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Created May 5, 2022 23:58
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Reset forgotten Flipper Zero PIN

Reset Forgotten FZ PIN

:: Last updated May 5th 2022. ::

First method

  • Plug your device in to a PC and open qFlipper.
  • On the device, hold LEFT and BACK simultaneously for 2 seconds.
  • Release BACK first, then wait until the LED becomes blue to release LEFT.
  • In qFlipper settings (Wrench icon), set Firmware Update Channel to "Development."
  • If you see a blue "REPAIR" button and the text "Dev XXXXXXXX" (With X being a random character) click the repair button.
  • Accept the confirmation prompt.
  • Wait for device to update (Progress may appear to be stalled, but keep waiting until it is complete!)
  • If NOTHING happens for 5+ minutes, leave the device plugged in and ask for help in the Discord.
  • Once successful, go back to settings, set update channel to "Release," and install normally.

The PIN should now be removed!

Second method

If the first method didn't work, try it again with the following changes:

  • Download this file and save it to your PC.
  • Instead of repairing from dev, click "Install from file" and open the file you just downloaded.
  • Continue with the rest of the first method steps.

I hope the PIN is removed now, right?

Third method

It's not removed? Yikes.
At this point, I'd advise asking for help in their Discord.

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still saving people 2 years later thanks

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It not connecting with qFlipper and CLI (Don't see Flipper as device in locked mode)

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