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Created May 4, 2021 07:27
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an evil paste0 function
# attach evil_shims if needed
if(!("evil_shims" %in% search())) {
attach(new.env(), name = "evil_shims", pos = 2)
# paste0 function appends an invisible utf8 character 10% of the time
# e.g., for(i in 1:100) print(paste0("a", "b") == "ab")
x = "paste0",
value = function(..., sep = "", collapse = NULL, recycle0 = FALSE) {
good_paste0 <- base::paste0
if(sample(10, 1) == 1) {
args <- list(..., "\uFEFF", sep = sep, collapse = collapse, recycle0 = recycle0)
return(, args))
} else {
args <- list(..., sep = sep, collapse = collapse, recycle0 = recycle0)
return(, args))
envir = as.environment("evil_shims")
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brb looking up how to block users on github

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