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Created November 11, 2016 14:33
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Makefile defaults file for generic Go projects (golang)
# Generic Go project makefile defaults file
# Usage:
# Renaming this file to "Makefile" and running "make" should just work.
# But you can also override one or more recipes:
# - Include this file with "include" as the first line of your custom Makefile
# - Define recipes using SRCDIR, GOROOT, GCFLAGS, LDFLAGS
# - Optionally you can:
# - Configure names of binaries, by setting the "BINS" variable before the "include" line
# (they are autodetected from cmd/* by default)
# - Override the default recipes. To call the defaults, use the "<recipe>.default" syntax.
# (non-existing recipes are tried with "<recipe>.default")
# Example:
# make PREFIX= DESTDIR=/tmp/project-name-build install
# PREFIX is mostly unused, it would be used to expose the installation path to installed files
# For now, running "make install" with PREFIX= is OK (as long as DESTDIR is set)
# For capistrano, it would be something like this:
# export DESTDIR=/tmp/project-name-build
# export REALPREFIX=/opt/go/project-name/production/releases/1478000000
# make PREFIX=$REALPREFIX build # Just build it
# make PREFIX= install # Install with PREFIX= so that we don't have /opt/go/... under $DESTDIR
# scp -R $DESTDIR/* user@host:$REALPREFIX/
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
GOROOT ?= /usr/local/go
ifeq ($(NOGIT),1)
GitSummary ?= Unknown
GitBranch ?= Unknown
GitSummary := $(shell ${GITFLAGS} git describe --tags --dirty --always)
GitBranch := $(shell ${GITFLAGS} git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)
# Determine commands by looking into cmd/*
COMMANDS ?= $(wildcard ${SRCDIR}/cmd/*)
# Determine binary names by stripping out the dir names
BINS ?= $(foreach cmd,${COMMANDS},$(notdir ${cmd}))
ifeq (${BINS},)
$(error Could not determine BINS, set SRCDIR or run in source dir)
LDFLAGS += -X main.GitSummary=${GitSummary} -X main.GitBranch=${GitBranch}
# This is the important part.
# If we're not already building a ".default" recipe, try to make <recipe>.default.
# If not, bail to avoid infinite recursion
$(if $(filter-out %.default,$@),@$(MAKE) -C ${SRCDIR} [email protected],$(error No rule to make target '$(subst .default,,$@)'))
default: all
# Fmt first, build later
$(MAKE) -C ${SRCDIR} fmt
$(MAKE) -C ${SRCDIR} build
# Run parallel builds in sub-make
find ${SRCDIR} ! -path "*/vendor/*" -type f -name '*.go' -exec ${GOROOT}/bin/gofmt -l -s -w {} \;
@$(foreach bin,${BINS},rm -vf ${SRCDIR}/${bin};)
mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/{bin,}
install.default: build installdirs
@$(foreach bin,${BINS},cp -vf ${SRCDIR}/${bin} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/;)
@$(foreach bin,${BINS},rm -vf ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${bin};)
.PHONY: all.default build.default fmt.default clean.default installdirs.default install.default uninstall.default
# Delete default suffixes and define .go
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