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Last active October 7, 2018 19:00
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parsing IPD data and formatting it, continued

Description of Workflow

Step 3: Create a fasta file of exons that extends the window for mapping reads N base pairs in both directions, where N == the number of base pairs the for the sequencing length. For Illumina, this is usually 75 or 150.

  • Required parameters:
    • ntype -> the type of input, possible options are:
      • rna -> indicates that the input sequenced read data is from rna/cDNA (mutually exclusive with dna)
      • dna -> indicates that the input sequenced read data is from dna (mutually exclusive with rna, do not enter dna for cDNA data)
    • filteredfile -> the file containing the input sequenced reads that will be used. Must be in MHC.dat format
  • Other parameters:
    • flength -> the length of padding for the reads, the default is 75

              import argparse
              import time
              def parsedAndCastRange(xList):
                  # requires: string in the format '1..5', returns [1,5] as list of ints
                  unparsedRangeAsList = xList.split('.')
                  parsedRange = list(filter(lambda x: x!= '', unparsedRangeAsList))
                  return [int(parsedRange[0]), int(parsedRange[1])]
              def parsedExonOutput(s,idx):
                  fwdLen = idx
                  revLen = -1*idx
                  retList = []
                  retListExtended = []
                  for i in s:
                      listOfValues = i
                      exonSeq = i[-1]
                      exon_ct = []
                      exon_ct_list = []
                      mxLen = len(listOfValues[3])
                      for j in listOfValues[3]:
                          exon_ct_list.append((j[1][0], j[1][1]))
                      # indexTransition = 0
                      indexTransition = 0
                      checkForIntron = 0
                      eList = []
                      for x in range(0, mxLen, 1):
                          exonStartAndStop = exon_ct_list[x]
                          exonStart = exonStartAndStop[0]
                          if x == 0:
                              exonStart = exonStartAndStop[0] - 1
                          exonStop = exonStartAndStop[1] + 1
                          exonSequence = exonSeq[exonStart:exonStop]
                          indexTransition = exonStartAndStop[1]+1
                          # r = str(listOfValues[0]) + ':' + str(exon_ct[x]) + ',' + exonSequence
                          r = str(listOfValues[0]) + ':' + str(exon_ct[x])
                          eList.append((r, exonSequence))
                  for i in range(0, len(retList)):
                      iLength = len(retList[i])
                      seqIntAsString, seqStringList = zip(*retList[i])
                      stringOfAllSeqs = ''.join(seqStringList)
                      rList = []
                      for j in range(0, iLength):
                          currentStringFromList = seqStringList[j]
                          seqID = seqIntAsString[j]
                          if j == 0:
                              cLoc = len(currentStringFromList)
                              endLoc = cLoc + fwdLen
                              endLoc = endLoc - 1
                              paddedString = stringOfAllSeqs[0:endLoc]
                          elif j == iLength-1:
                              endString = seqStringList[j-1] + seqStringList[j]
                              paddedString_I = stringOfAllSeqs.find(endString) - fwdLen
                              startPos = paddedString_I - fwdLen
                              paddedStringIdx = stringOfAllSeqs.find(endString) + len(endString)
                              paddedStringIdx = paddedStringIdx
                              paddedString = stringOfAllSeqs[paddedString_I:paddedStringIdx]
                              paddedString_Ipos = stringOfAllSeqs.find(str(seqStringList[j-1]))
                              startCheck = paddedString_Ipos - fwdLen
                              fwdLenPadded = stringOfAllSeqs.find(str(seqStringList[j+1])) + fwdLen
                              if len(seqStringList[j+1]) < 10:
                                  endString = seqStringList[j-1] + seqStringList[j]
                                  fwdLenPadded = stringOfAllSeqs.find(endString) + len(endString) + fwdLen
                              # stopCheck = fwdLenPadded - len(stringOfAllSeqs)
                              startPos = startCheck
                              stopPos = fwdLenPadded
                              # scenario 1: fwdLen > strings before currentString
                              if startCheck < 0:
                                  startPos = 0
                              # scenario 2: fwdLen > strings after currentString
                              if fwdLenPadded > len(stringOfAllSeqs):
                                  stopPos = len(stringOfAllSeqs)
                                  # NOTE: this is a bit of a hack, and assumes all sequences after index 3 will have decreasing length
                                  # create a better one when not as sleepy
                              # scenario 3 pos(prevString) < fwdLen < pos(nextString): keep values unchanged
                              paddedString = stringOfAllSeqs[startPos:stopPos]
                  return retListExtended
              if __name__ == "__main__":
                  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='parser for MHC file from EMBL')
                  parser.add_argument('-f', '--filteredfile', help='filtered file from EMBL', required=True)
                  parser.add_argument('ntype', choices=['rna', 'dna'], help='Enter either \'rna\' for rna/cDNA input, or \'dna\' for dna input')
                  parser.add_argument('-i', '--flength', help='read length', required=True)
                  args = parser.parse_args()
                  alleleList = []
                  with open(args.filteredfile, 'r') as f:
                      s_id = ''
                      s_alleleID = ''
                      s_exonList = []
                      alleleExonRange = []
                      alleleExonSeq = []
                      exonSeqs = ''
                      exonCt = 1
                      seqFlag = False
                      for i in f:
                          i = i.rstrip('\r\n')
                          sLine = i.split(' ')
                          sLineList = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', sLine))
                          if i[0:2] == 'KW':
                              s_id = sLineList[1]
                          elif i[0:2] == 'ID':
                              s_alleleID = sLineList[1]
                          elif i[0:2] == 'FT':
                              if sLineList[1] == 'allele':
                                  alleleExonRange = parsedAndCastRange(sLineList[2])
                              elif sLineList[1] == 'exon':
                                  exonSeqRange = parsedAndCastRange(sLineList[2])
                                  exonN = 'exon' + str(exonCt)
                                  alleleExonSeq.append((exonN, exonSeqRange))
                                  exonCt += 1
                          elif i[0:2] == 'SQ':
                              seqFlag = True
                              if seqFlag:
                                  if i[0:2] == '//':
                                      seqFlag = False
                                      alleleList.append([s_id, s_alleleID, alleleExonRange, alleleExonSeq, exonSeqs])
                                      alleleExonSeq = []
                                      exonCt = 1
                                      exonSeqs = ''
                                      s = ''.join(sLineList[:-1])
                                      exonSeqs += s
                  if args.outputType == 'exonList':
                      res = parsedExonOutput(alleleList, args.flength)
                      for i in res:
                      res = parsedExonOutput(alleleList, args.flength)
                      for i in res:
                          for j in i:
                              n = i[0]
                              v = i[1]
                              hString = '>' + str(n)
                              seqString = str(v)
                              print(hString + '\n' + seqString)
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