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Created March 23, 2022 18:23
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package main
import (
var (
dbPath string
type myboltDB struct {
type profPayload struct {
PayloadIdentifier string
// DB is defined in
// amount each type of payload per device
// device uuid
// average length of queue for a device and outliers
// unmarshal InstallProfile (profile identifier and uuid)
// api endpoint for ^
// add micro flag for param to drop commands after X days
func requestTypeTable(requestTypeMap map[string]*requestTypeMetrics) *tablewriter.Table {
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
table.SetHeader([]string{"Request Type", "Count", "Highest Length"})
for k, v := range requestTypeMap {
table.Append([]string{k, fmt.Sprint(v.Count), fmt.Sprint(v.HighestLength)})
return table
func profileIdentifierTable(profileIdentifierMap map[string]*profileIdentifierMetrics) *tablewriter.Table {
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
table.SetHeader([]string{"ProfileIdentifier", "Count"})
for k, v := range profileIdentifierMap {
table.Append([]string{k, fmt.Sprint(v.Count)})
return table
func pkcs7strip(data []byte, blockSize int) ([]byte, error) {
length := len(data)
if length == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("pkcs7: Data is empty")
if length%blockSize != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("pkcs7: Data is not block-aligned")
padLen := int(data[length-1])
ref := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padLen)}, padLen)
if padLen > blockSize || padLen == 0 || !bytes.HasSuffix(data, ref) {
return nil, errors.New("pkcs7: Invalid padding")
return data[:length-padLen], nil
func numCmdsPerDeviceTable(numCmdsPerDevice map[string]int) *tablewriter.Table {
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
outlierThreshold := 10
outlierTitle := fmt.Sprintf("Devices w/ %v more commands than avg", outlierThreshold)
table.SetHeader([]string{"Avg # Commands Per Device", outlierTitle, "# of Devices"})
totalNumDevices := len(numCmdsPerDevice)
totalNumCmds := 0
for _, numForSingleDevice := range numCmdsPerDevice {
totalNumCmds += numForSingleDevice
// Average number of Commands Per device
avg := totalNumCmds / totalNumDevices
numOfOutliers := 0
for _, numForSingleDevice := range numCmdsPerDevice {
if numForSingleDevice > avg+outlierThreshold {
table.Append([]string{fmt.Sprint(avg), fmt.Sprint(numOfOutliers), fmt.Sprint(totalNumDevices)})
return table
type requestTypeMetrics struct {
Count int
HighestLength int
LargestProfileType string
type profileIdentifierMetrics struct {
Count int
func (db myboltDB) listCommandsViaTables(bucketName string) []*tablewriter.Table {
allTheTables := []*tablewriter.Table{}
requestTypeMap := map[string]*requestTypeMetrics{}
profileIdentifierMap := map[string]*profileIdentifierMetrics{}
numCmdsPerDevice := map[string]int{}
var commands []queue.DeviceCommand
err := db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
b := tx.Bucket([]byte(bucketName))
return b.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
var deviceCommand queue.DeviceCommand
if err := queue.UnmarshalDeviceCommand(v, &deviceCommand); err != nil {
return err
//fmt.Println("deviceUUID: ", deviceCommand.DeviceUDID)
if _, ok := numCmdsPerDevice[deviceCommand.DeviceUDID]; ok {
} else {
numCmdsPerDevice[deviceCommand.DeviceUDID] = 1
for _, c := range deviceCommand.Commands {
var commandPayload mdm.CommandPayload
if c.Payload != nil {
if err := plist.Unmarshal(c.Payload, &commandPayload); err != nil {
return err
if commandPayload.Command.RequestType == "InstallProfile" {
signedPayload, err := pkcs7.Parse(commandPayload.Command.InstallProfile.Payload)
if err != nil {
return err
var profPay profPayload
if err := plist.Unmarshal(signedPayload.Content, &profPay); err != nil {
return err
if _, ok := profileIdentifierMap[profPay.PayloadIdentifier]; ok {
count := profileIdentifierMap[profPay.PayloadIdentifier].Count
profileIdentifierMap[profPay.PayloadIdentifier] = &profileIdentifierMetrics{
Count: count + 1,
} else {
profileIdentifierMap[profPay.PayloadIdentifier] = &profileIdentifierMetrics{
Count: 1,
} //else {
// fmt.Println(string(c.Payload))
// }
if _, ok := requestTypeMap[commandPayload.Command.RequestType]; ok {
currentCount := requestTypeMap[commandPayload.Command.RequestType].Count
highestLength := requestTypeMap[commandPayload.Command.RequestType].HighestLength
if len(c.Payload) > highestLength {
highestLength = len(c.Payload)
requestTypeMap[commandPayload.Command.RequestType] = &requestTypeMetrics{
Count: currentCount + 1,
HighestLength: highestLength,
} else {
requestTypeMap[commandPayload.Command.RequestType] = &requestTypeMetrics{
Count: 1,
HighestLength: len(c.Payload),
commands = append(commands, deviceCommand)
return nil
if err != nil {
allTheTables = append(allTheTables, requestTypeTable(requestTypeMap))
allTheTables = append(allTheTables, numCmdsPerDeviceTable(numCmdsPerDevice))
allTheTables = append(allTheTables, profileIdentifierTable(profileIdentifierMap))
return allTheTables
func main() {
flag.StringVar(&dbPath, "db_path", "", "help message for flagname")
db, err := bolt.Open(dbPath, 0600, nil)
if err != nil {
// embed *bolt.DB in myBoltDB so we can add methods
a := myboltDB{db}
tables := a.listCommandsViaTables(queue.DeviceCommandBucket)
for _, table := range tables {
defer db.Close()
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