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Created September 12, 2011 00:03
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Introducing Test::Unit

Test::Unit is the fundamental testing library built into Ruby. It has a very light syntax but can be used to test systems of any complexity. Most recently, in Ruby 1.9, it has been reimplemented on top of the MiniTest library. But we'll check out Test::Unit as it exists in Ruby 1.8.

Concepts of Testing

Software testing is a complex art. Let's lay some of the groundwork:

Approaches to Testing

There are three primary approaches to testing code:

  1. Test-After: The code is designed and implemented first, then tests are used to ensure correct functionality.
  2. Test-First: The code is designed, then the tests are written, then the code is implemented so the tests pass.
  3. Test-Driven: The tests are written first, then the code is designed, then implemented until the tests pass.

In our examples we'll be using the Test-After approach as it best mimics your development process


In this tutorial we'll work with code that's already expected to work properly. We'll write tests that exercise and validate functionality. So our cycle will be:

  1. Write test
  2. Run test
  3. If test passes, move on.
  4. If it fails either:
  • Correct the test
  • Note the inconsistency/error in the implementation
  1. Return to step 1

Basic Test Outline

One advantage of using the Test::Unit framework is that there isn't much to it. We only need a few tools to make things go.


The library is part of the Ruby standard library, so the only thing you need to do to use it is require the library:

require 'test/unit'

Then we can write a collection of tests in a class like this:

class TestSample < Test::Unit::TestCase

The class will inherit from Test::Unit::TestCase, so we have access to all the built-in Test::Unit assertions and other methods.

Test Methods

Then within that class we'll write individual methods as our test scenarios:

def test_hello


The things to note are:

  • We write normal Ruby instance methods
  • The name of the method must start with test_

Within the tests we can run any normal Ruby code, create objects, access and manipulate data, then run...


Assertions are the meat of a test. Assertions determine weather the test passes or fails.

The most basic assertion is the assert method. For instance:

def test_hello
  assert("hello".class == String)

If the contained expression is true, the test passes. If it's false or raises an exception, the test fails.

Beyond assert

Though assert can be used to test just about anything, there are many other assertions that can be more convenient. For instance, the above example could be rewritten using assert_instance_of:

def test_hello
  assert_instance_of(String, "hello")

Experienced Rubyists will leave off the parentheses to get a more sentence-like flow:

def test_hello
  assert_instance_of String, "hello"

Other Assertions

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the assertions you'll commonly use:

  • assert(boolean,[msg]) : Ensures that the object/expression is true.
  • assert_equal(obj1, obj2, [msg]) : Ensures that obj1 == obj2 is true.
  • assert_not_equal(obj1, obj2, [msg]) : Ensures that obj1 == obj2 is false.
  • assert_in_delta(expecting, actual, delta, [msg]) : Ensures that the numbers expecting and actual are within delta of each other.
  • assert_instance_of(class, obj, [msg]) : Ensures that obj is of the class type.
  • assert_kind_of(class, obj, [msg]) : Ensures that obj is or descends from class.
  • assert_match(regexp, string, [msg]) : Ensures that a string matches the regular expression.
  • assert_no_match(regexp, string, [msg]) : Ensures that a string doesn’t matches the regular expression.
  • assert_nil(obj, [msg]) : Ensures that obj.nil? is true.
  • assert_not_nil(obj, [msg]) : Ensures that obj.nil? is false.
  • assert_raise(except1, except2, ...) { block } : Ensures that the given block raises one of the given exceptions.
  • assert_nothing_raised(exception1, ...) { block } : Ensures that the given block doesn’t raise one of the given exceptions.
  • assert_respond_to(obj, symbol, [msg]) : Ensures that obj has a method called symbol.

Setup & Teardown

Tests frequently need to setup data at the beginning. Rather than repeating your initialization code in every test we write a setup method:

class TestSample < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def setup
    @sample_data = "My sample data"
  def test_hello
    assert_instance_of String, @sample_data

The most important thing to note is that the setup method is executed before each test. So if it does something that takes significant time or computation it'll slow down every test.

On the other end of the test is the teardown method which will be run after each test.


Let's put it into practice. We'll use the JSAttend project already developed as our muse.


In the same project directory as JSAttend, let's create a folder named test and a file within that folder named jsattend_test.rb

Open that file and add this frame:

require "test/unit"

class JSAttendTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_truth

The test_truth method is obviously silly, it's just to check that things are working ok on your system. Open a command prompt window and move to your project directory, then execute the test:

ruby test/jsattend_test.rb

You should then see this output:

Loaded suite test/jsattend_test
Finished in 0.000172 seconds.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Now you're ready to start testing!


Write tests that exercise the following functionality:

  • Ensure that the clean_phone_number method:
    • removes periods
    • removes hyphens
    • returns a string made up of only digits when given digits with many symbols
    • returns the invalid phone number marker when given a 12 digit number
    • returns the invalid phone number marker when given a 9 digit number
    • returns the number as-is when given a 10 digit number
    • chops the leading one off an 11 digit number starting with a one
    • returns the invalid phone number marker when give an 11 digit number that starts with something other than a one
    • does not raise an exception with passed nil (Requires new application code)
    • returns the invalid phone number marker when passed nil (Requires new application code)
  • Ensure that the clean_zipcode method:
    • does not change a five digit zipcode
    • pads a four digit input with a leading zero
    • pads a three digit input with a leading zero
    • does not raise an exception with passed nil
    • returns the invalid zipcode marker when passed nil
  • Ensure that the csv_file method:
    • Returns a FasterCSV instance
    • Starts at the beginning of the file, ie: has the lineno attribute set to zero
  • Ensure that the .new method:
    • Raises an Errno::ENOENT exception when given a filename that doesn't exist
    • Does not raise an error when given a valid filename
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