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Last active April 27, 2017 20:45
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example how to render SharePoint List to App, es5
paths: {
ramda: '../Scripts/vendor/ramda.min',
jquery: '../Scripts/vendor/jquery-1.12.4.min',
require(['ramda', 'jquery'], function (R, $) {
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json; odata=verbose',
'Content-Type': 'application/json; odata=verbose'
// listFields :: a -> b
var listFields = function (url) {
return url + '/items?$select=Id,Title,URL&$expand=&$skiptoken=';
// side effects
var Impure = {
getList: R.curry(function (callback, url) {
return $.get(url, function (data, status) {
callback({ data: data, status: status });
setHtml: R.curry(function (sel, html) {
return $(sel).html(html)
listUrl: function (name) {
return window['_spPageContextInfo'].webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('" + name + "')";
// ul :: string -> jqueryDOM
var ul = function (content) {
return $('<ul>' + content + '</ul>');
// li :: string -> string
var li = function (url) {
return '<li><a target="_blank" href=' + url.Url + '>' + url.Description + '</a></li>';
// safePath :: a[] -> b
var safePath = function (path) {
return path != null ? path : [];
// url :: string -> string
var url = R.compose(listFields, Impure.listUrl)
// extractLinks :: a -> b[]
var extractLinks = R.compose('URL')), safePath, R.path(['data', 'd', 'results']));
// renderLinks :: a[] -> ~ html
var renderLinks = R.compose(Impure.setHtml('#want-to-app .content'), ul, R.join(''),, extractLinks)
// app :: string -> (a -> b)
var app = R.compose(Impure.getList(renderLinks), url);
// start app with list name
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