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Created April 17, 2023 16:27
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  1. Do you identify with people who suffer from mental illness? Why?
  2. Have you ever experienced discrimination? How did you feel in that moment?
  3. How do vou measure one's potential? Are aptitude tests effective?
  4. How do you find fulfillment?
  5. How do you love?
  6. Imagine yourself in the future. What will your greatest life accomplishment be?
  7. In there anything too serious to be joked about?
  8. Is zero-waste or sustainable consumption ableist? Why or why not?
  9. Name one thing that makes you nervous or uncomfortable and explain why.
  10. What is one thing you'd change about the way you were raised?
  11. What makes you unique?
  12. When was the last time you cried? What was it about?


  1. Can violence ever be justified? In what circumstances?
  2. Describe one time you've judged someone based on a perceived difference.
  3. Do you have empathy for those who commit suicide? Why or why not?
  4. How does one's school environment affect their education?
  5. Is higher education a right or a privilege? Why or why not?
  6. What does "perfect" mean to you?
  7. What does a "life well lived" mean to you?
  8. What is guaranteed to bring you happiness?


  1. _____ always makes me laugh because ____.
  2. Choose one: time travel or eternal youth. Why?
  3. How do you stay informed and why do you choose those sources?
  4. How does singing make you feel?
  5. I wish I could share ____ with human kind.
  6. If you could pick anvone (dead or alive), who would you shadow for a day?
  7. Name three things you are grateful for and why?
  8. Think of the 3 people you spend the most time with... what do they all have in common?
  9. What do you think you could become famous for?
  10. What foods remind you of home?
  11. What is something you pretend to know about, and why?
  12. What were the holidays like for you growing up?
  13. When do you feel most secure?
  14. When do you feel out of place?
  15. Who's someone from your childhood who shaped who you are today and why?
  16. Would you prefer to live the remainder of your life with a 30 year old mind or body?


  1. Are diversity quotas a problem or a necessity? Why?
  2. Choose one: time travel or eternal youth. Why?
  3. Describe a person you have difficulty connecting with. Why do you think that is?
  4. Do you think about your environmental footprint? Why or why not?
  5. Have you ever experienced a language or culture barrier? How did you work through it?
  6. How do you stay informed and why do you choose those sources?
  7. Is there a difference between inclusion and belonging?
  8. Share one positive characteristic about each person in this group.
  9. Think of the 3 people you spend the most time with... what do they all have in common?
  10. What are you willing to fight for and why?
  11. What cultural or moral values do you hold in high regard and why?
  12. What do you think you could become famous for?
  13. What does activism mean to you? Do you consider yourself an activist?
  14. What foods remind you of home?
  15. What influence does a historian have on society and the future?
  16. What is missing from the current standardized academic curriculum?
  17. What is something that triggers fear in you and how does your body respond to fear?
  18. What is something you pretend to know about, and why?
  19. What is the difference between appreciation and appropriation?
  20. What is the most important thing that was omitted from your education growing up?
  21. When should businesses have the right to refuse service to patrons?
  22. Where is the line between urban renewal and gentrification?
  23. Who writes history?
  24. Who's someone from your childhood who shaped who you are today and why?
  25. Would you prefer to live the remainder of your life with a 30 vear old mind or body?

Purple (Culture)

  1. Anything can be art: Describe the most beloved piece in your home right now. Why is it important to you?
  2. Choose five musicians from history to make your ultimate super group.
  3. Clothes for pets: cute, practical, annoying or other?
  4. Describe your dream vacation: destination, hotel, activities, and travel companions.
  5. Did older people in your life complain about the music you listened to as a youth? Was it justified?
  6. Do you prefer home-cooked meals, takeout or dining out?
  7. Do you remember when you realized it was unique to your region?
  8. Drawing, dancing, or dribbling down the soccer field... What's your favorite form of artistic expression?
  9. Evervone knows at least one: Tell us a joke!
  10. G.O.A.T. Greatest of all time. Who is one athlete that you respect or admire?
  11. Have you ever been to a drag performance? Why or why not?
  12. Holidavs are all about the food. What's your favorite holiday recipe and where did it come from?
  13. How many times have you read it?
  14. I gave my most epic karaoke performance singing ______.
  15. If there was a movie about your love life what would the genre be? Comedy, Drama, Action or... Horror?
  16. If you could see a concert from any musician, alive or dead, who would you see?
  17. If you could star in any reality show, which would it be?
  18. Image is everything: What's one magazine that influenced your sense of self growing up?
  19. Money's no object: Who's designing your red carpet outfit?
  20. No emails, texts or notifications.
  21. What artist would you most want to collaborate with?
  22. What book do you always return to?
  23. What brand did you beg your parents to buy you when you were younger?
  24. What celebrity couple is #relationshipgoals?
  25. What hobbies or activities kept you busy during quarantine?
  26. What is one cult classic or hidden gem that you're dying to tell us all about?
  27. What is one thing that you wear to automatically give you a boost of self confidence?
  28. What is one way social media has changed your life?
  29. What is the most amazing piece of technology that has been invented in your lifetime?
  30. What is the most memorable book or story from your childhood?
  31. What is your first memory of seeing a movie or play in a theater?
  32. What music do you play when you have someone over for the first time?
  33. What TV show have you watched start to finish more than once?
  34. What video game have you spent way too much time playing?
  35. What was the most memorable political moment of your lifetime?
  36. What was vour favorite cereal as a kid?
  37. What would you do with 24 guilt-free hours away from technology?
  38. What's a brand or trend you wish would make a comeback?
  39. What's a popular slang word in your hometown?
  40. What's a sports or Olympics moment in history you wish you could have experienced live?
  41. What's a TV show you loved growing up that you now feel is problematic or unrelatable?
  42. What's the one magazine you would always buy at the airport?
  43. What's vour fave sneaker? Aspirational, or currently in your rotation.
  44. What's your dream car? Make, model, features, the works.
  45. What's your favorite fast food guilty-pleasure and when's the last time you had it?
  46. What's your favorite movie soundtrack?
  47. What's your go-to recipe when you're cooking for a date?
  48. What's your most memorable food experience of all time? What was so special?
  49. What's your most recommended book or podcast?
  50. What's your zodiac sign, and do you feel like it resonates with you?
  51. Where do vintage clothes and antiques belong? Museums, landfills, or real life?
  52. Which brand have you supported for the longest? Why?
  53. Who is a celebrity you're sad you had to cancel?
  54. Who would score the soundtrack to the movie about your life?
  55. You are a superhero. What villain is the embodiment of your dark side?


  1. 3 privileges I'm grateful for are ____, ____ & ____.
  2. A personal bias l'm willing to acknowledge and working to change is ____.
  3. Are there any types of work you feel are immoral or unethical? What influences that view?
  4. Did you grow up with access to nature? What effect do you think it had on your childhood?
  5. Do you feel fully included in this country? What aspects make you feel like you belong and which do not?
  6. Do you know your neighbors? Tell us about them.
  7. Do you see any connection between a person's spirituality and their perception of human rights?
  8. Do you think some people in society want to live without traditional housing or the structures most of us rely on? Can society make space for those people?
  9. Do you think the media makes us more or less bigoted, polarized, or judgemental?
  10. Gun ownership: Protection, Right, Hobby, Survival, or Danger?
  11. Have protests and movements against police violence changed your views on racism, policing, or any other issues?
  12. Have you ever boycotted a brand? Did it create the intended effect?
  13. Have you ever considered the challenges experienced by those who identify as transgender or gender nonconforming?
  14. Have you ever experienced microaggressions, belittlement, or judgement? What happened?
  15. Have you ever experienced your body being objectified, sexualized, or commodified? If so, how did it make you feel?
  16. Have you ever gone hungry, or known someone who worried about paying for their next meal? How could we prevent food insecurity?
  17. Have you ever misgendered someone, or been misgendered? How did the other person respond when correcting you or being corrected?
  18. Have you experienced gaslighting? How did it make you feel?
  19. Have you or someone you know directly experienced financial insecurity? How was it handled?
  20. How comfortable do you feel sharing your background with others?
  21. How did the election, pandemic, and protests of 2020 impact your life?
  22. How diverse is your friend group, work place, or neighborhood? In what ways?
  23. How does fear relate to our biases and systemic imbalances?
  24. How does race, class and gender affect how laws are enforced?
  25. How important is it to be treated by a medical professional who identifies as the same gender or race as you?
  26. I will be a better ally to queer, transgender and gender non-conforming people by ____.
  27. If you had to list three basic human rights that all people deserve, what would they be?
  28. In what ways are gender norms present in our society? What are the long term effects?
  29. Is racial equity in our society important, impossible, or something else?
  30. Many people live with disabilities, seen and unseen. Do you know anyone who is disabled? What challenges do they face?
  31. Over your lifetime, how has your personal vocabulary describing those of different gender, sexuality, race or nationality evolved?
  32. Should people who have been convicted of committing a crime have the opportunity to have their rights restored? Why?
  33. Should schools teach kids about racism? How should it be explained?
  34. Taboos make things like sex, mental health and wealth difficult to discuss. In your circle, what is something taboo you wished you could speak openly about?
  35. They say sex work is the "oldest profession." Are there any sexual or romantic acts that should be legally bought, sold, and regulated?
  36. What do our prisons say about our society?
  37. What do you do in your everyday life to create safer space for marginalized communities?
  38. What does "empathy" mean to you?
  39. What effect do corporations have on the environment and public health? How should they be held accountable?
  40. What emotions do you most struggle with expressing? Joy, fear, anger, sadness or shame?
  41. What fears or traumas have you inherited from your parents or ancestors?
  42. What is one area in your life where you could show greater compassion for others?
  43. What is one social norm you would abolish if you could? Why?
  44. What is the connection between money and safety in our society?
  45. What is your direct life experience with unhoused people? How has it affected your behavior?
  46. What is your perception of immigration? Do you consider vourself an immigrant?
  47. What role should law enforcement play in society? What would you change?
  48. What substances should be legal, regulated, or criminalized? Explain your reasoning.
  49. What's the biggest step you've taken to reduce your environmental footprint in your daily life?
  50. When communicating with people from a different generation or background, do you do anything differently?
  51. When you see a police officer, what do you feel?
  52. Who is responsible for helping refugees, immigrants, and migrants?
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