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Created August 3, 2014 18:21
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Optimal Sample Allocation in case of non-response
# Optimal Sample Allocation in case of non-response
# 3D Scatterplot
registerDoMC(cores = detectCores())
# Expected variance
exp.var <- function(n, N, S = rep(1, length(N)), R = rep(1, length(N))) {
m <- n * R
sum(N^2 * (1 - m / N) * S^2 / m)
# Optimal allocation with linear equation system
ROSA <- function(n, N, S = rep(1, length(N)), R = rep(1, length(N))) {
H <- length(N)
NS <- N * S
m <- rep(1, H) %o% sqrt(R)
diag(m) <- diag(m) * (1 - sum(NS) / NS)
m[H, ] <- 1
b <- c(rep(0, H-1), n)
return(solve(m, b))
n <- 30
N <- c(100, 200)
S <- c(.2, .8)
R <- c(.2, .8)
# Neyman allocation
n_NA <- n * N * S / sum(N * S)
n_opt <- n * N * S / sqrt(R) / sum(N * S / sqrt(R))
ROSA(n = n, N = N, S = S, R = R)
exp.var(n_NA, N, S, R)
exp.var(n_opt, N, S, R)
# 2 strata ####
test.alloc <- function(n, N, S = rep(1, length(N)), R = rep(1, length(N))) {
n_NA <- n * N * S / sum(N * S)
n_o1 <- n * N * S / R / sum(N * S / R)
n_o2 <- n * N * S / sqrt(R) / sum(N * S / sqrt(R))
n_NA <- round(n_NA)
n_o1 <- round(n_o1)
n_o2 <- round(n_o2)
n1 <- 1:(n-1)
v <- sapply(n1, function(x) exp.var(n = c(x, n-x), N = N, S = S, R = R))
cat("Neym Allocation:", n_NA,
"variance:", exp.var(n_NA, N, S, R), "\n")
cat("Opt1 Allocation:", n_o1,
"variance:", exp.var(n_o1, N, S, R), "\n")
cat("Opt2 Allocation:", n_o2,
"variance:", exp.var(n_o2, N, S, R), "\n")
n1_oX <- n1[v == min(v)]
n_oX <- c(n1_oX, n - n1_oX)
cat("OptX Allocation:", n_oX,
"variance:", exp.var(n_oX, N, S, R), "\n")
qplot(n1, v, geom = "line") +
geom_point(colour = 1 + as.integer(v == min(v))) +
geom_vline(xintercept = n_NA[1], colour = "green") +
geom_vline(xintercept = n_o1[1], colour = "blue") +
geom_vline(xintercept = n_o2[1], colour = "red") +
geom_vline(xintercept = n_oX[1], colour = "red", linetype = "dashed") +
test.alloc(n = 50, N = c(100, 200))
test.alloc(n = 50, N = c(100, 200), S = c(.1, .2))
test.alloc(n = 50, N = c(100, 200), R = c(.2, .8))
test.alloc(n = 50, N = c(100, 200), R = c(.4, .6))
test.alloc(n = 50, N = c(100, 200), R = c(.5, 1))
test.alloc(n = 100, N = c(1000, 2000), S = c(.1, .2), R = c(.1, .9))
test.alloc(n = 100, N = c(1000, 2000), S = c(.1, .5), R = c(.1, .9))
test.alloc(n = 100, N = c(1000, 2000), S = c(.1, .9), R = c(.1, .9))
test.alloc(n = 100, N = c(1000, 2000), S = c(.1, .2), R = c(.9, .1))
test.alloc(n = 100, N = c(1000, 2000), S = c(.1, .5), R = c(.9, .1))
# 3 strata ####
test.alloc.3 <- function(n, N, S = rep(1, length(N)), R = rep(1, length(N))) {
n_NA <- round(n * N * S / sum(N * S))
n_o1 <- round(n * N * S / R / sum(N * S / R))
n_o2 <- round(n * N * S / sqrt(R) / sum(N * S / sqrt(R)))
df <- foreach(n1 = 1:(n-1), .combine = "rbind") %:%
foreach(n2 = 1:(n-1), .combine = "rbind") %:% when(n1 + n2 < n) %dopar% {
n3 <- n - n1 - n2
v <- exp.var(n = c(n1, n2, n3), N = N, S = S, R = R)
data.frame(n1 = n1, n2 = n2, n3 = n3, v = v)
cat("Neym Allocation:", n_NA,
"variance:", exp.var(n_NA, N, S, R), "\n")
cat("Opt1 Allocation:", n_o1,
"variance:", exp.var(n_o1, N, S, R), "\n")
cat("Opt2 Allocation:", n_o2,
"variance:", exp.var(n_o2, N, S, R), "\n")
n_oX <- as.numeric(df[df$v == min(df$v), 1:3])
cat("OptX Allocation:", n_oX,
"variance:", exp.var(n_oX, N, S, R), "\n")
# scatterplot3d(df$n1, df$n2, df$v)
plot3d(df$n1, df$n2, df$v, col="red", size=3)
test.alloc.3(n = 50, N = c(100, 200, 300))
test.alloc.3(n = 50, N = c(100, 200, 300), S = c(.1, .2, .3))
test.alloc.3(n = 50, N = c(100, 200, 300), R = c(.2, .8, .5))
test.alloc.3(n = 50, N = c(100, 200, 300), R = c(.4, .6, .9))
test.alloc.3(n = 50, N = c(100, 200, 300), R = c(.5, 1, .2))
test.alloc.3(n = 100, N = c(100, 200, 300), S = c(.1, .2, .3),
R = c(.1, .9, .5))
test.alloc.3(n = 100, N = c(100, 200, 300), S = c(.1, .5, .9),
R = c(.1, .9, .5))
test.alloc.3(n = 100, N = c(100, 200, 300), S = c(.1, .9, .9),
R = c(.1, .9, .5))
test.alloc.3(n = 100, N = c(100, 200, 300), S = c(.1, .2, .3),
R = c(.9, .5, .1))
test.alloc.3(n = 100, N = c(100, 200, 300), S = c(.1, .5, .9),
R = c(.9, .5, .1))
test.alloc.3(n = 100, N = c(100, 200, 300), S = c(.7, .8, .9),
R = c(.9, .5, .1))
test.alloc.3(n = 100, N = c(100, 200, 300), S = c(.9, .9, .9),
R = c(.6, .5, .4))
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