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Last active September 2, 2018 20:45
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parsing IPD data and formatting it, continued

Description of Workflow

Step 2: Use python file to parse the filtered output from part 1 (most likely the file named 'parsed_mhc_output.txt'). The python script uses argparse(), so it can be called from the commandline with one of the following options, but note that output is to STDOUT, so it will need to be redirected to a file.

  • exonList -> a text file with a comma separated list of exons

  • fastaExonList -> a fasta formatted list of exons

  • mergedFastaList -> a fasta formatted list of cDNA sequences

              import argparse
              import time
              def parsedAndCastRange(xList):
                  # requires: string in the format '1..5', returns [1,5] as list of ints
                  unparsedRangeAsList = xList.split('.')
                  parsedRange = list(filter(lambda x: x!= '', unparsedRangeAsList))
                  return [int(parsedRange[0]), int(parsedRange[1])]
              def parsedExonOutput(s):
                  retList = []
                  for i in s:
                      listOfValues = i
                      exonSeq = i[-1]
                      exon_ct = []
                      exon_ct_list = []
                      mxLen = len(listOfValues[3])
                      for j in listOfValues[3]:
                          exon_ct_list.append((j[1][0], j[1][1]))
                      # indexTransition = 0
                      indexTransition = 0
                      checkForIntron = 0
                      for x in range(0, mxLen, 1):
                          exonStartAndStop = exon_ct_list[x]
                          exonStart = exonStartAndStop[0]
                          if x == 0:
                              exonStart = exonStartAndStop[0] - 1
                          exonStop = exonStartAndStop[1] + 1
                          exonSequence = exonSeq[exonStart:exonStop]
                          indexTransition = exonStartAndStop[1]+1
                          r = str(listOfValues[0]) + ':' + str(exon_ct[x]) + ',' + exonSequence
                  return retList
              if __name__ == "__main__":
                  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='parser for MHC file from EMBL')
                  parser.add_argument('-f', '--filteredfile', help='filtered file from EMBL', required=True)
                  parser.add_argument('outputType', choices=['exonList', 'fastaExonList', 'mergedFastaList'], help='Type one of three output options without quotes: \'exonList\' outputs a list with Allele:exon,exonsequence ; \'fastaExonList\' outputs a fasta file split into exons ; \'mergedFastaList\' outputs a fasta file with the merged exons for each allele and the header name of the allele')
                  args = parser.parse_args()
                  alleleList = []
                  with open(args.filteredfile, 'r') as f:
                      s_id = ''
                      s_alleleID = ''
                      s_exonList = []
                      alleleExonRange = []
                      alleleExonSeq = []
                      exonSeqs = ''
                      exonCt = 1
                      seqFlag = False
                      for i in f:
                          i = i.rstrip('\r\n')
                          sLine = i.split(' ')
                          sLineList = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', sLine))
                          if i[0:3] == 'KW':
                              s_id = sLineList[1]
                          elif i[0:3] == 'ID':
                              s_alleleID = sLineList[1]
                          elif i[0:3] == 'FT':
                              if sLineList[1] == 'allele':
                                  alleleExonRange = parsedAndCastRange(sLineList[2])
                              elif sLineList[1] == 'exon':
                                  exonSeqRange = parsedAndCastRange(sLineList[2])
                                  exonN = 'exon' + str(exonCt)
                                  alleleExonSeq.append((exonN, exonSeqRange))
                                  exonCt += 1
                          elif i[0:3] == 'SQ':
                              seqFlag = True
                              if seqFlag:
                                  if i[0:2] == '##':
                                      # modify this as necessary.  It is unknown why python string indices 
                                      # are completely wacky--possibly something Bash does?
                                      # be advised you may need to change the range from 0:3 
                                      # or change the string range in the parsing above to 0:2 
                                      seqFlag = False
                                      alleleList.append([s_id, s_alleleID, alleleExonRange, alleleExonSeq, exonSeqs])
                                      alleleExonSeq = []
                                      exonCt = 1
                                      exonSeqs = ''
                                      s = ''.join(sLineList[:-1])
                                      exonSeqs += s
                  if args.outputType == 'exonList':
                      res = parsedExonOutput(alleleList)
                      for i in res:
                      if args.outputType == 'mergedFastaList':
                          for i in alleleList:
                              hString = '>' + str(i[0]) + ' ' + str(i[1])
                              seqString = str(i[-1])
                              print(hString + '\n' + seqString)
                          res = parsedExonOutput(alleleList)
                          for i in res:
                              iSplit = i.split(',')
                              hString = '>' + str(iSplit[0])
                              seqString = str(iSplit[1])
                              print(hString + '\n' + seqString)
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