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Last active February 7, 2025 14:35
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  • Save divinity76/85c01de416c541578342580997fa6acf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save divinity76/85c01de416c541578342580997fa6acf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
declare(strict_types = 1);
// require_once ('');
hhb_init ();
if ($argc !== 3) {
fprintf ( STDERR, "usage: %s timestamp url\n", $argv [0] );
fprintf ( STDERR, "example: %s 20091012061648\n", $argv [0] );
die ( 1 );
// var_dump($argc, $argv) & die();
$timestamp = $argv [1];
if (! preg_match ( '/^[1-9][0-9]+$/', ( string ) $timestamp )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( 'invalid timestamp! (failed regex validation /^[1-9][0-9]+$/ )' );
$timestamp = ( int ) $timestamp;
if (! filter_var ( $argv [2], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( 'invalid url! (failed FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ' );
$archive_url = '' . $timestamp . 'id_/';
define ( "ARCHIVE_URL", $archive_url );
$url = $argv [2]; //
$master_dir = parse_url ( $url ) ['host'];
define ( "MASTER_DIR", $master_dir );
system ( "rm -rfv " . escapeshellarg ( $master_dir ) );
mkdir ( $master_dir );
chdir ( $master_dir );
makeShittyMasterRedirect ();
$downloaded = array ();
$to_download = array (
$total = 1;
$thus_far = 0;
$hc = new hhb_curl ( '', true );
$hc->setopt_array ( array (
) ); // sometimes lags for quite a bit, so account for that.
hhb_init ();
while ( ! empty ( $to_download ) ) {
reset ( $to_download );
$key = key ( $to_download );
$url = $raw_url = $to_download [$key];
unset ( $to_download [$key] );
++ $thus_far;
$file = absolute_url_to_filepath ( $raw_url );
$url = geturl ( $url );
$downloaded [] = $raw_url;
echo 'file: ' . $file . ' url: ' . $raw_url . '..' . PHP_EOL;
try {
$headers = implode ( " ", $hc->exec ( $url )->getResponseHeaders () );
} catch ( Exception $ex ) {
try {
$headers = implode ( " ", $hc->exec ( $url )->getResponseHeaders () );
} catch ( Exception $ex ) {
// sometimes connection fails for no good reason, and a retry (or 2) fixes it...
// here we give up and deliberately not catch the 3rd exception (if any)
$headers = implode ( " ", $hc->exec ( $url )->getResponseHeaders () );
// var_dump($headers) & die();
$response = $hc->getinfo ( CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE );
if ($response !== 200) {
// ...
fprintf ( STDERR, "warning: because http response code %d, ignoring url %s\n", $response, $url );
$html = $hc->getResponseBody ();
if (false !== stripos ( $headers, 'Content-Type: text/html' )) {
if (! $domd) {
// seriously malformed HTML, or not actually a HTML at all (like ico served with text/html content header... yes, that actually happened on )
} else {
foreach ( $domd->getElementsByTagName ( "*" ) as $ele ) {
if (! $ele->hasAttributes ()) {
$tmpname = "src";
$tmp = $ele->getAttribute ( $tmpname );
if (empty ( $tmp )) {
$tmpname = "href";
$tmp = $ele->getAttribute ( $tmpname );
if (empty ( $tmp )) {
$tmp = relative_to_absolute ( $tmp, $raw_url );
if (empty ( $tmp )) {
// unsupported url (like mailto: or javascript )
$ele->setAttribute ( $tmpname, absolute_to_relaitve ( $tmp, $raw_url ) );
if (in_array ( $tmp, $to_download, true )) {
// already queued to download
if (in_array ( $tmp, $downloaded, true )) {
// already downloaded.
echo 'adding ' . $tmp, PHP_EOL;
++ $total;
$to_download [] = $tmp;
$html = $domd->saveHTML ();
file_force_contents ( $file, $html );
echo ' done. (' . $thus_far . '/' . $total . ')', PHP_EOL;
function absolute_url_to_filepath(string $url): string {
$info = parse_url ( $url );
$uri = preg_replace ( '/[\\\\\\/]+/u', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/' . $info ['host'] . '/' . ($info ['path'] ?? '') );
// hhb_var_dump($uri, basename($uri));
if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === substr ( $uri, - 1 ) || empty ( basename ( $uri ) )) {
if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== substr ( $uri, - 1 )) {
$uri .= 'index.html';
// hhb_var_dump($uri);
return /* getcwd() . */
substr ( $uri, 1 );
function absolute_to_relaitve(string $absolute, string $source): string {
$absolute_ = $absolute;
$source_ = $source;
$source = parse_url ( $source );
$source = $source ['host'] . ((isset ( $source ['port'] )) ? (':' . $source ['port']) : '') . '/' . ($source ['path'] ?? ''); // . ($source['query'] ?? '');
$source = preg_replace ( '/[\\/]+/', '/', $source );
// hhb_var_dump($absolute, $source) & die();
$absolute = parse_url ( $absolute );
// hhb_var_dump($absolute, $source) & die();
$absolute = $absolute ['host'] . ((isset ( $absolute ['port'] )) ? (':' . $absolute ['port']) : '') . '/' . ($absolute ['path'] ?? '') . ($absolute ['query'] ?? '');
$absolute = preg_replace ( '/[\\/]+/', '/', $absolute );
// hhb_var_dump($absolute, $source) & die();
if (0 === strpos ( $absolute, $source )) {
$absolute = substr ( $absolute, strlen ( $source ) );
if (substr ( $absolute, - 1 ) === '/') {
// .........$absolute = substr ( $absolute, 0, - 1 );
} elseif (false === strpos ( $absolute, '.' ) || (false !== strpos ( $absolute, '/' ) && substr ( $absolute, - 1 ) !== '/' && false === strpos ( basename ( $absolute ), '.' ))) {
// for foo containing .. vs foo/ containing .. , makes a subtle but page-breaking difference
$absolute .= '/';
} else {
if (0 === stripos ( $absolute, MASTER_DIR . '/' )) {
// $absolute = substr ( $absolute, strlen ( MASTER_DIR ) + 1 );
$amt = substr_count ( $source, '/' );
$str = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $amt; ++ $i) {
$str .= '../';
if (false === strpos ( $absolute, '.' ) || (false !== strpos ( $absolute, '/' ) && substr ( $absolute, - 1 ) !== '/' && false === strpos ( basename ( $absolute ), '.' ))) {
// for foo containing .. vs foo/ containing .. , makes a subtle but page-breaking difference
if (substr ( $absolute, - 1 ) !== '/') {
$absolute .= '/';
$absolute = $str . $absolute;
// hhb_var_dump($absolute_, $absolute, $source, $source_) & (rand(2, 30) === 1 ? die() : 1);
return $absolute;
function relative_to_absolute(string $relative, string $source): string {
if (empty ( $relative )) {
return "";
$info = parse_url ( $relative );
$whitelist = array (
if (! empty ( $info ['scheme'] ) && ! in_array ( strtolower ( $info ['scheme'] ), $whitelist, true )) {
// like mailto: or tlf: or whatever, unsupported
return "";
if ($relative [0] === '#') {
return "";
if (false !== strpos ( $relative, '(' ) && false !== strpos ( $relative, ')' )) {
// PROBABLY javascript (otherwise these characters would be urlencoded to %whatever)
return "";
$sourceinfo = parse_url ( $source );
$relainfo = parse_url ( $relative );
$ret = '';
if (empty ( $relainfo ['host'] )) {
$ret = $sourceinfo ['host'] . dirname ( $sourceinfo ['path'] ?? '') . '/' . $relainfo ['path'];
$ret = explode ( "/", $ret );
for($i = 0, $count = count ( $ret ); $i < $count; ++ $i) {
if ($ret [$i] === '.') {
unset ( $ret [$i] );
$ret = implode ( '/', $ret );
goto again;
if ($ret [$i] === '..') {
unset ( $ret [$i] );
unset ( $ret [$i - 1] );
$ret = implode ( '/', $ret );
goto again;
$ret = implode ( '/', $ret );
$ret = preg_replace ( '/[\\/]+/', '/', $ret );
$ret = $sourceinfo ['scheme'] . '://' . $ret;
unset ( $i, $count );
} else {
$ret = ($relainfo ['host'] ?? $sourceinfo ['host']) . ((isset ( $relainfo ['port'] ) || isset ( $sourceinfo ['port'] )) ? (':' . ($relainfo ['port'] ?? $sourceinfo ['port'])) : '') . '/' . ($relainfo ['path'] ?? $sourceinfo ['path'] ?? '') . ($relainfo ['query'] ?? '');
$ret = preg_replace ( '/[\\/]+/', '/', $ret );
$ret = ($relainfo ['scheme'] ?? $sourceinfo ['scheme']) . '://' . $ret;
// hhb_var_dump($sourceinfo, $relainfo, $ret) & die(); //
return $ret;
function geturl(string $url): string {
return ARCHIVE_URL . $url;
function makeShittyMasterRedirect() {
$foo = MASTER_DIR . '/index.html';
$html = <<<HTML
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=$foo">
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.href = "$foo";
<title>Page Redirection</title>
<a href='$foo'>uhh, due to a bug, click here. this is a demo, ofc there is some bugs.</a>
file_put_contents ( 'index.html', $html );
function file_force_contents(string $filename, string $data, int $flags = 0) {
if (0 === strpos ( $filename, MASTER_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )) {
// $filename = substr ( $filename, strlen ( MASTER_DIR ) + 1 );
$tmp = dirname ( $filename );
if (! is_dir ( $tmp )) {
if (file_exists ( $tmp )) {
$tmpf = file_get_contents ( $tmp );
unlink ( $tmp );
mkdir ( $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 0777, TRUE );
file_put_contents ( $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.html', $tmpf );
} else {
mkdir ( $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 0777, TRUE );
return file_put_contents ( $filename, $data, $flags );
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
* enhanced var_dump
* @param mixed $mixed...
* @return void
function hhb_var_dump() {
// informative wrapper for var_dump
// <changelog>
// version 5 ( 1372510379573 )
// v5, fixed warnings on PHP < 5.0.2 (PHP_EOL not defined),
// also we can use xdebug_var_dump when available now. tested working with 5.0.0 to 5.5.0beta2 (thanks to and )
// and fixed a (corner-case) bug with "0" (empty() considders string("0") to be empty, this caused a bug in sourcecode analyze)
// v4, now (tries to) tell you the source code that lead to the variables
// v2, now compat with.. PHP5.0 + i think? tested down to 5.2.17 (previously only 5.4.0+ worked)
// </changelog>
// <settings>
$settings = array ();
$PHP_EOL = "\n";
if (defined ( 'PHP_EOL' )) { // for PHP >=5.0.2 ...
$settings ['debug_hhb_var_dump'] = false; // if true, may throw exceptions on errors..
$settings ['use_xdebug_var_dump'] = true; // try to use xdebug_var_dump (instead of var_dump) if available?
$settings ['analyze_sourcecode'] = true; // false to disable the source code analyze stuff.
// (it will fallback to making $settings['analyze_sourcecode']=false, if it fail to analyze the code, anyway..)
$settings ['hhb_var_dump_prepend'] = 'HHB_VAR_DUMP_START' . $PHP_EOL;
$settings ['hhb_var_dump_append'] = 'HHB_VAR_DUMP_END' . $PHP_EOL;
// </settings>
$settings ['use_xdebug_var_dump'] = ($settings ['use_xdebug_var_dump'] && is_callable ( "xdebug_var_dump" ));
$argv = func_get_args ();
$argc = count ( $argv, COUNT_NORMAL );
if (version_compare ( PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=' )) {
$bt = debug_backtrace ( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1 );
} else if (version_compare ( PHP_VERSION, '5.3.6', '>=' )) {
$bt = debug_backtrace ( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS );
} else if (version_compare ( PHP_VERSION, '5.2.5', '>=' )) {
$bt = debug_backtrace ( false );
} else {
$bt = debug_backtrace ();
$analyze_sourcecode = $settings ['analyze_sourcecode'];
// later, $analyze_sourcecode will be compared with $config['analyze_sourcecode']
// to determine if the reason was an error analyzing, or if it was disabled..
$bt = $bt [0];
// <analyzeSourceCode>
if ($analyze_sourcecode) {
$argvSourceCode = array (
0 => 'ignore [0]...'
try {
if (version_compare ( PHP_VERSION, '5.2.2', '<' )) {
throw new Exception ( "PHP version is <5.2.2 .. see token_get_all changelog.." );
$xsource = file_get_contents ( $bt ['file'] );
if (empty ( $xsource )) {
throw new Exception ( 'cant get the source of ' . $bt ['file'] );
$xsource .= "\n<" . '?' . 'php ignore_this_hhb_var_dump_workaround();'; // workaround, making sure that at least 1 token is an array, and has the $tok[2] >= line of hhb_var_dump
$xTokenArray = token_get_all ( $xsource );
// <trim$xTokenArray>
$tmpstr = '';
$tmpUnsetKeyArray = array ();
ForEach ( $xTokenArray as $xKey => $xToken ) {
if (is_array ( $xToken )) {
if (! array_key_exists ( 1, $xToken )) {
throw new LogicException ( 'Impossible situation? $xToken is_array, but does not have $xToken[1] ...' );
$tmpstr = trim ( $xToken [1] );
if (empty ( $tmpstr ) && $tmpstr !== '0' /*string("0") is considered "empty" -.-*/ ) {
$tmpUnsetKeyArray [] = $xKey;
switch ($xToken [0]) {
case T_COMMENT :
case T_DOC_COMMENT : // T_ML_COMMENT in PHP4 -.-
$tmpUnsetKeyArray [] = $xKey;
default :
} else if (is_string ( $xToken )) {
$tmpstr = trim ( $xToken );
if (empty ( $tmpstr ) && $tmpstr !== '0' /*string("0") is considered "empty" -.-*/ ) {
$tmpUnsetKeyArray [] = $xKey;
} else {
// should be unreachable..
// failed both is_array() and is_string() ???
throw new LogicException ( 'Impossible! $xToken fails both is_array() and is_string() !! .. ' );
ForEach ( $tmpUnsetKeyArray as $toUnset ) {
unset ( $xTokenArray [$toUnset] );
$xTokenArray = array_values ( $xTokenArray ); // fixing the keys..
// die(var_dump('die(var_dump(...)) in '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__,'before:',count(token_get_all($xsource),COUNT_NORMAL),'after',count($xTokenArray,COUNT_NORMAL)));
unset ( $tmpstr, $xKey, $xToken, $toUnset, $tmpUnsetKeyArray );
// </trim$xTokenArray>
$firstInterestingLineTokenKey = - 1;
$lastInterestingLineTokenKey = - 1;
// <find$lastInterestingLineTokenKey>
ForEach ( $xTokenArray as $xKey => $xToken ) {
if (! is_array ( $xToken ) || ! array_key_exists ( 2, $xToken ) || ! is_integer ( $xToken [2] ) || $xToken [2] < $bt ['line'])
$tmpkey = $xKey; // we don't got what we want yet..
while ( true ) {
if (! array_key_exists ( $tmpkey, $xTokenArray )) {
throw new Exception ( '1unable to find $lastInterestingLineTokenKey !' );
if ($xTokenArray [$tmpkey] === ';') {
// var_dump(__LINE__.":SUCCESS WITH",$tmpkey,$xTokenArray[$tmpkey]);
$lastInterestingLineTokenKey = $tmpkey;
// var_dump(__LINE__.":FAIL WITH ",$tmpkey,$xTokenArray[$tmpkey]);
// if $xTokenArray has >=PHP_INT_MAX keys, we don't want an infinite loop, do we? ;p
// i wonder how much memory that would require though.. over-engineering, err, time-wasting, ftw?
if ($tmpkey >= PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new Exception ( '2unable to find $lastIntperestingLineTokenKey ! (PHP_INT_MAX reached without finding ";"...)' );
++ $tmpkey;
if ($lastInterestingLineTokenKey <= - 1) {
throw new Exception ( '3unable to find $lastInterestingLineTokenKey !' );
unset ( $xKey, $xToken, $tmpkey );
// </find$lastInterestingLineTokenKey>
// <find$firstInterestingLineTokenKey>
// now work ourselves backwards from $lastInterestingLineTokenKey to the first token where $xTokenArray[$tmpi][1] == "hhb_var_dump"
// i doubt this is fool-proof but.. cant think of a better way (in userland, anyway) atm..
$tmpi = $lastInterestingLineTokenKey;
do {
if (array_key_exists ( $tmpi, $xTokenArray ) && is_array ( $xTokenArray [$tmpi] ) && array_key_exists ( 1, $xTokenArray [$tmpi] ) && is_string ( $xTokenArray [$tmpi] [1] ) && strcasecmp ( $xTokenArray [$tmpi] [1], $bt ['function'] ) === 0) {
// var_dump(__LINE__."SUCCESS WITH",$tmpi,$xTokenArray[$tmpi]);
if (! array_key_exists ( $tmpi + 2, $xTokenArray )) { // +2 because [0] is (or should be) "hhb_var_dump" and [1] is (or should be) "("
throw new Exception ( '1unable to find the $firstInterestingLineTokenKey...' );
$firstInterestingLineTokenKey = $tmpi + 2;
/* */
// var_dump(__LINE__."FAIL WITH ",$tmpi,$xTokenArray[$tmpi]);
-- $tmpi;
} while ( - 1 < $tmpi );
// die(var_dump('die(var_dump(...)) in '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__,$tmpi));
if ($firstInterestingLineTokenKey <= - 1) {
throw new Exception ( '2unable to find the $firstInterestingLineTokenKey...' );
unset ( $tmpi );
// Note: $lastInterestingLineTokeyKey is likely to contain more stuff than only the stuff we want..
// </find$firstInterestingLineTokenKey>
// <rebuildInterestingSourceCode>
// ok, now we have $firstInterestingLineTokenKey and $lastInterestingLineTokenKey....
$interestingTokensArray = array_slice ( $xTokenArray, $firstInterestingLineTokenKey, (($lastInterestingLineTokenKey - $firstInterestingLineTokenKey) + 1) );
unset ( $addUntil, $tmpi, $tmpstr, $tmpi, $argvsourcestr, $tmpkey, $xTokenKey, $xToken );
$addUntil = array ();
$tmpi = 0;
$tmpstr = "";
$tmpkey = "";
$argvsourcestr = "";
// $argvSourceCode[X]='source code..';
ForEach ( $interestingTokensArray as $xTokenKey => $xToken ) {
if (is_array ( $xToken )) {
$tmpstr = $xToken [1];
// var_dump($xToken[1]);
} else if (is_string ( $xToken )) {
$tmpstr = $xToken;
// var_dump($xToken);
} else {
/* should never reach this */
throw new LogicException ( 'Impossible situation? $xToken fails is_array() and fails is_string() ...' );
$argvsourcestr .= $tmpstr;
if ($xToken === '(') {
$addUntil [] = ')';
} else if ($xToken === '[') {
$addUntil [] = ']';
if ($xToken === ')' || $xToken === ']') {
if (false === ($tmpkey = array_search ( $xToken, $addUntil, false ))) {
$argvSourceCode [] = substr ( $argvsourcestr, 0, - 1 ); // -1 is to strip the ")"
if (count ( $argvSourceCode, COUNT_NORMAL ) - 1 === $argc) /*-1 because $argvSourceCode[0] is bullshit*/ {
/* We read em all! :D (.. i hope) */
/* else... oh crap */
throw new Exception ( 'failed to read source code of (what i think is) argv[' . count ( $argvSourceCode, COUNT_NORMAL ) . '] ! sorry..' );
unset ( $addUntil [$tmpkey] );
if (empty ( $addUntil ) && $xToken === ',') {
$argvSourceCode [] = substr ( $argvsourcestr, 0, - 1 ); // -1 is to strip the comma
$argvsourcestr = "";
// die(var_dump('die(var_dump(...)) in '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__,
// $firstInterestingLineTokenKey,$lastInterestingLineTokenKey,$interestingTokensArray,$tmpstr
// $argvSourceCode));
if (count ( $argvSourceCode, COUNT_NORMAL ) - 1 != $argc) /*-1 because $argvSourceCode[0] is bullshit*/ {
throw new Exception ( 'failed to read source code of all the arguments! (and idk which ones i missed)! sorry..' );
// </rebuildInterestingSourceCode>
} catch ( Exception $ex ) {
$argvSourceCode = array (); // clear it
// TODO: failed to read source code
// die("TODO N STUFF..".__FILE__.__LINE__);
$analyze_sourcecode = false; // ERROR..
if ($settings ['debug_hhb_var_dump']) {
throw $ex;
} else {
/* exception ignored, continue as normal without $analyze_sourcecode */
unset ( $xsource, $xToken, $xTokenArray, $firstInterestingLineTokenKey, $lastInterestingLineTokenKey, $xTokenKey, $tmpi, $tmpkey, $argvsourcestr );
// </analyzeSourceCode>
$msg = $settings ['hhb_var_dump_prepend'];
if ($analyze_sourcecode != $settings ['analyze_sourcecode']) {
$msg .= ' (PS: some error analyzing source code)' . $PHP_EOL;
$msg .= 'in "' . $bt ['file'] . '": on line "' . $bt ['line'] . '": ' . $argc . ' variable' . ($argc === 1 ? '' : 's') . $PHP_EOL; // because over-engineering ftw?
if ($analyze_sourcecode) {
$msg .= ' hhb_var_dump(';
$msg .= implode ( ",", array_slice ( $argvSourceCode, 1 ) ); // $argvSourceCode[0] is bullshit.
$msg .= ')' . $PHP_EOL;
// array_unshift($bt,$msg);
echo $msg;
$i = 0;
foreach ( $argv as &$val ) {
echo 'argv[' . ++ $i . ']';
if ($analyze_sourcecode) {
echo ' >>>' . $argvSourceCode [$i] . '<<<';
echo ':';
if ($settings ['use_xdebug_var_dump']) {
xdebug_var_dump ( $val );
} else {
var_dump ( $val );
echo $settings ['hhb_var_dump_append'];
// call_user_func_array("var_dump",$args);
* works like var_dump, but returns a string instead of priting it (ob_ based)
* @param mixed $args...
* @return string
function hhb_return_var_dump(): string // works like var_dump, but returns a string instead of printing it.
$args = func_get_args (); // for <5.3.0 support ...
ob_start ();
call_user_func_array ( 'var_dump', $args );
return ob_get_clean ();
* enables hhb_exception_handler and hhb_assert_handler and sets error_reporting to max
function hhb_init() {
static $firstrun = true;
if ($firstrun !== true) {
$firstrun = false;
error_reporting ( E_ALL );
set_error_handler ( "hhb_exception_error_handler" );
// ini_set("log_errors",'On');
// ini_set("display_errors",'On');
// ini_set("log_errors_max_len",'0');
// ini_set("error_prepend_string",'<error>');
// ini_set("error_append_string",'</error>'.PHP_EOL);
// ini_set("error_log",__DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'error_log.php.txt');
assert_options ( ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1 );
assert_options ( ASSERT_WARNING, 0 );
assert_options ( ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1 );
assert_options ( ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'hhb_assert_handler' );
function hhb_exception_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
if (! (error_reporting () & $errno)) {
// This error code is not included in error_reporting
throw new ErrorException ( $errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline );
function hhb_assert_handler($file, $line, $code, $desc = null) {
$errstr = 'Assertion failed at ' . $file . ':' . $line . ' ' . $desc . ' code: ' . $code;
throw new ErrorException ( $errstr, 0, 1, $file, $line );
class hhb_curl {
protected $curlh;
protected $curloptions = [ ];
protected $response_body_file_handle;
protected $response_headers_file_handle;
protected $request_body_file_handle;
protected $stderr_file_handle;
protected function truncateFileHandles() {
$trun = ftruncate ( $this->response_body_file_handle, 0 );
assert ( true === $trun );
$trun = ftruncate ( $this->response_headers_file_handle, 0 );
assert ( true === $trun );
// $trun = ftruncate ( $this->request_body_file_handle, 0 );
// assert ( true === $trun );
$trun = ftruncate ( $this->stderr_file_handle, 0 );
assert ( true === $trun );
return /*true*/;
* returns the internal curl handle
* its probably a bad idea to mess with it, you'll probably never want to use this function.
* @return resource_curl
public function _getCurlHandle()/*: curlresource*/ {
return $this->curlh;
* replace the internal curl handle with another one...
* its probably a bad idea. you'll probably never want to use this function.
* @param resource_curl $newcurl
* @param bool $closeold
* @throws InvalidArgumentsException
* @return void
public function _replaceCurl($newcurl, bool $closeold = true) {
if (! is_resource ( $newcurl )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException ( 'parameter 1 must be a curl resource!' );
if (get_resource_type ( $newcurl ) !== 'curl') {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException ( 'parameter 1 must be a curl resource!' );
if ($closeold) {
curl_close ( $this->curlh );
$this->curlh = $newcurl;
$this->_prepare_curl ();
* mimics curl_init, using hhb_curl::__construct
* @param string $url
* @param bool $insecureAndComfortableByDefault
* @return hhb_curl
public static function init(string $url = null, bool $insecureAndComfortableByDefault = false): hhb_curl {
return new hhb_curl ( $url, $insecureAndComfortableByDefault );
* @param string $url
* @param bool $insecureAndComfortableByDefault
* @throws RuntimeException
function __construct(string $url = null, bool $insecureAndComfortableByDefault = false) {
$this->curlh = curl_init ( '' ); // why empty string? PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: curl_init() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given
if (! $this->curlh) {
throw new RuntimeException ( 'curl_init failed!' );
if ($url !== null) {
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_URL, $url );
$fhandles = [ ];
$tmph = NULL;
for($i = 0; $i < 4; ++ $i) {
$tmph = tmpfile ();
if ($tmph === false) {
// for($ii = 0; $ii < $i; ++ $ii) {
// // @fclose($fhandles[$ii]);//yay, potentially overwriting last error to fuck your debugging efforts!
// }
throw new RuntimeException ( 'tmpfile() failed to create 4 file handles!' );
$fhandles [] = $tmph;
unset ( $tmph );
$this->response_body_file_handle = $fhandles [0]; // CURLOPT_FILE
$this->response_headers_file_handle = $fhandles [1]; // CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER
$this->request_body_file_handle = $fhandles [2]; // CURLOPT_INFILE
$this->stderr_file_handle = $fhandles [3]; // CURLOPT_STDERR
unset ( $fhandles );
$this->_prepare_curl ();
if ($insecureAndComfortableByDefault) {
$this->_setComfortableOptions ();
function __destruct() {
curl_close ( $this->curlh );
fclose ( $this->response_body_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_FILE
fclose ( $this->response_headers_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER
fclose ( $this->request_body_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_INFILE
fclose ( $this->stderr_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_STDERR
* sets some insecure, but comfortable settings..
* @return self
public function _setComfortableOptions(): self {
$this->setopt_array ( array (
CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE => "", // <<makes curl save/load cookies across requests..
CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // << makes curl post all supported encodings, gzip/deflate/etc, makes transfers faster
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'hhb_curl_php; curl/' . $this->version () ['version'] . ' (' . $this->version () ['host'] . '); php/' . PHP_VERSION
) ); //
return $this;
* curl_errno — Return the last error number
* @return int
public function errno(): int {
return curl_errno ( $this->curlh );
* curl_error — Return a string containing the last error
* @return string
public function error(): string {
return curl_error ( $this->curlh );
* curl_escape — URL encodes the given string
* @param string $str
* @return string
public function escape(string $str): string {
return curl_escape ( $this->curlh, $str );
* curl_unescape — Decodes the given URL encoded string
* @param string $str
* @return string
public function unescape(string $str): string {
return curl_unescape ( $this->curlh, $str );
* executes the curl request (curl_exec)
* @param string $url
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return self
public function exec(string $url = null): self {
$this->truncateFileHandles ();
// WARNING: some weird error where curl will fill up the file again with 00's when the file has been truncated
// until it is the same size as it was before truncating, then keep appending...
// hopefully this _prepare_curl() call will fix that.. (seen on debian 8 on btrfs with curl/7.38.0)
$this->_prepare_curl ();
if (is_string ( $url ) && strlen ( $url ) > 0) {
$this->setopt ( CURLOPT_URL, $url );
$ret = curl_exec ( $this->curlh );
if ($this->errno ()) {
throw new RuntimeException ( 'curl_exec failed. errno: ' . var_export ( $this->errno (), true ) . ' error: ' . var_export ( $this->error (), true ) );
return $this;
* Create a CURLFile object for use with CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS
* @param string $filename
* @param string $mimetype
* @param string $postname
* @return CURLFile
public function file_create(string $filename, string $mimetype = null, string $postname = null): CURLFile {
return curl_file_create ( $filename, $mimetype, $postname );
* Get information regarding the last transfer
* @param int $opt
* @return mixed
public function getinfo(int $opt) {
return curl_getinfo ( $this->curlh, $opt );
// pause is explicitly undocumented for now, but it pauses a running transfer
public function pause(int $bitmask): int {
return curl_pause ( $this->curlh, $bitmask );
* Reset all options
public function reset(): self {
curl_reset ( $this->curlh );
$this->curloptions = [ ];
$this->_prepare_curl ();
return $this;
* curl_setopt_array — Set multiple options for a cURL transfer
* @param array $options
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return self
public function setopt_array(array $options): self {
foreach ( $options as $option => $value ) {
$this->setopt ( $option, $value );
return $this;
* gets the last response body
* @return string
public function getResponseBody(): string {
return file_get_contents ( stream_get_meta_data ( $this->response_body_file_handle ) ['uri'] );
* returns the response headers of the last request (when auto-following Location-redirect, only the last headers are returned)
* @return string[]
public function getResponseHeaders(): array {
$text = file_get_contents ( stream_get_meta_data ( $this->response_headers_file_handle ) ['uri'] );
// ...
return $this->splitHeaders ( $text );
* gets the response headers of all the requets for the last execution (including any Location-redirect autofollow headers)
* @return string[][]
public function getResponsesHeaders(): array {
// var_dump($this->getStdErr());die();
$Cr = "\x0d";
$Lf = "\x0a";
$CrLf = "\x0d\x0a";
$stderr = $this->getStdErr ();
$responses = [ ];
while ( FALSE !== ($startPos = strpos ( $stderr, $Lf . '<' )) ) {
$stderr = substr ( $stderr, $startPos + strlen ( $Lf ) );
$endPos = strpos ( $stderr, $CrLf . "<\x20" . $CrLf );
if ($endPos === false) {
// ofc, curl has ths quirk where the specific message "* HTTP error before end of send, stop sending" gets appended with LF instead of the usual CRLF for other messages...
$endPos = strpos ( $stderr, $Lf . "<\x20" . $CrLf );
// var_dump(bin2hex(substr($stderr,279,30)),$endPos);die("HEX");
// var_dump($stderr,$endPos);die("PAIN");
assert ( $endPos !== FALSE ); // should always be more after this with CURLOPT_VERBOSE.. (connection left intact / connecton dropped /whatever)
$headers = substr ( $stderr, 0, $endPos );
// $headerscpy=$headers;
$stderr = substr ( $stderr, $endPos + strlen ( $CrLf . $CrLf ) );
$headers = preg_split ( "/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $headers ); // i can NOT explode($CrLf,$headers); because sometimes, in the middle of recieving headers, it will spout stuff like "\n* Added cookie reg_ext_ref="deleted" for domain, path /, expire 1457503459"
// if(strpos($headerscpy,"report-uri=")!==false){
// //var_dump($headerscpy);die("DIEDS");
// var_dump($headers);
// //var_dump($this->getStdErr());die("DIEDS");
// }
foreach ( $headers as $key => &$val ) {
$val = trim ( $val );
if (! strlen ( $val )) {
unset ( $headers [$key] );
if ($val [0] !== '<') {
// static $r=0;++$r;var_dump('removing',$val);if($r>1)die();
unset ( $headers [$key] ); // sometimes, in the middle of recieving headers, it will spout stuff like "\n* Added cookie reg_ext_ref="deleted" for domain, path /, expire 1457503459"
$val = trim ( substr ( $val, 1 ) );
unset ( $val ); // references can be scary..
$responses [] = $headers;
unset ( $headers, $key, $val, $endPos, $startPos );
return $responses;
// we COULD have a getResponsesCookies too...
* get last response cookies
* @return string[]
public function getResponseCookies(): array {
$headers = $this->getResponsesHeaders ();
$headers_merged = array ();
foreach ( $headers as $headers2 ) {
foreach ( $headers2 as $header ) {
$headers_merged [] = $header;
return $this->parseCookies ( $headers_merged );
// explicitly undocumented for now..
public function getRequestBody(): string {
return file_get_contents ( stream_get_meta_data ( $this->request_body_file_handle ) ['uri'] );
* return headers of last execution
* @return string[]
public function getRequestHeaders(): array {
$requestsHeaders = $this->getRequestsHeaders ();
$requestCount = count ( $requestsHeaders );
if ($requestCount === 0) {
return array ();
return $requestsHeaders [$requestCount - 1];
// array(0=>array(request1_headers),1=>array(requst2_headers),2=>array(request3_headers))~
* get last execution request headers
* @return string[]
public function getRequestsHeaders(): array {
$Cr = "\x0d";
$Lf = "\x0a";
$CrLf = "\x0d\x0a";
$stderr = $this->getStdErr ();
$requests = [ ];
while ( FALSE !== ($startPos = strpos ( $stderr, $Lf . '>' )) ) {
$stderr = substr ( $stderr, $startPos + strlen ( $Lf . '>' ) );
$endPos = strpos ( $stderr, $CrLf . $CrLf );
if ($endPos === false) {
// ofc, curl has ths quirk where the specific message "* HTTP error before end of send, stop sending" gets appended with LF instead of the usual CRLF for other messages...
$endPos = strpos ( $stderr, $Lf . $CrLf );
assert ( $endPos !== FALSE ); // should always be more after this with CURLOPT_VERBOSE.. (connection left intact / connecton dropped /whatever)
$headers = substr ( $stderr, 0, $endPos );
$stderr = substr ( $stderr, $endPos + strlen ( $CrLf . $CrLf ) );
$headers = explode ( $CrLf, $headers );
foreach ( $headers as $key => &$val ) {
$val = trim ( $val );
if (! strlen ( $val )) {
unset ( $headers [$key] );
unset ( $val ); // references can be scary..
$requests [] = $headers;
unset ( $headers, $key, $val, $endPos, $startPos );
return $requests;
* return last execution request cookies
* @return string[]
public function getRequestCookies(): array {
return $this->parseCookies ( $this->getRequestHeaders () );
* get everything curl wrote to stderr of the last execution
* @return string
public function getStdErr(): string {
return file_get_contents ( stream_get_meta_data ( $this->stderr_file_handle ) ['uri'] );
* alias of getResponseBody
* @return string
public function getStdOut(): string {
return $this->getResponseBody ();
protected function splitHeaders(string $headerstring): array {
$headers = preg_split ( "/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $headerstring );
foreach ( $headers as $key => $val ) {
if (! strlen ( trim ( $val ) )) {
unset ( $headers [$key] );
return $headers;
protected function parseCookies(array $headers): array {
$returnCookies = [ ];
$grabCookieName = function ($str, &$len) {
$len = 0;
$ret = "";
$i = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < strlen ( $str ); ++ $i) {
++ $len;
if ($str [$i] === ' ') {
if ($str [$i] === '=' || $str [$i] === ';') {
-- $len;
$ret .= $str [$i];
return urldecode ( $ret );
foreach ( $headers as $header ) {
// Set-Cookie: crlfcoookielol=crlf+is%0D%0A+and+newline+is+%0D%0A+and+semicolon+is%3B+and+not+sure+what+else
* Set-Cookie:ci_spill=a%3A4%3A%7Bs%3A10%3A%22session_id%22%3Bs%3A32%3A%22305d3d67b8016ca9661c3b032d4319df%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22ip_address%22%3Bs%3A14%3A%2285.164.158.128%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22user_agent%22%3Bs%3A109%3A%22Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+6.1%3B+WOW64%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F43.0.2357.132+Safari%2F537.36%22%3Bs%3A13%3A%22last_activity%22%3Bi%3A1436874639%3B%7Dcab1dd09f4eca466660e8a767856d013; expires=Tue, 14-Jul-2015 13:50:39 GMT; path=/
* Set-Cookie: sessionToken=abc123; Expires=Wed, 09 Jun 2021 10:18:14 GMT;
* //Cookie names cannot contain any of the following '=,; \t\r\n\013\014'
* //
if (stripos ( $header, "Set-Cookie:" ) !== 0) {
/* */
$header = trim ( substr ( $header, strlen ( "Set-Cookie:" ) ) );
$len = 0;
while ( strlen ( $header ) > 0 ) {
$cookiename = $grabCookieName ( $header, $len );
$returnCookies [$cookiename] = '';
$header = substr ( $header, $len );
if (strlen ( $header ) < 1) {
if ($header [0] === '=') {
$header = substr ( $header, 1 );
$thepos = strpos ( $header, ';' );
if ($thepos === false) { // last cookie in this Set-Cookie.
$returnCookies [$cookiename] = urldecode ( $header );
$returnCookies [$cookiename] = urldecode ( substr ( $header, 0, $thepos ) );
$header = trim ( substr ( $header, $thepos + 1 ) ); // also remove the ;
unset ( $header, $cookiename, $thepos );
return $returnCookies;
* Set an option for curl
* @param int $option
* @param mixed $value
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return self
public function setopt(int $option, $value): self {
switch ($option) {
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT change CURLOPT_VERBOSE. use getStdErr() instead. we are working around using CURLOPT_VERBOSE.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER. use getResponseBody() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_FILE. use getResponseBody() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER. use getResponseHeaders() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_INFILE. use setRequestBody() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_STDERR. use getStdErr() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you NOT use CURLOPT_HEADER. use getResponsesHeaders() instead. expect problems now. we are working around using CURLOPT_VERBOSE, which is, until the bug is fixed, is incompatible with CURLOPT_HEADER.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT. use getRequestHeaders() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
default :
return $this->_setopt ( $option, $value );
* @param int $option
* @param unknown $value
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return self
private function _setopt(int $option, $value): self {
$ret = curl_setopt ( $this->curlh, $option, $value );
if (! $ret) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'curl_setopt failed. errno: ' . $this->errno () . '. error: ' . $this->error () . '. option: ' . var_export ( $this->_curlopt_name ( $option ), true ) . ' (' . var_export ( $option, true ) . '). value: ' . var_export ( $value, true ) );
$this->curloptions [$option] = $value;
return $this;
* return an option previously given to setopt(_array)
* @param int $option
* @param bool $isset
* @return mixed|NULL
public function getopt(int $option, bool &$isset = NULL) {
if (array_key_exists ( $option, $this->curloptions )) {
$isset = true;
return $this->curloptions [$option];
} else {
$isset = false;
return NULL;
* return a string representation of the given curl error code
* (ps, most of the time you'll probably want to use error() instead of strerror())
* @param int $errornum
* @return string
public function strerror(int $errornum): string {
return curl_strerror ( $errornum );
* gets cURL version information
* @param int $age
* @return array
public function version(int $age = CURLVERSION_NOW): array {
return curl_version ( $age );
private function _prepare_curl() {
$this->truncateFileHandles ();
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_FILE, $this->response_body_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_FILE
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, $this->response_headers_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_INFILE, $this->request_body_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_INFILE
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_STDERR, $this->stderr_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_STDERR
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true );
* gets the constants name of the given curl options
* useful for error messages (instead of "FAILED TO SET CURLOPT 21387" , you can say "FAILED TO SET CURLOPT_VERBOSE" )
* @param int $option
* @return mixed|boolean
public function _curlopt_name(int $option)/*:mixed(string|false)*/{
// thanks to TML for the get_defined_constants trick..
// <TML> If you had some specific reason for doing it with your current approach (which is, to me, approaching the problem completely backwards - "I dug a hole! How do I get out!"), it seems that your entire function there could be replaced with: return array_flip(get_defined_constants(true)['curl']);
$curldefs = array_flip ( get_defined_constants ( true ) ['curl'] );
if (isset ( $curldefs [$option] )) {
return $curldefs [$option];
} else {
return false;
* gets the constant number of the given constant name
* (what was i thinking!?)
* @param string $option
* @return int|boolean
public function _curlopt_number(string $option)/*:mixed(int|false)*/{
// thanks to TML for the get_defined_constants trick..
$curldefs = get_defined_constants ( true ) ['curl'];
if (isset ( $curldefs [$option] )) {
return $curldefs [$option];
} else {
return false;
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dualaudi commented Mar 5, 2018

I keep getting an error on line 5 - Uncaught ErrorException: Undefined variable: argc. Sent you an email to see if you could help with that.

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@dualaudi this code was written to run in cli, not behind a web server. in cli mode, php defines $argc and $argv, the argument count and array of arguments given to the script in the command line execution,

but php scripts started from behind a web servers doesn't have $argc / $argv , thus the undefined variable error.

you really shouldn't try to run this from a web server anyway, they have gateway timeout problems, max page load time problems, script max execution time problems, memory limit problems,
and probably several other things that can go wrong, which won't happen in cli mode.

if you're on windows, you can download the cli version of PHP here
if you're on linux, it's probably in your distro's package manager (eg "apt install php-cli" in ubuntu),
and if you're on mac, it's in MacPorts, Liip, Flink, and Homebrew, or you can even compile it yourself, see

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Hi @divinity76, how we can use the script? how we can pass the url??? another parameters?? bulk download??

thanks for your help

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I can't find this on Homebrew. Any hints as to what the name is there?

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enkrdn commented Dec 3, 2021

I just used this today and it worked great! Thank you!

PS I found this from SU

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I am getting this error:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /home/konstantin/Documents/wayback_downloader_php/archivedl.php:698
Stack trace:
#0 /home/konstantin/Documents/wayback_downloader_php/archivedl.php(36): hhb_curl->__construct('', true)
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home/konstantin/Documents/wayback_downloader_php/archivedl.php on line 698

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skyrider commented Oct 22, 2022

Alright @divinity76 ... I'm square in the middle of making this work, but when I started reading some of your in-code comments I literally went and reset my forgotten github password and logged in specifically and solely to tell you that you're a hell of a programmer.

My first run at this, it started straying off into a bunch of other sites. Once I get that sorted out (another day) I have some really good feelings about how your program is gonna fit into my life. Rock on.

P.S. Hey @Krebrov001 - you need to install curl. this should do the trick: apt-get install php-curl
... if you're like me, you might also get a "Class 'DOMDocument' not found" error, in which case you'll also need to apt-get install php-xml

P.P.S. One last note... return curl_version ( $age ); is causing problems in the latest versions of php and what-not. Deleting the "$age" and just calling the function empty solves that.

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Can someone tell me which version of PHP this works best with? I'm getting various errors

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lennardv2 commented Jun 1, 2023

In case it's helpful to anyone, I've created a fork to ensure compatibility with PHP 8.2.

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Hi, I'm getting this error, any idea what I'm doing wrong?

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ErrorException: Undefined array key "path" in /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php:201
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php(201): hhb_exception_error_handler(2, 'Undefined array...', '/Users/virginie...', 201)
#1 /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php(94): relative_to_absolute('?provenance=wis...', 'https://www.pla...')
#2 {main}
  thrown in /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php on line 201

Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Undefined array key "path" in /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php:201
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php(201): hhb_exception_error_handler(2, 'Undefined array...', '/Users/virginie...', 201)
#1 /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php(94): relative_to_absolute('?provenance=wis...', 'https://www.pla...')
#2 {main}
  thrown in /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php on line 201

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