole created for a player in a game of Faction */
export type FactionRole = PlatformGameObjectable & {
__typename?: 'FactionRole';
/** The category of the Role this FactionRole belongs to */
category: RoleCategory;
/** The faction this FactionRole belongs to */
faction: Faction;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target object’s name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The ID of the role this FactionRole belongs to */
roleId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The current status for this role in the game */
status: FactionRoleStatus;
/** A unique identifier for this FactionRole */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum FactionRoleStatus {
Active = 'ACTIVE',
Inactive = 'INACTIVE',
Exposed = 'EXPOSED'
/** A description of a font to be used for displaying text in a game */
export type Font = {
__typename?: 'Font';
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The full name for this font */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** A shortened value for the font's name, used to lookup the font files by the front end */
slug: Scalars['String'];
/** The font style */
style: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique idnetifier for this font */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** The font weight */
weight: Scalars['Int'];
/** A game being played */
export type Game = PlatformGame & {
__typename?: 'Game';
/** The company in which the game is being played */
company: Company;
/** An integer timestamp of when the game was created */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The creator of the game */
creator: User;
/** An integer timestamp of when the game ended */
endedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The game level constants used in the game */
gameConstants: Array<PlatformGameConstant>;
/** The cover to display in the games list for this game */
gameCover: PlatformCoverable;
/** The game elements used in the game */
gameElements: Array<GameElement>;
/** An array of all the game memberships for this game */
gameMemberships: Array<PlatformGameMembership>;
/** The theme for this game */
gameTheme?: Maybe<GameTheme>;
/** The type of game this is */
gameType: GameType;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Whether current user is a member of the game */
isMember: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** Boolean indicating if this is a sample game */
isSample: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The game's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The next game played after this theme */
nextGame?: Maybe<PlatformGame>;
/** The number of pending invites to this game */
pendingInvitations: Scalars['Int'];
/** The previous game played prior to this theme */
previousGame?: Maybe<PlatformGame>;
/** An integer timestamp of when the game started */
startedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The status of the game */
status: GameStatus;
/** The timezone to use for this game */
timezone: Scalars['String'];
/** An integer timestamp of when the game was last updated */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for the game */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Boolean flag to indicate whether the game continues over the weekend, or is paused until the next weekday */
weekendPlay: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The user who won the game */
winner?: Maybe<CompanyUser>;
/** An action taken in a game */
export type GameAction = PlatformGameAction & {
__typename?: 'GameAction';
/** The specific game action */
actionable: GameActionable;
/** The ID for the actual game action */
actionableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target of the action */
actionableTarget: GameActionableTarget;
/** The ID of the target of this action */
actionableTargetId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of the target of the action */
actionableTargetType: Scalars['String'];
/** The type of this game action */
actionableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The ID of the GameMembership this action belongs to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this Game Action */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Classes which can be used as GameActions */
export type GameActionable = Guess | SampleGuess | DanceVote | TalentVote | AcronymGuess | StoryContributionLike | SceneMove | VillagerBite | VillagerTurn | VampireAccusation | FactionNomination | LeaderAccusation;
/** Classes which can be targeted by GameActions */
export type GameActionableTarget = GameObject | GameElement;
/** A constant object created for use in a game */
export type GameConstant = PlatformGameConstant & {
__typename?: 'GameConstant';
/** The corresponding object this game constant references */
constantable: GameConstantable;
/** The ID for the actual game constant */
constantableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of this game constant */
constantableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this Game Constant */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Classes which can be used as GameConstants */
export type GameConstantable = Doppel | Question | Dance | Acronym | StoryTheme | Item | Scene | DefaultGameCover | GameFinishedScreen | MembershipIntroBackground | MembershipConfirmationBackground | Role | FactionChallengeQuestion;
/** An object created for use in a game by all players */
export type GameElement = PlatformGameElement & {
__typename?: 'GameElement';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The corresponding object this game element references */
elementable: GameElementable;
/** The ID for the actual game element */
elementableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of this game element */
elementableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The actions performed on this object */
gameActions: Array<PlatformGameAction>;
/** Id of the game this object belongs to */
gameId: Scalars['ID'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this GameElement */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Classes which can be used as GameElements */
export type GameElementable = GameScene | EmailThread | Faction | IntelligenceBrief;
/** The screen to display when a game has been finished */
export type GameFinishedScreen = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & {
__typename?: 'GameFinishedScreen';
/** The ID of the object */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** The name of the object */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this game finished screen */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A user's membership in a game */
export type GameMembership = PlatformGameMembership & {
__typename?: 'GameMembership';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The id of the game */
gameId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The GameObjects created for this game */
gameObjects: Array<PlatformGameObject>;
/** The uuid of the game */
gameUuid: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The current status of this game membership */
status: GameMembershipStatus;
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The user playing the game */
user: Person;
/** A unique identifier for this game membership */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum GameMembershipStatus {
Pending = 'PENDING',
Active = 'ACTIVE'
/** An object created for use in a game */
export type GameObject = PlatformGameObject & {
__typename?: 'GameObject';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The actions performed on this object */
gameActions: Array<PlatformGameAction>;
/** Id of the game membership this object belongs to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The corresponding object this game object references */
objectable: GameObjectable;
/** The ID for the actual game object */
objectableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of this game object */
objectableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this Game Object */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** An object that is being guessed at via a GameObject */
export type GameObjectSource = {
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The object's displayable name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Classes which can be used as GameObjects */
export type GameObjectable = Doppel | Fact | SampleFact | DanceRecording | TalentRecording | Acronym | StoryContribution | Item | GameRole | FactionRole | FactionChallenge | FactionChallengeResponse;
/** The final outcome of a game once it has finished */
export type GameResult = {
__typename?: 'GameResult';
/** The game that these results pertain to */
game?: Maybe<Game>;
/** The results for each player */
playerResults?: Maybe<Array<PlayerResult>>;
/** A GameRole created for a player in a game of Vampire Village */
export type GameRole = PlatformGameObjectable & {
__typename?: 'GameRole';
/** The category of the Role this GameRole belongs to */
category: RoleCategory;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target object’s name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The ID of the role this GameRole belongs to */
roleId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The current status for this role in the game */
status: GameRoleStatus;
/** A unique identifier for this GameRole */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum GameRoleStatus {
Neutral = 'NEUTRAL',
Bitten = 'BITTEN',
Turned = 'TURNED',
LockedUp = 'LOCKED_UP',
BitePending = 'BITE_PENDING'
/** An scene that is being played in a game of Lost Gold */
export type GameScene = PlatformGameElementable & {
__typename?: 'GameScene';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The ID of the GameScene */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The name of the object */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The position of this GameScene in the game */
position: Scalars['Int'];
/** The reference scene */
scene: Scene;
/** The moves that have been taken on this GameScene */
sceneMoves: Array<SceneMove>;
/** The SceneOutcome for this GameScene, if it exists */
sceneOutcome?: Maybe<SceneOutcome>;
/** The current status of this GameScene */
status: GameSceneStatus;
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this GameScene */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum GameSceneStatus {
Pending = 'PENDING',
Complete = 'COMPLETE',
Failed = 'FAILED'
export enum GameStatus {
Cancelled = 'CANCELLED',
Pending = 'PENDING',
Active = 'ACTIVE',
Finished = 'FINISHED'
/** A theme for an iteration of a GameType */
export type GameTheme = {
__typename?: 'GameTheme';
/** Key-content pairs for the copy to be displayed for this GameTheme */
gameThemeCopyTexts: Array<GameThemeCopyText>;
/** The details for the factions involved in this GameTheme */
gameThemeFactionDetails: Array<GameThemeFactionDetail>;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The game theme's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the GameTheme */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A key-content pair for copy to display for the associated GameTheme */
export type GameThemeCopyText = {
__typename?: 'GameThemeCopyText';
/** The actual copy content */
content: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The key identifying where the content is to be displayed */
key: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the GameThemeCopyText */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Details for a faction involved in a GameTheme */
export type GameThemeFactionDetail = {
__typename?: 'GameThemeFactionDetail';
/** The alias for the comrade roles for the faction */
comradeAlias: Scalars['String'];
/** The domain to use for the faction */
domain: Scalars['String'];
/** The email address associated with the faction */
email: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Boolean indicating if this is for the insurgent faction of the game */
insurgent: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The alias for the leader role for the faction */
leaderAlias: Scalars['String'];
/** The name of the faction */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the GameThemeFactionDetail */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** The type of game being played */
export type GameType = {
__typename?: 'GameType';
/** The default game cover to display for this game type */
defaultGameCover?: Maybe<DefaultGameCover>;
/** The image to display when a game has been finished */
gameFinishedScreen?: Maybe<GameFinishedScreen>;
/** The GameThemes for this GameType */
gameThemes?: Maybe<Array<GameTheme>>;
/** The details for this game type */
gameTypeDetail: GameTypeDetails;
/** The info for creating a tour of this game type */
gameTypeTour: GameTypeTour;
/** The game type's cover icon for display in game types list */
icon: Media;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The image to display as a background on the membership confirmation screen */
membershipConfirmationBackground?: Maybe<MembershipConfirmationBackground>;
/** The image to display as a background on the membership intro screen */
membershipIntroBackground?: Maybe<MembershipIntroBackground>;
/** The game type's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The game type's URL slug */
slug: Scalars['String'];
/** The game type's tag line */
tagline: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the GameType */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** The details for the type of game */
export type GameTypeDetails = {
__typename?: 'GameTypeDetails';
/** The game type's details */
details: Scalars['String'];
/** The gameplay description for the game type */
gamePlay: Scalars['String'];
/** A description of the game type */
goodFor: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Screenshots from the game type's game */
screenshots: Array<Media>;
/** The game type's splash image */
splash: Media;
/** The subtitle for the game type */
subtitle: Scalars['String'];
/** The title of the game type */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the GameTypeDetail */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A tour of the type of game */
export type GameTypeTour = {
__typename?: 'GameTypeTour';
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The page style of the tour */
pageStyle: TourPageStyle;
/** A call to action for the GameTypeTour */
playCta: Scalars['String'];
/** The individual steps of the tour */
steps: Array<GameTypeTourStep>;
/** A unique identifier for the GameTypeTour */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** An individual step in a GameTypeTour */
export type GameTypeTourStep = {
__typename?: 'GameTypeTourStep';
/** The background image to display for this step, if it exists */
backgroundImage?: Maybe<Media>;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The media to display during this step */
media: Media;
/** The position of this step in the tour */
position: Scalars['Int'];
/** The subtitle for this step */
subtitle: Scalars['String'];
/** The title of this step */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the GameTypeTourStep */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Autogenerated input type of GenerateSampleGame */
export type GenerateSampleGameInput = {
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of GenerateSampleGame */
export type GenerateSampleGamePayload = {
__typename?: 'GenerateSampleGamePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
game?: Maybe<PlatformGame>;
/** A guess made at what user a Doppel in a game represents */
export type Guess = PlatformGameActionable & PlatformGuess & {
__typename?: 'Guess';
/** Whether or not the correct person was guessed */
correct: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The game membership who made the guess */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The game object being guessed at */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
/** The person the guesser believes to be the doppel */
gameObjectSource: GameObjectSource;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The amount of points awarded for this guess */
points?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** An intelligence brief sent to users in a game of Faction */
export type IntelligenceBrief = PlatformGameElementable & {
__typename?: 'IntelligenceBrief';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The ID of the IntelligenceBrief */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The name of this IntelligenceBrief */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The timestamp for when this brief was sent */
sentAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this IntelligenceBrief */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** An invitation to join a game */
export type Invite = {
__typename?: 'Invite';
/** The company that this invitation is for */
company: Company;
/** The game that this invitation is for */
game: Game;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The corresponding user, if they exist */
recipient?: Maybe<User>;
/** The email address that the invitation is sent to */
recipientEmail: Scalars['String'];
/** The user who sent the invitation */
sender: User;
/** The status of this invitation */
status: InviteStatus;
/** A unique identifier for this invitation */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Defines the input format for the recipients of game invitations for the CreateInvites mutation */
export type InviteRecipientInputObject = {
/** The recipients email address */
email: Scalars['String'];
export enum InviteStatus {
Pending = 'PENDING',
Accepted = 'ACCEPTED',
Declined = 'DECLINED'
/** An item/tool for use in Lost Gold games */
export type Item = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & PlatformGameObjectable & {
__typename?: 'Item';
/** The icon to display for this Item */
icon: Media;
/** The ID of the item */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** The target object’s name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this item */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Autogenerated input type of JoinGame */
export type JoinGameInput = {
/** The UUID of the game that the user is joining */
gameId: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of JoinGame */
export type JoinGamePayload = {
__typename?: 'JoinGamePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The game action when a player accuses someone of being a faction leader in a game of Faction */
export type LeaderAccusation = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'LeaderAccusation';
/** Flag indicating whether the accused was the leader */
correct: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The game membership who made the accusation */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The id of the game membership who made the accusation */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The game object wrapping the FactionRole that was accused */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for this object */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A reference to media which can contain multiple concrete source files */
export type Media = {
__typename?: 'Media';
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** An array of all concrete source files of this media */
mediaSources: Array<MediaSource>;
/** The type of media this is */
mediaType: MediaType;
/** Name of the media */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The status of the media */
status: MediaStatus;
/** UUID of the media */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A concrete source file belonging to a media object */
export type MediaSource = {
__typename?: 'MediaSource';
/** The content type of the file */
contentType: Scalars['String'];
/** Duration of the media source file in milliseconds */
duration: Scalars['Int'];
/** Height dimension of the media source file */
height: Scalars['Int'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Name of the media source */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The status of the media source */
status: MediaSourceStatus;
/** URL to the media source file */
url: Scalars['String'];
/** UUID of the media source */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Width dimension of the media source file */
width: Scalars['Int'];
export enum MediaSourceStatus {
Cancelled = 'CANCELLED',
Pending = 'PENDING',
Processing = 'PROCESSING',
Active = 'ACTIVE'
export enum MediaStatus {
Cancelled = 'CANCELLED',
Pending = 'PENDING',
Active = 'ACTIVE'
export enum MediaType {
Image = 'IMAGE',
Video = 'VIDEO',
Audio = 'AUDIO',
Placeholder = 'PLACEHOLDER'
/** The background to display on the confirmation screen of the game membership flow */
export type MembershipConfirmationBackground = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & {
__typename?: 'MembershipConfirmationBackground';
/** The ID of the object */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** The name of the object */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this membership confirmation background */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** The background to display on the intro screen of the game membership flow */
export type MembershipIntroBackground = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & {
__typename?: 'MembershipIntroBackground';
/** The ID of the object */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** The name of the object */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this membership intro background */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A user's mobile device */
export type MobileDevice = {
__typename?: 'MobileDevice';
/** If the device has receiving push notifications enabled */
enabled: Scalars['Boolean'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The OS platform that the device is running */
platform: MobileDevicePlatform;
/** The registration ID used to identify the device */
registrationId: Scalars['String'];
/** The device token */
token: Scalars['String'];
export type MobileDeviceInput = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>;
registrationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
token?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
platform?: Maybe<MobileDevicePlatform>;
enabled?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
export enum MobileDevicePlatform {
Ios = 'IOS',
Android = 'ANDROID'
/** The copy to use for a specific move on a scene */
export type MoveCopy = Copy & {
__typename?: 'MoveCopy';
/** The promopt text copy */
prompt?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The body text copy */
text?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The title text copy */
title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export type Mutation = {
__typename?: 'Mutation';
acceptInvite?: Maybe<AcceptInvitePayload>;
accuseVillager?: Maybe<AccuseVillagerPayload>;
activateGameMembership?: Maybe<ActivateGameMembershipPayload>;
assignAvatar?: Maybe<AssignAvatarPayload>;
assignDoppel?: Maybe<AssignDoppelPayload>;
assignItem?: Maybe<AssignItemPayload>;
biteVillager?: Maybe<BiteVillagerPayload>;
confirmUser?: Maybe<ConfirmUserPayload>;
createAcronymGuess?: Maybe<CreateAcronymGuessPayload>;
createChallengeResponse?: Maybe<CreateChallengeResponsePayload>;
createDanceRecording?: Maybe<CreateDanceRecordingPayload>;
createDanceVote?: Maybe<CreateDanceVotePayload>;
createFact?: Maybe<CreateFactPayload>;
createFactionNomination?: Maybe<CreateFactionNominationPayload>;
createGame?: Maybe<CreateGamePayload>;
createGuess?: Maybe<CreateGuessPayload>;
createInvites?: Maybe<CreateInvitesPayload>;
createLeaderAccusation?: Maybe<CreateLeaderAccusationPayload>;
createSceneMove?: Maybe<CreateSceneMovePayload>;
createStoryContribution?: Maybe<CreateStoryContributionPayload>;
createStoryContributionLike?: Maybe<CreateStoryContributionLikePayload>;
createTalentRecording?: Maybe<CreateTalentRecordingPayload>;
createTalentVote?: Maybe<CreateTalentVotePayload>;
deleteDanceVote?: Maybe<DeleteDanceVotePayload>;
deleteFact?: Maybe<DeleteFactPayload>;
deleteStoryContribution?: Maybe<DeleteStoryContributionPayload>;
deleteStoryContributionLike?: Maybe<DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload>;
deleteTalentVote?: Maybe<DeleteTalentVotePayload>;
generateSampleGame?: Maybe<GenerateSampleGamePayload>;
joinGame?: Maybe<JoinGamePayload>;
platformInvite?: Maybe<PlatformInvitePayload>;
restartGame?: Maybe<RestartGamePayload>;
startGame?: Maybe<StartGamePayload>;
turnVillager?: Maybe<TurnVillagerPayload>;
undoBiteVillager?: Maybe<UndoBiteVillagerPayload>;
updateCompany?: Maybe<UpdateCompanyPayload>;
updateDanceRecording?: Maybe<UpdateDanceRecordingPayload>;
updateFact?: Maybe<UpdateFactPayload>;
updateGame?: Maybe<UpdateGamePayload>;
updateGameCover?: Maybe<UpdateGameCoverPayload>;
updateStoryContribution?: Maybe<UpdateStoryContributionPayload>;
updateTalentRecording?: Maybe<UpdateTalentRecordingPayload>;
updateUser?: Maybe<UpdateUserPayload>;
export type MutationAcceptInviteArgs = {
input: AcceptInviteInput;
export type MutationAccuseVillagerArgs = {
input: AccuseVillagerInput;
export type MutationActivateGameMembershipArgs = {
input: ActivateGameMembershipInput;
export type MutationAssignAvatarArgs = {
input: AssignAvatarInput;
export type MutationAssignDoppelArgs = {
input: AssignDoppelInput;
export type MutationAssignItemArgs = {
input: AssignItemInput;
export type MutationBiteVillagerArgs = {
input: BiteVillagerInput;
export type MutationConfirmUserArgs = {
input: ConfirmUserInput;
export type MutationCreateAcronymGuessArgs = {
input: CreateAcronymGuessInput;
export type MutationCreateChallengeResponseArgs = {
input: CreateChallengeResponseInput;
export type MutationCreateDanceRecordingArgs = {
input: CreateDanceRecordingInput;
export type MutationCreateDanceVoteArgs = {
input: CreateDanceVoteInput;
export type MutationCreateFactArgs = {
input: CreateFactInput;
export type MutationCreateFactionNominationArgs = {
input: CreateFactionNominationInput;
export type MutationCreateGameArgs = {
input: CreateGameInput;
export type MutationCreateGuessArgs = {
input: CreateGuessInput;
export type MutationCreateInvitesArgs = {
input: CreateInvitesInput;
export type MutationCreateLeaderAccusationArgs = {
input: CreateLeaderAccusationInput;
export type MutationCreateSceneMoveArgs = {
input: CreateSceneMoveInput;
export type MutationCreateStoryContributionArgs = {
input: CreateStoryContributionInput;
export type MutationCreateStoryContributionLikeArgs = {
input: CreateStoryContributionLikeInput;
export type MutationCreateTalentRecordingArgs = {
input: CreateTalentRecordingInput;
export type MutationCreateTalentVoteArgs = {
input: CreateTalentVoteInput;
export type MutationDeleteDanceVoteArgs = {
input: DeleteDanceVoteInput;
export type MutationDeleteFactArgs = {
input: DeleteFactInput;
export type MutationDeleteStoryContributionArgs = {
input: DeleteStoryContributionInput;
export type MutationDeleteStoryContributionLikeArgs = {
input: DeleteStoryContributionLikeInput;
export type MutationDeleteTalentVoteArgs = {
input: DeleteTalentVoteInput;
export type MutationGenerateSampleGameArgs = {
input: GenerateSampleGameInput;
export type MutationJoinGameArgs = {
input: JoinGameInput;
export type MutationPlatformInviteArgs = {
input: PlatformInviteInput;
export type MutationRestartGameArgs = {
input: RestartGameInput;
export type MutationStartGameArgs = {
input: StartGameInput;
export type MutationTurnVillagerArgs = {
input: TurnVillagerInput;
export type MutationUndoBiteVillagerArgs = {
input: UndoBiteVillagerInput;
export type MutationUpdateCompanyArgs = {
input: UpdateCompanyInput;
export type MutationUpdateDanceRecordingArgs = {
input: UpdateDanceRecordingInput;
export type MutationUpdateFactArgs = {
input: UpdateFactInput;
export type MutationUpdateGameArgs = {
input: UpdateGameInput;
export type MutationUpdateGameCoverArgs = {
input: UpdateGameCoverInput;
export type MutationUpdateStoryContributionArgs = {
input: UpdateStoryContributionInput;
export type MutationUpdateTalentRecordingArgs = {
input: UpdateTalentRecordingInput;
export type MutationUpdateUserArgs = {
input: UpdateUserInput;
/** A person identified in the system */
export type Person = {
/** The person's avatar */
avatar?: Maybe<Avatar>;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The user's full name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The tracking id for the person */
trackingId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A unique identifier for the person */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A cover to display in the games list for a game */
export type PlatformCoverable = {
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A cover to display in the games list for a game */
export type PlatformDisplayable = {
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A fact created for a users Doppel in a game */
export type PlatformFact = {
/** The stock answer selected for this fact */
answer?: Maybe<Answer>;
/** The custom answer provided for this fact */
customAnswer?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The ID of the fact */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The question for this fact */
question: Question;
/** A game being played on the platform */
export type PlatformGame = {
/** The company in which the game is being played */
company: Company;
/** An integer timestamp of when the game was created */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The creator of the game */
creator: User;
/** An integer timestamp of when the game ended */
endedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The game level constants used in the game */
gameConstants: Array<PlatformGameConstant>;
/** The cover to display in the games list for this game */
gameCover: PlatformCoverable;
/** The game elements used in the game */
gameElements: Array<GameElement>;
/** An array of all the game memberships for this game */
gameMemberships: Array<PlatformGameMembership>;
/** The theme for this game */
gameTheme?: Maybe<GameTheme>;
/** The type of game this is */
gameType: GameType;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Whether current user is a member of the game */
isMember: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** Boolean indicating if this is a sample game */
isSample: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The game's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The next game played after this theme */
nextGame?: Maybe<PlatformGame>;
/** The number of pending invites to this game */
pendingInvitations: Scalars['Int'];
/** The previous game played prior to this theme */
previousGame?: Maybe<PlatformGame>;
/** An integer timestamp of when the game started */
startedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The status of the game */
status: GameStatus;
/** The timezone to use for this game */
timezone: Scalars['String'];
/** An integer timestamp of when the game was last updated */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for the game */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Boolean flag to indicate whether the game continues over the weekend, or is paused until the next weekday */
weekendPlay: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The user who won the game */
winner?: Maybe<CompanyUser>;
/** An action taken in a game */
export type PlatformGameAction = {
/** The specific game action */
actionable: GameActionable;
/** The ID for the actual game action */
actionableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target of the action */
actionableTarget: GameActionableTarget;
/** The ID of the target of this action */
actionableTargetId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of the target of the action */
actionableTargetType: Scalars['String'];
/** The type of this game action */
actionableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The ID of the GameMembership this action belongs to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this Game Action */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Fields all GameActionable objects must provide */
export type PlatformGameActionable = {
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** A constant object created for use in a game */
export type PlatformGameConstant = {
/** The corresponding object this game constant references */
constantable: GameConstantable;
/** The ID for the actual game constant */
constantableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of this game constant */
constantableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this Game Constant */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Fields all GameConstant target objects must provide */
export type PlatformGameConstantable = {
/** The ID of the object */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The name of the object */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** An object created for use in a game available to all players */
export type PlatformGameElement = {
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The corresponding object this game element references */
elementable: GameElementable;
/** The ID for the actual game element */
elementableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of this game element */
elementableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The actions performed on this object */
gameActions: Array<PlatformGameAction>;
/** Id of the game this object belongs to */
gameId: Scalars['ID'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this GameElement */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Fields all GameElement target objects must provide */
export type PlatformGameElementable = {
/** The ID of the object */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The name of the object */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** A user's membership in a game, packaging the doppel and facts used for the game */
export type PlatformGameMembership = {
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The id of the game */
gameId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The GameObjects created for this game */
gameObjects: Array<PlatformGameObject>;
/** The uuid of the game */
gameUuid: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The current status of this game membership */
status: GameMembershipStatus;
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The user playing the game */
user: Person;
/** A unique identifier for this game membership */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** An object created for use in a game */
export type PlatformGameObject = {
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The actions performed on this object */
gameActions: Array<PlatformGameAction>;
/** Id of the game membership this object belongs to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The corresponding object this game object references */
objectable: GameObjectable;
/** The ID for the actual game object */
objectableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of this game object */
objectableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this Game Object */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Fields all GameObject target objects must provide */
export type PlatformGameObjectable = {
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target object’s name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** A guess made at what user a Doppel in a game represents */
export type PlatformGuess = {
/** Whether or not the correct person was guessed */
correct: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The game membership who made the guess */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The game object being guessed at */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
/** The person the guesser believes to be the doppel */
gameObjectSource: GameObjectSource;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The amount of points awarded for this guess */
points?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Autogenerated input type of PlatformInvite */
export type PlatformInviteInput = {
/** The email addresses of the recipients */
recipients: Array<InviteRecipientInputObject>;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of PlatformInvite */
export type PlatformInvitePayload = {
__typename?: 'PlatformInvitePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
/** The final result for a player of a game that has finished */
export type PlayerResult = {
__typename?: 'PlayerResult';
/** The GameObjects created for this game membership */
gameObjects: Array<GameObject>;
/** The player's final score. Null indicates the player did not participate */
score?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The user the player is */
user: CompanyUser;
/** A puzzle for use in Lost Gold games */
export type Puzzle = PlatformDisplayable & {
__typename?: 'Puzzle';
/** The icon to display for this puzzle */
icon: Media;
/** The ID of the puzzle */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The set of possible answers for this puzzle */
puzzleAnswers: Array<PuzzleAnswer>;
/** The text to display for this puzzle */
text: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this puzzle */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** An answer to a puzzle in Lost Gold games */
export type PuzzleAnswer = {
__typename?: 'PuzzleAnswer';
/** A boolean indicating if the answer is the correct one */
correct: Scalars['Boolean'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The text for the answer */
text: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifer for this puzzle answer */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export type Query = {
__typename?: 'Query';
/** Returns a set of avatars for a user to select from, filtering out avatars previosuly selected by other users from the same company */
avatars: Array<Avatar>;
/** Returns the most recent Faction game that the user is a part of, regardless of status, or nil if they have never played a Faction game */
currentGame?: Maybe<PlatformGame>;
/** Query for all doppels */
doppels: Array<Doppel>;
/** Return the auth code's user's email, if the auth code is valid */
emailFromAuthCode?: Maybe<AuthCodeResult>;
/** Query for game constants of a specific game type */
gameConstants: Array<PlatformGameConstant>;
/** Query for results of a game */
gameResult: GameResult;
/** Query for all GameTypes */
gameTypes: Array<GameType>;
/** Returns the Nightfall games that the user is a part of */
games: Array<PlatformGame>;
/** Query for all questions */
questions: Array<Question>;
/** Query for the current user, based on the authentication headers */
user: User;
export type QueryEmailFromAuthCodeArgs = {
authCode: Scalars['String'];
export type QueryGameConstantsArgs = {
gameTypeId: Scalars['String'];
constantableType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export type QueryGameResultArgs = {
gameId: Scalars['String'];
/** A question for a user to answer to create facts */
export type Question = PlatformGameConstantable & {
__typename?: 'Question';
/** Whether or not this question allows a custom answer */
allowCustom: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The stock answers for this question */
answers: Array<Answer>;
/** The category this question falls under */
category: QuestionCategory;
/** The display text for the question */
displayText: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The prompt subtext for this question */
inputSubtext: Scalars['String'];
/** The prompt text for this question */
inputText: Scalars['String'];
/** The name of the question */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The prompt field placeholder text for this question */
placeholderText: Scalars['String'];
/** An integer indicating the sensitivity level of this question */
sensitivity: Scalars['Int'];
export enum QuestionCategory {
General = 'GENERAL',
Personal = 'PERSONAL',
Entertainment = 'ENTERTAINMENT',
Food = 'FOOD',
Fun = 'FUN',
Hobby = 'HOBBY',
Shopping = 'SHOPPING',
Sports = 'SPORTS',
Travel = 'TRAVEL',
Work = 'WORK'
/** Autogenerated input type of RestartGame */
export type RestartGameInput = {
/** The ID of the game being restarted */
gameId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of RestartGame */
export type RestartGamePayload = {
__typename?: 'RestartGamePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
game?: Maybe<Game>;
/** A role for use in a game of Vampire Village */
export type Role = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & {
__typename?: 'Role';
/** The category this role is in */
category: RoleCategory;
/** The ID of the object */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** The name of the object */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this role */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum RoleCategory {
Villager = 'VILLAGER',
Vampire = 'VAMPIRE',
Hero = 'HERO',
Leader = 'LEADER',
Comrade = 'COMRADE'
/** A sample fact created for a sample user */
export type SampleFact = PlatformGameObjectable & PlatformFact & {
__typename?: 'SampleFact';
/** The stock answer selected for this fact */
answer?: Maybe<Answer>;
/** The custom answer provided for this fact */
customAnswer?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The ID of the fact */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target object’s name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The question for this fact */
question: Question;
/** A sample game being played */
export type SampleGame = PlatformGame & {
__typename?: 'SampleGame';
/** The company in which the game is being played */
company: Company;
/** An integer timestamp of when the game was created */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The creator of the game */
creator: User;
/** An integer timestamp of when the game ended */
endedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The game level constants used in the game */
gameConstants: Array<PlatformGameConstant>;
/** The cover to display in the games list for this game */
gameCover: PlatformCoverable;
/** The game elements used in the game */
gameElements: Array<GameElement>;
/** An array of all the game memberships for this game */
gameMemberships: Array<PlatformGameMembership>;
/** The theme for this game */
gameTheme?: Maybe<GameTheme>;
/** The type of game this is */
gameType: GameType;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Whether current user is a member of the game */
isMember: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** Boolean indicating if this is a sample game */
isSample: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The game's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The next game played after this theme */
nextGame?: Maybe<PlatformGame>;
/** The number of pending invites to this game */
pendingInvitations: Scalars['Int'];
/** The previous game played prior to this theme */
previousGame?: Maybe<PlatformGame>;
/** An integer timestamp of when the game started */
startedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The status of the game */
status: GameStatus;
/** The timezone to use for this game */
timezone: Scalars['String'];
/** An integer timestamp of when the game was last updated */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for the game */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Boolean flag to indicate whether the game continues over the weekend, or is paused until the next weekday */
weekendPlay: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The user who won the game */
winner?: Maybe<CompanyUser>;
/** An action taken in a sample game */
export type SampleGameAction = PlatformGameAction & {
__typename?: 'SampleGameAction';
/** The specific game action */
actionable: GameActionable;
/** The ID for the actual game action */
actionableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target of the action */
actionableTarget: GameActionableTarget;
/** The ID of the target of this action */
actionableTargetId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of the target of the action */
actionableTargetType: Scalars['String'];
/** The type of this game action */
actionableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The ID of the GameMembership this action belongs to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this Game Action */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A user's membership in a game, packaging the doppel and facts used for the game */
export type SampleGameMembership = PlatformGameMembership & {
__typename?: 'SampleGameMembership';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The id of the game */
gameId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The GameObject created for this game */
gameObjects: Array<PlatformGameObject>;
/** The uuid of the game */
gameUuid: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The current status of this game membership */
status: GameMembershipStatus;
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The user playing the game */
user: Person;
/** A unique identifier for this game membership */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A sample object created for use in a sample game */
export type SampleGameObject = PlatformGameObject & {
__typename?: 'SampleGameObject';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** The actions performed on this object */
gameActions: Array<PlatformGameAction>;
/** Id of the game membership this object belongs to */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The corresponding object this game object references */
objectable: GameObjectable;
/** The ID for the actual game object */
objectableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of this game object */
objectableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this Game Object */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A guess made at what sample user a Doppel in a sample game represents */
export type SampleGuess = PlatformGameActionable & PlatformGuess & {
__typename?: 'SampleGuess';
/** Whether or not the correct person was guessed */
correct: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The game membership who made the guess */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The game object being guessed at */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
/** The person the guesser believes to be the doppel */
gameObjectSource: GameObjectSource;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The amount of points awarded for this guess */
points?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** A sample user */
export type SampleUser = Person & GameObjectSource & {
__typename?: 'SampleUser';
/** The person's avatar */
avatar?: Maybe<Avatar>;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The user's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The tracking ID for the user */
trackingId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A unique identifier for the user */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A scene for use in a Lost Gold game */
export type Scene = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & PlatformCoverable & {
__typename?: 'Scene';
/** The media to display for this scene when not solved correctly */
failureMedia: Media;
/** The icon to display for this scene */
icon: Media;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Boolean flag indicating whether other players can be invited from this scene */
invite: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The text to show in the Invite modal if the player is stuck */
inviteFailureText: Scalars['String'];
/** The text to show in the Invite modal if the player is not stuck */
inviteSuccessText: Scalars['String'];
/** The copy to be used when an item is used but fails to complete the scene */
itemFailureCopy: Copy;
/** The copy to be used when an item is used to successfully complete the scene */
itemSuccessCopy: Copy;
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The puzzle that can be solved to complete this scene */
puzzle: Puzzle;
/** The copy to be used when the scene puzzle is not successfully solved */
puzzleFailureCopy: Copy;
/** The copy to be used when the scene puzzle is successfully solved */
puzzleSuccessCopy: Copy;
/** An array containing the SceneItems for this scene */
sceneItems: Array<SceneItem>;
/** The media to display for this scene when solved correctly */
successMedia: Media;
/** The text explaining the scene */
text: Scalars['String'];
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this scene */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** The default copy to use for a scene */
export type SceneCopy = Copy & {
__typename?: 'SceneCopy';
/** The promopt text copy */
prompt?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The body text copy */
text?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The title text copy */
title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A combination of an item and a scene, which can be used together */
export type SceneItem = {
__typename?: 'SceneItem';
/** The actual item */
item: Item;
/** The actual scene */
scene: Scene;
/** A unique identifier for this scene item */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A move made on a scene in a game of Lost Gold */
export type SceneMove = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'SceneMove';
/** The game membership who made the move */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The id of the game membership who made the move */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The ID of the SceneMove */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The specific move itself (an Item or a Puzzle) */
move: SceneMoveable;
/** The specific copy for this SceneMove, if it exists */
moveCopy?: Maybe<MoveCopy>;
/** The ID for the actual SceneMove */
moveId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The type of this SceneMove */
moveType: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for this SceneMove */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Classes which can be used as SceneMoves */
export type SceneMoveable = Item | PuzzleAnswer;
/** A successful completion of a scene in a game of Lost Gold */
export type SceneOutcome = {
__typename?: 'SceneOutcome';
/** The GameScene that was successfully completed */
gameScene: GameScene;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The SceneMove that was made to complete the GameScene */
sceneMove: SceneMove;
/** A unique identifier for this SceneOutcome */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** Autogenerated input type of StartGame */
export type StartGameInput = {
/** The UUID of the game that the user is joining */
gameId: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of StartGame */
export type StartGamePayload = {
__typename?: 'StartGamePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
game?: Maybe<Game>;
/** A contribution to a story in a Once Upon A Time game */
export type StoryContribution = PlatformGameObjectable & {
__typename?: 'StoryContribution';
/** The created timestamp */
createdAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** Boolean indicating if this is the final contribution to the story, ending it */
ending: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The ID of the story contribution */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The target object’s name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The position in the story for this contribution */
position: Scalars['Int'];
/** The actual text for this story contribution */
text: Scalars['String'];
/** The last updated timestamp */
updatedAt: Scalars['Int'];
/** A unique identifier for this story contribution */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A like of a StoryContribution in a Once Upon a Time game */
export type StoryContributionLike = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'StoryContributionLike';
/** The game membership who added the like */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The game object being liked */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for this story contribution like */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A theme for a story in a Once Upon A Time game */
export type StoryTheme = PlatformDisplayable & PlatformGameConstantable & PlatformCoverable & {
__typename?: 'StoryTheme';
/** The font to be used for displaying the body text */
bodyFont: Font;
/** The ID of the theme */
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The Media to be displayed */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The starter text for this theme */
starter: Scalars['String'];
/** A title for this theme */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** The font to be used for displaying the title text */
titleFont: Font;
/** UI style settings for display */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this theme */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A recording of a talent created for a Talent Show game */
export type TalentRecording = PlatformGameObjectable & PlatformDisplayable & {
__typename?: 'TalentRecording';
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The actual video media for this recording */
media: Media;
/** A name that can be displayed */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The status of the recording */
status: MediaStatus;
/** The UiStyle for this recording */
uiStyle: UiStyle;
/** A unique identifier for this talent recording */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** The number of votes this talent recording has received */
votes: Scalars['Int'];
/** A vote made for a talent recording */
export type TalentVote = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'TalentVote';
/** The game membership who made the vote */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The game object being voted for */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for this talent vote */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum TourPageStyle {
Slides = 'SLIDES',
Fullscreen = 'FULLSCREEN'
/** Autogenerated input type of TurnVillager */
export type TurnVillagerInput = {
/** The uuid of the game object being wrapping the GameRole being turned */
gameObjectId: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of TurnVillager */
export type TurnVillagerPayload = {
__typename?: 'TurnVillagerPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameAction?: Maybe<PlatformGameAction>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** A model that stores UI style settings for displayables */
export type UiStyle = {
__typename?: 'UiStyle';
/** The accent color */
accentColor: Scalars['String'];
/** The background color */
backgroundColor: Scalars['String'];
/** The contrast color */
contrastColor: Scalars['String'];
/** The displable this UiStyle belongs to */
displayable: PlatformDisplayable;
/** A JSON blob of overrides or additional settings */
overrides?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The primary color */
primaryColor: Scalars['String'];
/** Autogenerated input type of UndoBiteVillager */
export type UndoBiteVillagerInput = {
/** The UUID for the game object being wrapping the GameRole being unbitten */
gameObjectId: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of UndoBiteVillager */
export type UndoBiteVillagerPayload = {
__typename?: 'UndoBiteVillagerPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of UpdateCompany */
export type UpdateCompanyInput = {
/** The value being set for the company's name attribute */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of UpdateCompany */
export type UpdateCompanyPayload = {
__typename?: 'UpdateCompanyPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
company?: Maybe<Company>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
/** Defines the input format for updating dance recordings */
export type UpdateDanceRecordingData = {
/** The status of the recording */
status?: Maybe<MediaSourceStatus>;
/** The width of the recording */
width?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The height of the recording */
height?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The duration of the recording */
duration?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Autogenerated input type of UpdateDanceRecording */
export type UpdateDanceRecordingInput = {
/** The ID of the GameObject wrapping the DanceRecording */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The attributes to update on the DanceRecording */
danceRecordingData: UpdateDanceRecordingData;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of UpdateDanceRecording */
export type UpdateDanceRecordingPayload = {
__typename?: 'UpdateDanceRecordingPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of UpdateFact */
export type UpdateFactInput = {
/** The ID of the game object wrapping the fact to be updated */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The attributes for the Fact itself */
factData: FactInputObject;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of UpdateFact */
export type UpdateFactPayload = {
__typename?: 'UpdateFactPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of UpdateGameCover */
export type UpdateGameCoverInput = {
/** The UUID of the Game to be updated */
gameId: Scalars['String'];
/** The type of the object to be set as cover */
coverableType: Scalars['String'];
/** The ID of the object to be set as cover */
coverableId: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of UpdateGameCover */
export type UpdateGameCoverPayload = {
__typename?: 'UpdateGameCoverPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameCover?: Maybe<PlatformCoverable>;
/** Autogenerated input type of UpdateGame */
export type UpdateGameInput = {
/** The UUID of the Game to be updated */
gameId: Scalars['String'];
/** A new name for the game */
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The timezone the game is being played in */
timezone?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Boolean flag indicating whether gameplay continues on weekends */
weekendPlay?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of UpdateGame */
export type UpdateGamePayload = {
__typename?: 'UpdateGamePayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
game?: Maybe<Game>;
/** Autogenerated input type of UpdateStoryContribution */
export type UpdateStoryContributionInput = {
/** The ID of the game object wrapping the StoryContribution to be updated */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The text for the StoryContribution itself */
contributionText: Scalars['String'];
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of UpdateStoryContribution */
export type UpdateStoryContributionPayload = {
__typename?: 'UpdateStoryContributionPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Defines the input format for updating talent recordings */
export type UpdateTalentRecordingData = {
/** The status of the recording */
status?: Maybe<MediaSourceStatus>;
/** The width of the recording */
width?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The height of the recording */
height?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** The duration of the recording */
duration?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Autogenerated input type of UpdateTalentRecording */
export type UpdateTalentRecordingInput = {
/** The ID of the GameObject wrapping the TalentRecording */
gameObjectId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The attributes to update on the TalentRecording */
talentRecordingData: UpdateTalentRecordingData;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of UpdateTalentRecording */
export type UpdateTalentRecordingPayload = {
__typename?: 'UpdateTalentRecordingPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
gameObject?: Maybe<PlatformGameObject>;
/** Autogenerated input type of UpdateUser */
export type UpdateUserInput = {
/** The value being set for the user's name attribute */
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Boolean indicating if the user has completed the onboarding flow */
completedOnboarding?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
/** The user's mobile device info */
mobileDevice?: Maybe<MobileDeviceInput>;
/** An optional tracking id to assign to the user */
trackingId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Autogenerated return type of UpdateUser */
export type UpdateUserPayload = {
__typename?: 'UpdateUserPayload';
/** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */
clientMutationId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
errors: Array<DisplayError>;
user?: Maybe<User>;
/** A user that has signed up for Doppelganger */
export type User = Person & GameObjectSource & {
__typename?: 'User';
/** The user's avatar */
avatar?: Maybe<Avatar>;
/** The company the user is registered under */
company: Company;
/** Boolean flag indicating if the user has completed the how it works onboarding flow */
completedOnboarding: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The user's email address */
email: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** The game memberships for this user */
memberships: Array<GameMembership>;
/** The mobile device info for the user */
mobileDevice?: Maybe<MobileDevice>;
/** The user's name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** The status of this user */
status: UserStatus;
/** The tracking ID for the user */
trackingId?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A unique identifier for the user */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export enum UserStatus {
Deleted = 'DELETED',
Pending = 'PENDING',
Verified = 'VERIFIED',
Confirmed = 'CONFIRMED'
/** The game action when a hero accusses a villager of being a vampire in a game of Vampire Village */
export type VampireAccusation = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'VampireAccusation';
/** Flag indicating whether the accused was in face a vampire */
correct: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** The game membership who made the accusation */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The id of the game membership who made the accusation */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The game object wrapping the GameRole that was accused */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for this object */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** A villager being bitten in a game of Vampire Village */
export type VillagerBite = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'VillagerBite';
/** The clue left by the vampire */
clue?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** The game membership of the vampire who bit the villager */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The id of the game membership of the vampire who bit the villager */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The game object being bitten (wrapping a GameRole) */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** Flag indicating whether the bite was generated by the system */
systemCreated: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** A unique identifier for this object */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
/** The game action when a bitten villager it turned to help the vampires in a game of Vampire Village */
export type VillagerTurn = PlatformGameActionable & {
__typename?: 'VillagerTurn';
/** The game membership who turned the player */
gameMembership?: Maybe<GameMembership>;
/** The id of the game membership of the vampire who turned the villager */
gameMembershipId: Scalars['ID'];
/** The game object wrapping the GameRole that was turned */
gameObject: PlatformGameObject;
id: Scalars['ID'];
/** A unique identifier for this object */
uuid: Scalars['String'];
export type WithTypename<T extends { __typename?: any }> = { [K in Exclude<keyof T, '__typename'>]?: T[K] } & { __typename: NonNullable<T['__typename']> };
export type GraphCacheKeysConfig = {
AcceptInvitePayload?: (data: WithTypename<AcceptInvitePayload>) => null | string,
AccuseVillagerPayload?: (data: WithTypename<AccuseVillagerPayload>) => null | string,
Acronym?: (data: WithTypename<Acronym>) => null | string,
AcronymGuess?: (data: WithTypename<AcronymGuess>) => null | string,
ActivateGameMembershipPayload?: (data: WithTypename<ActivateGameMembershipPayload>) => null | string,
Answer?: (data: WithTypename<Answer>) => null | string,
AssignAvatarPayload?: (data: WithTypename<AssignAvatarPayload>) => null | string,
AssignDoppelPayload?: (data: WithTypename<AssignDoppelPayload>) => null | string,
AssignItemPayload?: (data: WithTypename<AssignItemPayload>) => null | string,
AuthCodeResult?: (data: WithTypename<AuthCodeResult>) => null | string,
Avatar?: (data: WithTypename<Avatar>) => null | string,
BiteVillagerPayload?: (data: WithTypename<BiteVillagerPayload>) => null | string,
Company?: (data: WithTypename<Company>) => null | string,
CompanyUser?: (data: WithTypename<CompanyUser>) => null | string,
ConfirmUserPayload?: (data: WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>) => null | string,
CreateAcronymGuessPayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateAcronymGuessPayload>) => null | string,
CreateChallengeResponsePayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateChallengeResponsePayload>) => null | string,
CreateDanceRecordingPayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateDanceRecordingPayload>) => null | string,
CreateDanceVotePayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateDanceVotePayload>) => null | string,
CreateFactPayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateFactPayload>) => null | string,
CreateFactionNominationPayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateFactionNominationPayload>) => null | string,
CreateGamePayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateGamePayload>) => null | string,
CreateGuessPayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateGuessPayload>) => null | string,
CreateInvitesPayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateInvitesPayload>) => null | string,
CreateLeaderAccusationPayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateLeaderAccusationPayload>) => null | string,
CreateSceneMovePayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateSceneMovePayload>) => null | string,
CreateStoryContributionLikePayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionLikePayload>) => null | string,
CreateStoryContributionPayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionPayload>) => null | string,
CreateTalentRecordingPayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateTalentRecordingPayload>) => null | string,
CreateTalentVotePayload?: (data: WithTypename<CreateTalentVotePayload>) => null | string,
Dance?: (data: WithTypename<Dance>) => null | string,
DanceRecording?: (data: WithTypename<DanceRecording>) => null | string,
DanceVote?: (data: WithTypename<DanceVote>) => null | string,
DefaultGameCover?: (data: WithTypename<DefaultGameCover>) => null | string,
DeleteDanceVotePayload?: (data: WithTypename<DeleteDanceVotePayload>) => null | string,
DeleteFactPayload?: (data: WithTypename<DeleteFactPayload>) => null | string,
DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload?: (data: WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload>) => null | string,
DeleteStoryContributionPayload?: (data: WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionPayload>) => null | string,
DeleteTalentVotePayload?: (data: WithTypename<DeleteTalentVotePayload>) => null | string,
DisplayError?: (data: WithTypename<DisplayError>) => null | string,
Doppel?: (data: WithTypename<Doppel>) => null | string,
EmailThread?: (data: WithTypename<EmailThread>) => null | string,
Expansion?: (data: WithTypename<Expansion>) => null | string,
Fact?: (data: WithTypename<Fact>) => null | string,
Faction?: (data: WithTypename<Faction>) => null | string,
FactionChallenge?: (data: WithTypename<FactionChallenge>) => null | string,
FactionChallengeQuestion?: (data: WithTypename<FactionChallengeQuestion>) => null | string,
FactionChallengeResponse?: (data: WithTypename<FactionChallengeResponse>) => null | string,
FactionNomination?: (data: WithTypename<FactionNomination>) => null | string,
FactionRole?: (data: WithTypename<FactionRole>) => null | string,
Font?: (data: WithTypename<Font>) => null | string,
Game?: (data: WithTypename<Game>) => null | string,
GameAction?: (data: WithTypename<GameAction>) => null | string,
GameConstant?: (data: WithTypename<GameConstant>) => null | string,
GameElement?: (data: WithTypename<GameElement>) => null | string,
GameFinishedScreen?: (data: WithTypename<GameFinishedScreen>) => null | string,
GameMembership?: (data: WithTypename<GameMembership>) => null | string,
GameObject?: (data: WithTypename<GameObject>) => null | string,
GameResult?: (data: WithTypename<GameResult>) => null | string,
GameRole?: (data: WithTypename<GameRole>) => null | string,
GameScene?: (data: WithTypename<GameScene>) => null | string,
GameTheme?: (data: WithTypename<GameTheme>) => null | string,
GameThemeCopyText?: (data: WithTypename<GameThemeCopyText>) => null | string,
GameThemeFactionDetail?: (data: WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail>) => null | string,
GameType?: (data: WithTypename<GameType>) => null | string,
GameTypeDetails?: (data: WithTypename<GameTypeDetails>) => null | string,
GameTypeTour?: (data: WithTypename<GameTypeTour>) => null | string,
GameTypeTourStep?: (data: WithTypename<GameTypeTourStep>) => null | string,
GenerateSampleGamePayload?: (data: WithTypename<GenerateSampleGamePayload>) => null | string,
Guess?: (data: WithTypename<Guess>) => null | string,
IntelligenceBrief?: (data: WithTypename<IntelligenceBrief>) => null | string,
Invite?: (data: WithTypename<Invite>) => null | string,
Item?: (data: WithTypename<Item>) => null | string,
JoinGamePayload?: (data: WithTypename<JoinGamePayload>) => null | string,
LeaderAccusation?: (data: WithTypename<LeaderAccusation>) => null | string,
Media?: (data: WithTypename<Media>) => null | string,
MediaSource?: (data: WithTypename<MediaSource>) => null | string,
MembershipConfirmationBackground?: (data: WithTypename<MembershipConfirmationBackground>) => null | string,
MembershipIntroBackground?: (data: WithTypename<MembershipIntroBackground>) => null | string,
MobileDevice?: (data: WithTypename<MobileDevice>) => null | string,
MoveCopy?: (data: WithTypename<MoveCopy>) => null | string,
PlatformInvitePayload?: (data: WithTypename<PlatformInvitePayload>) => null | string,
PlayerResult?: (data: WithTypename<PlayerResult>) => null | string,
Puzzle?: (data: WithTypename<Puzzle>) => null | string,
PuzzleAnswer?: (data: WithTypename<PuzzleAnswer>) => null | string,
Question?: (data: WithTypename<Question>) => null | string,
RestartGamePayload?: (data: WithTypename<RestartGamePayload>) => null | string,
Role?: (data: WithTypename<Role>) => null | string,
SampleFact?: (data: WithTypename<SampleFact>) => null | string,
SampleGame?: (data: WithTypename<SampleGame>) => null | string,
SampleGameAction?: (data: WithTypename<SampleGameAction>) => null | string,
SampleGameMembership?: (data: WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>) => null | string,
SampleGameObject?: (data: WithTypename<SampleGameObject>) => null | string,
SampleGuess?: (data: WithTypename<SampleGuess>) => null | string,
SampleUser?: (data: WithTypename<SampleUser>) => null | string,
Scene?: (data: WithTypename<Scene>) => null | string,
SceneCopy?: (data: WithTypename<SceneCopy>) => null | string,
SceneItem?: (data: WithTypename<SceneItem>) => null | string,
SceneMove?: (data: WithTypename<SceneMove>) => null | string,
SceneOutcome?: (data: WithTypename<SceneOutcome>) => null | string,
StartGamePayload?: (data: WithTypename<StartGamePayload>) => null | string,
StoryContribution?: (data: WithTypename<StoryContribution>) => null | string,
StoryContributionLike?: (data: WithTypename<StoryContributionLike>) => null | string,
StoryTheme?: (data: WithTypename<StoryTheme>) => null | string,
TalentRecording?: (data: WithTypename<TalentRecording>) => null | string,
TalentVote?: (data: WithTypename<TalentVote>) => null | string,
TurnVillagerPayload?: (data: WithTypename<TurnVillagerPayload>) => null | string,
UiStyle?: (data: WithTypename<UiStyle>) => null | string,
UndoBiteVillagerPayload?: (data: WithTypename<UndoBiteVillagerPayload>) => null | string,
UpdateCompanyPayload?: (data: WithTypename<UpdateCompanyPayload>) => null | string,
UpdateDanceRecordingPayload?: (data: WithTypename<UpdateDanceRecordingPayload>) => null | string,
UpdateFactPayload?: (data: WithTypename<UpdateFactPayload>) => null | string,
UpdateGameCoverPayload?: (data: WithTypename<UpdateGameCoverPayload>) => null | string,
UpdateGamePayload?: (data: WithTypename<UpdateGamePayload>) => null | string,
UpdateStoryContributionPayload?: (data: WithTypename<UpdateStoryContributionPayload>) => null | string,
UpdateTalentRecordingPayload?: (data: WithTypename<UpdateTalentRecordingPayload>) => null | string,
UpdateUserPayload?: (data: WithTypename<UpdateUserPayload>) => null | string,
User?: (data: WithTypename<User>) => null | string,
VampireAccusation?: (data: WithTypename<VampireAccusation>) => null | string,
VillagerBite?: (data: WithTypename<VillagerBite>) => null | string,
VillagerTurn?: (data: WithTypename<VillagerTurn>) => null | string
export type GraphCacheResolvers = {
Query?: {
avatars?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, null, Array<WithTypename<Avatar> | string>>,
currentGame?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, null, WithTypename<Game> | WithTypename<SampleGame> | string>,
doppels?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, null, Array<WithTypename<Doppel> | string>>,
emailFromAuthCode?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, QueryEmailFromAuthCodeArgs, WithTypename<AuthCodeResult> | string>,
gameConstants?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, QueryGameConstantsArgs, Array<WithTypename<GameConstant> | string>>,
gameResult?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, QueryGameResultArgs, WithTypename<GameResult> | string>,
gameTypes?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameType> | string>>,
games?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, null, Array<WithTypename<Game> | WithTypename<SampleGame> | string>>,
questions?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, null, Array<WithTypename<Question> | string>>,
user?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Query>, null, WithTypename<User> | string>
AcceptInvitePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AcceptInvitePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AcceptInvitePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AcceptInvitePayload>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>
AccuseVillagerPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AccuseVillagerPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AccuseVillagerPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AccuseVillagerPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AccuseVillagerPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
Acronym?: {
expansions?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Acronym>, null, Array<WithTypename<Expansion> | string>>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Acronym>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Acronym>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Acronym>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Acronym>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Acronym>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
AcronymGuess?: {
correct?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AcronymGuess>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
expansion?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AcronymGuess>, null, WithTypename<Expansion> | string>,
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AcronymGuess>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AcronymGuess>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AcronymGuess>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AcronymGuess>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
ActivateGameMembershipPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ActivateGameMembershipPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ActivateGameMembershipPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ActivateGameMembershipPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>
Answer?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Answer>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
text?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Answer>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
AssignAvatarPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AssignAvatarPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AssignAvatarPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
user?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AssignAvatarPayload>, null, WithTypename<User> | string>
AssignDoppelPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AssignDoppelPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AssignDoppelPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AssignDoppelPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
AssignItemPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AssignItemPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AssignItemPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AssignItemPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
AuthCodeResult?: {
email?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AuthCodeResult>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<AuthCodeResult>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>
Avatar?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Avatar>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
isSelected?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Avatar>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Avatar>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Avatar>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Avatar>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Avatar>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
BiteVillagerPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<BiteVillagerPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<BiteVillagerPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<BiteVillagerPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<BiteVillagerPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
Company?: {
creator?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Company>, null, WithTypename<User> | string>,
domain?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Company>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
hasGames?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Company>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Company>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Company>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Company>, null, CompanyStatus | string>,
users?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Company>, null, Array<WithTypename<CompanyUser> | string>>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Company>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
CompanyUser?: {
avatar?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CompanyUser>, null, WithTypename<Avatar> | string>,
email?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CompanyUser>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CompanyUser>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CompanyUser>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
trackingId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CompanyUser>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CompanyUser>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
ConfirmUserPayload?: {
avatar?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, WithTypename<Avatar> | string>,
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
company?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, WithTypename<Company> | string>,
completedOnboarding?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
email?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
memberships?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>>,
mobileDevice?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, WithTypename<MobileDevice> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, UserStatus | string>,
trackingId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
user?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, WithTypename<User> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
CreateAcronymGuessPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateAcronymGuessPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateAcronymGuessPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateAcronymGuessPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>
CreateChallengeResponsePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateChallengeResponsePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateChallengeResponsePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateChallengeResponsePayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
CreateDanceRecordingPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateDanceRecordingPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateDanceRecordingPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateDanceRecordingPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
CreateDanceVotePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateDanceVotePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateDanceVotePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateDanceVotePayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>
CreateFactPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateFactPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateFactPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateFactPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
CreateFactionNominationPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateFactionNominationPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateFactionNominationPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateFactionNominationPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateFactionNominationPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
CreateGamePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateGamePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateGamePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
game?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateGamePayload>, null, WithTypename<Game> | string>
CreateGuessPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateGuessPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateGuessPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateGuessPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>
CreateInvitesPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateInvitesPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateInvitesPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
invites?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateInvitesPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<Invite> | string>>
CreateLeaderAccusationPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateLeaderAccusationPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateLeaderAccusationPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateLeaderAccusationPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateLeaderAccusationPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
CreateSceneMovePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateSceneMovePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateSceneMovePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateSceneMovePayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>,
sceneOutcome?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateSceneMovePayload>, null, WithTypename<SceneOutcome> | string>
CreateStoryContributionLikePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionLikePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionLikePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionLikePayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>,
totalLikes?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionLikePayload>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>
CreateStoryContributionPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
CreateTalentRecordingPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateTalentRecordingPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateTalentRecordingPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateTalentRecordingPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
CreateTalentVotePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateTalentVotePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateTalentVotePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<CreateTalentVotePayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>
Dance?: {
description?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Dance>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
difficulty?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Dance>, null, DanceDifficulty | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Dance>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Dance>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Dance>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
practiceVideo?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Dance>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
song?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Dance>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Dance>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Dance>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
DanceRecording?: {
dance?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceRecording>, null, WithTypename<Dance> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceRecording>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceRecording>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceRecording>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceRecording>, null, MediaStatus | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceRecording>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceRecording>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
votes?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceRecording>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>
DanceVote?: {
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id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceVote>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DanceVote>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
DefaultGameCover?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DefaultGameCover>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DefaultGameCover>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DefaultGameCover>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DefaultGameCover>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DefaultGameCover>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
DeleteDanceVotePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DeleteDanceVotePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DeleteDanceVotePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>
DeleteFactPayload?: {
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errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DeleteFactPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>
DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
totalLikes?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>
DeleteStoryContributionPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>
DeleteTalentVotePayload?: {
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errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DeleteTalentVotePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>
DisplayError?: {
attribute?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DisplayError>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
message?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<DisplayError>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
Doppel?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Doppel>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Doppel>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Doppel>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Doppel>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>
EmailThread?: {
category?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<EmailThread>, null, EmailThreadCategory | string>,
createdAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<EmailThread>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<EmailThread>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<EmailThread>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
subject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<EmailThread>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<EmailThread>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<EmailThread>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
Expansion?: {
correct?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Expansion>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Expansion>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
text?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Expansion>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Expansion>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
Fact?: {
answer?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Fact>, null, WithTypename<Answer> | string>,
customAnswer?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Fact>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Fact>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Fact>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
question?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Fact>, null, WithTypename<Question> | string>
Faction?: {
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id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Faction>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
insurgent?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Faction>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Faction>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Faction>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Faction>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
FactionChallenge?: {
createdAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallenge>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
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factionNomination?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallenge>, null, WithTypename<FactionNomination> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallenge>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallenge>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallenge>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallenge>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
FactionChallengeQuestion?: {
category?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeQuestion>, null, FactionChallengeQuestionCategory | string>,
displayText?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeQuestion>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeQuestion>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
inputSubtext?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeQuestion>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
inputText?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeQuestion>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeQuestion>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
notificationText?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeQuestion>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
placeholderText?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeQuestion>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
FactionChallengeResponse?: {
factionChallenge?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeResponse>, null, WithTypename<FactionChallenge> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeResponse>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeResponse>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
response?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeResponse>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionChallengeResponse>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
FactionNomination?: {
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionNomination>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameMembershipId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionNomination>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionNomination>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionNomination>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionNomination>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
FactionRole?: {
category?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionRole>, null, RoleCategory | string>,
faction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionRole>, null, WithTypename<Faction> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionRole>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionRole>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
roleId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionRole>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionRole>, null, FactionRoleStatus | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<FactionRole>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
Font?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Font>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Font>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
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style?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Font>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Font>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
weight?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Font>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>
Game?: {
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createdAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
creator?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, WithTypename<User> | string>,
endedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
gameConstants?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameConstant> | string>>,
gameCover?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, WithTypename<Acronym> | WithTypename<Dance> | WithTypename<DefaultGameCover> | WithTypename<Doppel> | WithTypename<Scene> | WithTypename<StoryTheme> | string>,
gameElements?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameElement> | string>>,
gameMemberships?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameMembership> | WithTypename<SampleGameMembership> | string>>,
gameTheme?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, WithTypename<GameTheme> | string>,
gameType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, WithTypename<GameType> | string>,
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isSample?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
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startedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, GameStatus | string>,
timezone?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
weekendPlay?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
winner?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Game>, null, WithTypename<CompanyUser> | string>
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actionableId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameAction>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
actionableTarget?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameAction>, null, WithTypename<GameActionableTarget> | string>,
actionableTargetId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameAction>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
actionableTargetType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameAction>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
actionableType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameAction>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
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gameMembershipId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameAction>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
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updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameAction>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameAction>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GameConstant?: {
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constantableType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameConstant>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
createdAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameConstant>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameConstant>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameConstant>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameConstant>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GameElement?: {
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elementableType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameElement>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
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id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameElement>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
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GameMembership?: {
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gameId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameMembership>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
gameObjects?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameMembership>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>>,
gameUuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameMembership>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
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user?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameMembership>, null, WithTypename<CompanyUser> | WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload> | WithTypename<SampleUser> | WithTypename<User> | string>,
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GameRole?: {
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id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameRole>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameRole>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
roleId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameRole>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
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GameScene?: {
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id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameScene>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameScene>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
position?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameScene>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
scene?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameScene>, null, WithTypename<Scene> | string>,
sceneMoves?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameScene>, null, Array<WithTypename<SceneMove> | string>>,
sceneOutcome?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameScene>, null, WithTypename<SceneOutcome> | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameScene>, null, GameSceneStatus | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameScene>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameScene>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GameTheme?: {
gameThemeCopyTexts?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTheme>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameThemeCopyText> | string>>,
gameThemeFactionDetails?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTheme>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail> | string>>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTheme>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTheme>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTheme>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GameThemeCopyText?: {
content?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeCopyText>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeCopyText>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
key?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeCopyText>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeCopyText>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GameThemeFactionDetail?: {
comradeAlias?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
domain?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
email?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
insurgent?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
leaderAlias?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameThemeFactionDetail>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GameType?: {
defaultGameCover?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, WithTypename<DefaultGameCover> | string>,
gameFinishedScreen?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, WithTypename<GameFinishedScreen> | string>,
gameThemes?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameTheme> | string>>,
gameTypeDetail?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, WithTypename<GameTypeDetails> | string>,
gameTypeTour?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, WithTypename<GameTypeTour> | string>,
icon?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
membershipConfirmationBackground?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, WithTypename<MembershipConfirmationBackground> | string>,
membershipIntroBackground?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, WithTypename<MembershipIntroBackground> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
slug?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
tagline?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameType>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GameTypeDetails?: {
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id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeDetails>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
screenshots?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeDetails>, null, Array<WithTypename<Media> | string>>,
splash?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeDetails>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
subtitle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeDetails>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
title?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeDetails>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeDetails>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GameTypeTour?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTour>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
pageStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTour>, null, TourPageStyle | string>,
playCta?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTour>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
steps?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTour>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameTypeTourStep> | string>>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTour>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GameTypeTourStep?: {
backgroundImage?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTourStep>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTourStep>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTourStep>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
position?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTourStep>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
subtitle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTourStep>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
title?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTourStep>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GameTypeTourStep>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
GenerateSampleGamePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GenerateSampleGamePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GenerateSampleGamePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
game?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<GenerateSampleGamePayload>, null, WithTypename<Game> | WithTypename<SampleGame> | string>
Guess?: {
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gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Guess>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Guess>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
gameObjectSource?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Guess>, null, WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload> | WithTypename<SampleUser> | WithTypename<User> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Guess>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
points?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Guess>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>
IntelligenceBrief?: {
createdAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<IntelligenceBrief>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<IntelligenceBrief>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<IntelligenceBrief>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
sentAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<IntelligenceBrief>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<IntelligenceBrief>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<IntelligenceBrief>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
Invite?: {
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game?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Invite>, null, WithTypename<Game> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Invite>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
recipient?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Invite>, null, WithTypename<User> | string>,
recipientEmail?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Invite>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
sender?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Invite>, null, WithTypename<User> | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Invite>, null, InviteStatus | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Invite>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
Item?: {
icon?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Item>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Item>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Item>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Item>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Item>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Item>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
JoinGamePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<JoinGamePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<JoinGamePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<JoinGamePayload>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>
LeaderAccusation?: {
correct?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<LeaderAccusation>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<LeaderAccusation>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameMembershipId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<LeaderAccusation>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<LeaderAccusation>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<LeaderAccusation>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<LeaderAccusation>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
Media?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Media>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
mediaSources?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Media>, null, Array<WithTypename<MediaSource> | string>>,
mediaType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Media>, null, MediaType | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Media>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Media>, null, MediaStatus | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Media>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
MediaSource?: {
contentType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MediaSource>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
duration?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MediaSource>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
height?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MediaSource>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MediaSource>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MediaSource>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MediaSource>, null, MediaSourceStatus | string>,
url?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MediaSource>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MediaSource>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
width?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MediaSource>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>
MembershipConfirmationBackground?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipConfirmationBackground>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipConfirmationBackground>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipConfirmationBackground>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipConfirmationBackground>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipConfirmationBackground>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
MembershipIntroBackground?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipIntroBackground>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipIntroBackground>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipIntroBackground>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipIntroBackground>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MembershipIntroBackground>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
MobileDevice?: {
enabled?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MobileDevice>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MobileDevice>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
platform?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MobileDevice>, null, MobileDevicePlatform | string>,
registrationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MobileDevice>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
token?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MobileDevice>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
MoveCopy?: {
prompt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MoveCopy>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
text?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MoveCopy>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
title?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<MoveCopy>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
PlatformInvitePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<PlatformInvitePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<PlatformInvitePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>
PlayerResult?: {
gameObjects?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<PlayerResult>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameObject> | string>>,
score?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<PlayerResult>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
user?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<PlayerResult>, null, WithTypename<CompanyUser> | string>
Puzzle?: {
icon?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Puzzle>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Puzzle>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Puzzle>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Puzzle>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
puzzleAnswers?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Puzzle>, null, Array<WithTypename<PuzzleAnswer> | string>>,
text?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Puzzle>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Puzzle>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Puzzle>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
PuzzleAnswer?: {
correct?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<PuzzleAnswer>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<PuzzleAnswer>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
text?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<PuzzleAnswer>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<PuzzleAnswer>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
Question?: {
allowCustom?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
answers?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, Array<WithTypename<Answer> | string>>,
category?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, QuestionCategory | string>,
displayText?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
inputSubtext?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
inputText?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
placeholderText?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
sensitivity?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Question>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>
RestartGamePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<RestartGamePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<RestartGamePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
game?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<RestartGamePayload>, null, WithTypename<Game> | string>
Role?: {
category?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Role>, null, RoleCategory | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Role>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Role>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Role>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Role>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Role>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
SampleFact?: {
answer?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleFact>, null, WithTypename<Answer> | string>,
customAnswer?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleFact>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleFact>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleFact>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
question?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleFact>, null, WithTypename<Question> | string>
SampleGame?: {
company?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, WithTypename<Company> | string>,
createdAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
creator?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, WithTypename<User> | string>,
endedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
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gameCover?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, WithTypename<Acronym> | WithTypename<Dance> | WithTypename<DefaultGameCover> | WithTypename<Doppel> | WithTypename<Scene> | WithTypename<StoryTheme> | string>,
gameElements?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameElement> | string>>,
gameMemberships?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameMembership> | WithTypename<SampleGameMembership> | string>>,
gameTheme?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, WithTypename<GameTheme> | string>,
gameType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, WithTypename<GameType> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
isMember?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
isSample?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
nextGame?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, WithTypename<Game> | WithTypename<SampleGame> | string>,
pendingInvitations?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
previousGame?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, WithTypename<Game> | WithTypename<SampleGame> | string>,
startedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, GameStatus | string>,
timezone?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
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weekendPlay?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
winner?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGame>, null, WithTypename<CompanyUser> | string>
SampleGameAction?: {
actionable?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, WithTypename<GameActionable> | string>,
actionableId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
actionableTarget?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, WithTypename<GameActionableTarget> | string>,
actionableTargetId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
actionableTargetType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
actionableType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
createdAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
gameMembershipId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameAction>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
SampleGameMembership?: {
createdAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
gameId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
gameObjects?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>>,
gameUuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>, null, GameMembershipStatus | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
user?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>, null, WithTypename<CompanyUser> | WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload> | WithTypename<SampleUser> | WithTypename<User> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameMembership>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
SampleGameObject?: {
createdAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameObject>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
gameActions?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameObject>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>>,
gameMembershipId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameObject>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameObject>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
objectable?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameObject>, null, WithTypename<GameObjectable> | string>,
objectableId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameObject>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
objectableType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameObject>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameObject>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGameObject>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
SampleGuess?: {
correct?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGuess>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGuess>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGuess>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
gameObjectSource?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGuess>, null, WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload> | WithTypename<SampleUser> | WithTypename<User> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGuess>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
points?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleGuess>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>
SampleUser?: {
avatar?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleUser>, null, WithTypename<Avatar> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleUser>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleUser>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
trackingId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleUser>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SampleUser>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
Scene?: {
failureMedia?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
icon?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
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inviteSuccessText?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
itemFailureCopy?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<MoveCopy> | WithTypename<SceneCopy> | string>,
itemSuccessCopy?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<MoveCopy> | WithTypename<SceneCopy> | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
puzzle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<Puzzle> | string>,
puzzleFailureCopy?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<MoveCopy> | WithTypename<SceneCopy> | string>,
puzzleSuccessCopy?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<MoveCopy> | WithTypename<SceneCopy> | string>,
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successMedia?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
text?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<Scene>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
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SceneCopy?: {
prompt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneCopy>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
text?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneCopy>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
title?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneCopy>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
SceneItem?: {
item?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneItem>, null, WithTypename<Item> | string>,
scene?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneItem>, null, WithTypename<Scene> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneItem>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
SceneMove?: {
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gameMembershipId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneMove>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneMove>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
move?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneMove>, null, WithTypename<SceneMoveable> | string>,
moveCopy?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneMove>, null, WithTypename<MoveCopy> | string>,
moveId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneMove>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
moveType?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneMove>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneMove>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
SceneOutcome?: {
gameScene?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneOutcome>, null, WithTypename<GameScene> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneOutcome>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
sceneMove?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneOutcome>, null, WithTypename<SceneMove> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<SceneOutcome>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
StartGamePayload?: {
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game?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StartGamePayload>, null, WithTypename<Game> | string>
StoryContribution?: {
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id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryContribution>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
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updatedAt?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryContribution>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryContribution>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
StoryContributionLike?: {
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryContributionLike>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryContributionLike>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryContributionLike>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryContributionLike>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
StoryTheme?: {
bodyFont?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryTheme>, null, WithTypename<Font> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryTheme>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryTheme>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryTheme>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
starter?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryTheme>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
title?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryTheme>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
titleFont?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryTheme>, null, WithTypename<Font> | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryTheme>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<StoryTheme>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
TalentRecording?: {
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentRecording>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
media?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentRecording>, null, WithTypename<Media> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentRecording>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentRecording>, null, MediaStatus | string>,
uiStyle?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentRecording>, null, WithTypename<UiStyle> | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentRecording>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
votes?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentRecording>, null, Scalars['Int'] | string>
TalentVote?: {
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentVote>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentVote>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentVote>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TalentVote>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
TurnVillagerPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TurnVillagerPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TurnVillagerPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameAction?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TurnVillagerPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameAction> | WithTypename<SampleGameAction> | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<TurnVillagerPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
UiStyle?: {
accentColor?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UiStyle>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
backgroundColor?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UiStyle>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
contrastColor?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UiStyle>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
displayable?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UiStyle>, null, WithTypename<Acronym> | WithTypename<Avatar> | WithTypename<Dance> | WithTypename<DanceRecording> | WithTypename<DefaultGameCover> | WithTypename<Doppel> | WithTypename<GameFinishedScreen> | WithTypename<Item> | WithTypename<MembershipConfirmationBackground> | WithTypename<MembershipIntroBackground> | WithTypename<Puzzle> | WithTypename<Role> | WithTypename<Scene> | WithTypename<StoryTheme> | WithTypename<TalentRecording> | string>,
overrides?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UiStyle>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
primaryColor?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UiStyle>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
UndoBiteVillagerPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UndoBiteVillagerPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UndoBiteVillagerPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UndoBiteVillagerPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
UpdateCompanyPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateCompanyPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
company?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateCompanyPayload>, null, WithTypename<Company> | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateCompanyPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>
UpdateDanceRecordingPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateDanceRecordingPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateDanceRecordingPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateDanceRecordingPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
UpdateFactPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateFactPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateFactPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateFactPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
UpdateGameCoverPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateGameCoverPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateGameCoverPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameCover?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateGameCoverPayload>, null, WithTypename<Acronym> | WithTypename<Dance> | WithTypename<DefaultGameCover> | WithTypename<Doppel> | WithTypename<Scene> | WithTypename<StoryTheme> | string>
UpdateGamePayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateGamePayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateGamePayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
game?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateGamePayload>, null, WithTypename<Game> | string>
UpdateStoryContributionPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateStoryContributionPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateStoryContributionPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateStoryContributionPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
UpdateTalentRecordingPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateTalentRecordingPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateTalentRecordingPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateTalentRecordingPayload>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>
UpdateUserPayload?: {
clientMutationId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateUserPayload>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
errors?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateUserPayload>, null, Array<WithTypename<DisplayError> | string>>,
user?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<UpdateUserPayload>, null, WithTypename<User> | string>
User?: {
avatar?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, WithTypename<Avatar> | string>,
company?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, WithTypename<Company> | string>,
completedOnboarding?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
email?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
memberships?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, Array<WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>>,
mobileDevice?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, WithTypename<MobileDevice> | string>,
name?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
status?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, UserStatus | string>,
trackingId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<User>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
VampireAccusation?: {
correct?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VampireAccusation>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VampireAccusation>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameMembershipId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VampireAccusation>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VampireAccusation>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VampireAccusation>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VampireAccusation>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
VillagerBite?: {
clue?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerBite>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>,
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerBite>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameMembershipId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerBite>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerBite>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerBite>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
systemCreated?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerBite>, null, Scalars['Boolean'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerBite>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
VillagerTurn?: {
gameMembership?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerTurn>, null, WithTypename<GameMembership> | string>,
gameMembershipId?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerTurn>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
gameObject?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerTurn>, null, WithTypename<GameObject> | WithTypename<SampleGameObject> | string>,
id?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerTurn>, null, Scalars['ID'] | string>,
uuid?: GraphCacheResolver<WithTypename<VillagerTurn>, null, Scalars['String'] | string>
export type GraphCacheOptimisticUpdaters = {
acceptInvite?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationAcceptInviteArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<AcceptInvitePayload>>>,
accuseVillager?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationAccuseVillagerArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<AccuseVillagerPayload>>>,
activateGameMembership?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationActivateGameMembershipArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<ActivateGameMembershipPayload>>>,
assignAvatar?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationAssignAvatarArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<AssignAvatarPayload>>>,
assignDoppel?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationAssignDoppelArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<AssignDoppelPayload>>>,
assignItem?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationAssignItemArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<AssignItemPayload>>>,
biteVillager?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationBiteVillagerArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<BiteVillagerPayload>>>,
confirmUser?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationConfirmUserArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>>>,
createAcronymGuess?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateAcronymGuessArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateAcronymGuessPayload>>>,
createChallengeResponse?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateChallengeResponseArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateChallengeResponsePayload>>>,
createDanceRecording?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateDanceRecordingArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateDanceRecordingPayload>>>,
createDanceVote?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateDanceVoteArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateDanceVotePayload>>>,
createFact?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateFactArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateFactPayload>>>,
createFactionNomination?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateFactionNominationArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateFactionNominationPayload>>>,
createGame?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateGameArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateGamePayload>>>,
createGuess?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateGuessArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateGuessPayload>>>,
createInvites?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateInvitesArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateInvitesPayload>>>,
createLeaderAccusation?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateLeaderAccusationArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateLeaderAccusationPayload>>>,
createSceneMove?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateSceneMoveArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateSceneMovePayload>>>,
createStoryContribution?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateStoryContributionArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionPayload>>>,
createStoryContributionLike?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateStoryContributionLikeArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionLikePayload>>>,
createTalentRecording?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateTalentRecordingArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateTalentRecordingPayload>>>,
createTalentVote?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationCreateTalentVoteArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<CreateTalentVotePayload>>>,
deleteDanceVote?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationDeleteDanceVoteArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteDanceVotePayload>>>,
deleteFact?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationDeleteFactArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteFactPayload>>>,
deleteStoryContribution?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationDeleteStoryContributionArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionPayload>>>,
deleteStoryContributionLike?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationDeleteStoryContributionLikeArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload>>>,
deleteTalentVote?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationDeleteTalentVoteArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteTalentVotePayload>>>,
generateSampleGame?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationGenerateSampleGameArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<GenerateSampleGamePayload>>>,
joinGame?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationJoinGameArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<JoinGamePayload>>>,
platformInvite?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationPlatformInviteArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<PlatformInvitePayload>>>,
restartGame?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationRestartGameArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<RestartGamePayload>>>,
startGame?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationStartGameArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<StartGamePayload>>>,
turnVillager?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationTurnVillagerArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<TurnVillagerPayload>>>,
undoBiteVillager?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationUndoBiteVillagerArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<UndoBiteVillagerPayload>>>,
updateCompany?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationUpdateCompanyArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateCompanyPayload>>>,
updateDanceRecording?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationUpdateDanceRecordingArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateDanceRecordingPayload>>>,
updateFact?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationUpdateFactArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateFactPayload>>>,
updateGame?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationUpdateGameArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateGamePayload>>>,
updateGameCover?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationUpdateGameCoverArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateGameCoverPayload>>>,
updateStoryContribution?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationUpdateStoryContributionArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateStoryContributionPayload>>>,
updateTalentRecording?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationUpdateTalentRecordingArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateTalentRecordingPayload>>>,
updateUser?: GraphCacheOptimisticMutationResolver<MutationUpdateUserArgs, Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateUserPayload>>>
export type GraphCacheUpdaters = {
Mutation?: {
acceptInvite?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ acceptInvite: Maybe<WithTypename<AcceptInvitePayload>> }, MutationAcceptInviteArgs>,
accuseVillager?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ accuseVillager: Maybe<WithTypename<AccuseVillagerPayload>> }, MutationAccuseVillagerArgs>,
activateGameMembership?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ activateGameMembership: Maybe<WithTypename<ActivateGameMembershipPayload>> }, MutationActivateGameMembershipArgs>,
assignAvatar?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ assignAvatar: Maybe<WithTypename<AssignAvatarPayload>> }, MutationAssignAvatarArgs>,
assignDoppel?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ assignDoppel: Maybe<WithTypename<AssignDoppelPayload>> }, MutationAssignDoppelArgs>,
assignItem?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ assignItem: Maybe<WithTypename<AssignItemPayload>> }, MutationAssignItemArgs>,
biteVillager?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ biteVillager: Maybe<WithTypename<BiteVillagerPayload>> }, MutationBiteVillagerArgs>,
confirmUser?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ confirmUser: Maybe<WithTypename<ConfirmUserPayload>> }, MutationConfirmUserArgs>,
createAcronymGuess?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createAcronymGuess: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateAcronymGuessPayload>> }, MutationCreateAcronymGuessArgs>,
createChallengeResponse?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createChallengeResponse: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateChallengeResponsePayload>> }, MutationCreateChallengeResponseArgs>,
createDanceRecording?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createDanceRecording: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateDanceRecordingPayload>> }, MutationCreateDanceRecordingArgs>,
createDanceVote?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createDanceVote: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateDanceVotePayload>> }, MutationCreateDanceVoteArgs>,
createFact?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createFact: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateFactPayload>> }, MutationCreateFactArgs>,
createFactionNomination?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createFactionNomination: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateFactionNominationPayload>> }, MutationCreateFactionNominationArgs>,
createGame?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createGame: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateGamePayload>> }, MutationCreateGameArgs>,
createGuess?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createGuess: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateGuessPayload>> }, MutationCreateGuessArgs>,
createInvites?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createInvites: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateInvitesPayload>> }, MutationCreateInvitesArgs>,
createLeaderAccusation?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createLeaderAccusation: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateLeaderAccusationPayload>> }, MutationCreateLeaderAccusationArgs>,
createSceneMove?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createSceneMove: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateSceneMovePayload>> }, MutationCreateSceneMoveArgs>,
createStoryContribution?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createStoryContribution: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionPayload>> }, MutationCreateStoryContributionArgs>,
createStoryContributionLike?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createStoryContributionLike: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateStoryContributionLikePayload>> }, MutationCreateStoryContributionLikeArgs>,
createTalentRecording?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createTalentRecording: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateTalentRecordingPayload>> }, MutationCreateTalentRecordingArgs>,
createTalentVote?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ createTalentVote: Maybe<WithTypename<CreateTalentVotePayload>> }, MutationCreateTalentVoteArgs>,
deleteDanceVote?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ deleteDanceVote: Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteDanceVotePayload>> }, MutationDeleteDanceVoteArgs>,
deleteFact?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ deleteFact: Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteFactPayload>> }, MutationDeleteFactArgs>,
deleteStoryContribution?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ deleteStoryContribution: Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionPayload>> }, MutationDeleteStoryContributionArgs>,
deleteStoryContributionLike?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ deleteStoryContributionLike: Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteStoryContributionLikePayload>> }, MutationDeleteStoryContributionLikeArgs>,
deleteTalentVote?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ deleteTalentVote: Maybe<WithTypename<DeleteTalentVotePayload>> }, MutationDeleteTalentVoteArgs>,
generateSampleGame?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ generateSampleGame: Maybe<WithTypename<GenerateSampleGamePayload>> }, MutationGenerateSampleGameArgs>,
joinGame?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ joinGame: Maybe<WithTypename<JoinGamePayload>> }, MutationJoinGameArgs>,
platformInvite?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ platformInvite: Maybe<WithTypename<PlatformInvitePayload>> }, MutationPlatformInviteArgs>,
restartGame?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ restartGame: Maybe<WithTypename<RestartGamePayload>> }, MutationRestartGameArgs>,
startGame?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ startGame: Maybe<WithTypename<StartGamePayload>> }, MutationStartGameArgs>,
turnVillager?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ turnVillager: Maybe<WithTypename<TurnVillagerPayload>> }, MutationTurnVillagerArgs>,
undoBiteVillager?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ undoBiteVillager: Maybe<WithTypename<UndoBiteVillagerPayload>> }, MutationUndoBiteVillagerArgs>,
updateCompany?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ updateCompany: Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateCompanyPayload>> }, MutationUpdateCompanyArgs>,
updateDanceRecording?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ updateDanceRecording: Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateDanceRecordingPayload>> }, MutationUpdateDanceRecordingArgs>,
updateFact?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ updateFact: Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateFactPayload>> }, MutationUpdateFactArgs>,
updateGame?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ updateGame: Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateGamePayload>> }, MutationUpdateGameArgs>,
updateGameCover?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ updateGameCover: Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateGameCoverPayload>> }, MutationUpdateGameCoverArgs>,
updateStoryContribution?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ updateStoryContribution: Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateStoryContributionPayload>> }, MutationUpdateStoryContributionArgs>,
updateTalentRecording?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ updateTalentRecording: Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateTalentRecordingPayload>> }, MutationUpdateTalentRecordingArgs>,
updateUser?: GraphCacheUpdateResolver<{ updateUser: Maybe<WithTypename<UpdateUserPayload>> }, MutationUpdateUserArgs>
Subscription?: {},
export type GraphCacheConfig = {
updates?: GraphCacheUpdaters,
keys?: GraphCacheKeysConfig,
optimistic?: GraphCacheOptimisticUpdaters,
resolvers?: GraphCacheResolvers
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